Qiu Yin led his troops to line up, and Nezha also came on the Hot Wheels, holding a pointed gun.

"I am Li Nezha, the nephew of Prime Minister Jiang, that's right! That person in front, is Zhang Guifang who knows his name?" Nezha sized Qiu Yin up.

"No! I am the mighty general Qiu Yin!" Qiu Yin shook his head and said.

"Then you go back, I will spare your life!" Nezha said proudly.

"Whose child are you? You should hurry home! I won't kill children!" Qiu Yin smiled instead of anger.

"Damn it, you're courting death!" Nezha was furious, and shot towards him. Qiu Yin laughed and patted his horse to meet him.

The two fought back and forth for hundreds of rounds, Nezha was so powerful that Qiu Yin was gradually defeated.

Seeing that he was about to lose, Qiu Yin emitted a white light from his head, and a red bead appeared in the white light, and he wanted to suck Nezha's soul.

Unexpectedly, Nezha is the incarnation of a lotus flower, and has no soul to suck at all, so he immediately threw the Qiankun circle and hit Qiu Yin on the shoulder.

Qiu Yin screamed and fell off the horse.

"It's just a matter of dedicating your head to my Uncle Jiang!" Nezha laughed and stepped forward happily, ready to accept Qiu Yin's head.

However, at this moment, Qiu Yin transformed into a giant earthworm, opened his mouth and sprayed yellow sand, Nezha was surprised, unexpectedly this person could change, after all, he turned and ran away subconsciously.

"Kill me!" Qiu Yin yelled, and the soldiers rushed up immediately. Zhou Jiang saw Qiu Yin's transformed giant earthworm spit out yellow sand, and all of them went limp from fright.

Immediately, the Yin and Shang soldiers were like tigers like sheep, killing all directions!

Jiang Ziya's face turned blue with anger, Nima, is this the person sent by the senior brother?Run away after being scared?

Jiang Ziya hurriedly asked people to withdraw their troops, but when the city gate was closed, Xiqi soldiers lost more than ten thousand.

Xiqi... was defeated again!

In the prime minister's mansion, all the generals were frowning. They rebelled just now, and they were defeated again and again?

"Uncle, it's Nezha's fault, I didn't expect that fellow to be a monster!" Nezha pursed his mouth and said guiltily.

Thinking back to seeing the Dragon King at Chentangguan before, I didn't expect to be frightened by an earthworm today, what a shame and humiliation.

Although Jiang Ziya was unwilling in his heart, he still smiled, patted Nezha on the shoulder and said, "Nezha don't need to feel guilty. Now that you know what happened to Qiu Yin, and see you tomorrow, you will have a way to restrain yourself!"

"Well! Uncle Jiang, don't worry! Nezha will definitely take Qiu Yin's head tomorrow!" Nezha gritted his teeth and said, in terms of strength, he is not inferior to Qiu Yin at all, and he was taken aback by losing today!

But this time Nezha is prepared, even if Qiu Yin becomes something, he will shoot him without hesitation!


In business.

"It's dangerous! I didn't expect that Nezha was not afraid of soul-stirring! If I hadn't frightened him by changing my body, today would be over!" Qiu Yin wiped off his cold sweat with a look of rejoicing.

"Your Majesty is indeed wise and mighty! If it were Zhang Guifang, let alone win, even if he survived this time, he would be seriously injured."

Qiu Yin's body is an earthworm, but Zhang Guifang is just an ordinary person. Qiu Yin almost died of pain after being hit by Nezha. If it were Zhang Guifang, [-]% of his life would be lost immediately!


When the news reached Chaoge, Zishou slowly typed out a message in his mind:?

It's not that he thinks he has a problem, but that the whole world has a problem.

what's the situation?won again?

"Your Majesty is truly exhaustive!"

In the court hall, Fei Zhong rolled his eyes and flattered him again, saying flatteringly: "General Qiu sent the battle report, Xiqi has a young general named Nezha, who is very powerful, and he almost defeated General Qiu in a battle, and he is also very powerful. General Haoqiu rolled up the yellow sand, and the young general turned and ran away in fright, and the Shang army defeated Xiqi!"

"As expected of your majesty, you are indeed wise and mighty! We can't learn this kind of ability to see the essence of things!"

Zishou:? ? ?

Enough said?Believe it or not, I will throw you into the basin!

This Fei Zhong is also a talent!Step on the horse and put it in the brick house in the previous life.

Really good at blowing!

"Your Majesty is wise, Wen Zhong admires it!" Wen Zhong also said with a chuckle.

Zishou sneered in his heart, you bastards, flatter your ass!

I haven't lost yet!

"Grand Master Wen, call Qiu Yin back to Qinglong Pass and let Zhang Guifang go up!" Zi Shou said slowly after thinking for a moment.

Okay, can't you Qiu Yin do it?

Then I will transfer you back and let Zhang Guifang fight Nezha, it is impossible to win, right?

Hehe, an ordinary person who knows how to use heretical techniques to beat Nezha is probably not seeking his own death!

Hearing Zishou's order, Wen Zhong was stunned again.

Another coaching change?Your Majesty, do you want to change the game?

However, Wen Zhong immediately rejected this idea in his heart, Di Xin has a vicious vision, and it is unknown what kind of foresight he may have...

However, Wen Zhong still didn't believe it. According to the information he got, Nezha was the preacher of teaching, with outstanding martial arts skills, and with the terrifying spirit treasure of Qiankun circle, Zhang Guifang might not be his opponent!

Qiu Yin was able to win the next game because Nezha was so frightened by the change of his body that he turned and ran away. In this case, wouldn't it be enough to let Qiu Yin continue to fight?

Wen Taishi's heart skipped a beat, as if he had thought of something, a bright light appeared in his eyes!

Although Qiu Yin beat Nezha away on the first day, he caught Nezha by surprise, and he was not Nezha's opponent at all!

If he continued to do that the next day, Nezha was prepared, so how could he be frightened?

Instead of letting Qiu Yin continue to play, it is better to replace it with Zhang Guifang!

At least, Nezha hasn't fought Zhang Guifang yet, so he doesn't know his methods!

Your Majesty... really has a vision!

Its resourcefulness is beyond my reach!

Wen Zhong couldn't help sighing in his heart, and immediately sent someone to Qinglongguan to let Zhang Guifang and Qiu Yin return.

When Zhang Guifang got the news about Grand Master Wen, her face was full of question marks.

What's the matter?Change me back again?

Isn't Qiu Yin a big victory?

Immediately after handing over with Qiu Yin, I realized that this was Di Xin's order again.

"Brother Zhang, remember to be careful of that Nezha! Regardless of his young age, I can't stand the fall of the Qiankun circle!" Qiu Yin said with a look of fear on his shoulders with bandages still on his shoulders.

"Especially that Nezha somehow is not afraid of my soul-stirring technique, Brother Zhang, be careful!"

Zhang Guifang straightened up when he heard the words, clasped his fists and said, "Brother Qiu, don't worry, I will pay attention!"

It seems that calling Mingshu can no longer be used. Since Qiu Yin can't capture Nezha's soul, calling Mingluomashu is probably useless.


"Your master Nezha is here, Qiu Yin quickly come out and die!" Early in the morning, Nezha came to the front of the business camp and shouted.

"Hmph, what a Nezha, I'll meet him later!" Zhang Guifang immediately set up a battle against Nezha.

"Where's Qiu Yin? Let him out! I'll spare your life!" Nezha looked at Zhang Guifang with disdain and said.

"Hmph! I am Zhang Guifang! What a scumbag, you are so presumptuous, give me a shot!" Zhang Guifang snorted coldly and rushed forward.

"Alright, it's a shame to kill you." Nezha shot him immediately.

"General Zhang, I'm here to help you!" Chao Tian, ​​Chao Lei, and Feng Lin also charged forward and surrounded Nezha to kill him.

Nezha:? ? ?

Four against one?Would you like to show some face?

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