Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 444 Yuan Hong: Suspected that the ape was born

Chapter 440 Yuan Hong: Suspected that the ape was born

As the saying goes, "the chaos is undivided, the sky and the earth are chaotic, and the vastness is indistinct and no one sees it. Since Nuwa broke the majesty, she opened up the distinction between clear and turbid."

The chaos has been opened, the majesty is born, and the turbidity of the world has been divided.

The small world in the Chaos Pearl has given birth to mountains, rivers, vegetation, five lakes, and four seas.The innate aura in the world is abundant, and it is time for all things to recover.

The newly developed Hongmeng is like a baby, gradually growing up under the feedback of Nuwa's physical body, and the aura at this time is also the purest innate aura.

If an ordinary person lives here, he does not need to practice, but only needs to breathe the most natural and simple innate energy in the world, and he can become a fairy.

Under an old tree with beards and beards, suddenly countless light spots converged, gradually congealing into a human form, stretching out his hand to grab it, the glazed ghost fire turned into a black lotus and burned in the palm of his hand, strange and beautiful.

This person is Zishou.

He practiced one hundred and eight kinds of supernatural powers in the nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong, and today he finally completed the practice of 36 Tiangang numbers.

What he used just now is also the "distraction" in Tiangangshu.

"Hundreds of millions of bodies, go with the wind, come with the wind."

This technique can turn the primordial spirit into countless light spots, and escape in all directions. As long as the mind moves, one of the light spots can appear.

It can be regarded as a top-level supernatural power that is not inferior to the Golden Crow Transformation Rainbow Art.

After using this magical power, it is basically impossible for a sage to capture it, because hundreds of billions of light spots are equal to clones, as long as one light spot escapes, the primordial spirit can be reunited.

It's like a saint, who is afraid that he will not be able to react suddenly.

However, this method is not invincible, at least in Zishou's view, as long as it is used properly, there are three ways to crack it.

One is that the law of time can be used to go back in time, the other is that the law of space can block the space, and the third is that the law of force can be used to break it before it turns into a light spot...

"Even if my strength can't be regarded as a real saint, it's almost the same, right?" Zishou squeezed his palms and thought.

He is a bit of a true spirit who has seized the soul of a saint. Although he is comparable to a saint, he lacks the path that a saint should take, the law that he should comprehend, and he cannot fully control the power of a saint. , Without the Six Soul Banner, it is definitely not the opponent of a true saint.

"Let's conceive a physical body first!" Zi Shou sighed, if he were to open the sky, it would be tantamount to taking the path of a saint again, and then he would be a true saint.

But his cultivation base is still too weak, and he only knows superficially about various spells and supernatural powers. It may not be so smooth if he is really asked to open the sky.

In this way, you can only slowly re-cultivate step by step.

"It's convenient to conceive the physical body first, and always exist as the primordial spirit, but I always feel that something is missing." Zi Shou smiled wryly.

He won Zhunti's Primordial Spirit, and the Primordial Spirit is the purest thing, which can be changed freely, so after winning it, it will be his own appearance in memory.

Such a primordial spirit wants to be three-headed and six-armed, so it is three-headed and six-armed; if it wants to be three-headed and eight-armed, it is three-headed and eight-armed; It can also become like a mill.

But if you simply exist as a soul, after a long time, you will feel that you are not a human being, but a machine without much emotion.

At this time, there is plenty of weather in Hongmeng, and Zishou has learned the method of conceiving a body among the 36 Tiangang numbers, which just happens to give birth to a physical body.

"Taiyi real person wants to conceive Nezha's body with a lotus flower. After the birth, Nezha is not afraid of soul-stirring. Jiang Qian is the body made by Tianfei Wumo with fire lotus, which is similar to Nezha. Then I will use What made the flesh?"

Zishou stroked his chin and thought for a while, then took out a piece of Lingbao from the Sumeru Ring, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he already had an idea.

"Since we want to create a physical body, of course we must use the best spiritual treasures. The Xuanyuan Water Control Banner turns into a dragon and a tiger, and turns into kidney water." Zi Shou stretched out his finger, and the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner flew up.

"Hunyuan Banner is gold, it is the master of killing and cutting, and it becomes lungs. Although the Jiuqu Yellow River Chi is also earth, there is water, and it really belongs to wood. It is the master of bending and stretching, and the heart is fire. It must be tempered with real fire. The glazed ghost fire belongs to Yin. Fire, don't use it, use the ground flame flag."

"Xinghuang Banner is the central land, balance everything, and put it in the middle."

"Although the Renhuang mirror is broken, it has already recovered [-]% in the previous weather. The mirror is a mirror and turned into six internal organs!"

After arranging the six spirit treasures, Zishou took out another pill and put it in the middle.

This elixir is Jiu Zhuan Da Huan elixir, which is exactly the elixir given by Laozi Taiqing last time.

"Gathering spirits!" Zishou stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and countless innate spiritual energy flowed here, and the six spiritual treasures were activated at the same time, producing bone marrow, nurturing meridians, growing qi and blood, and a physical body was quickly formed!

Zishou looked at the flesh body with a satisfied expression on his face.

This physical body is transformed according to the most authentic self in my memory, and then its flaws are removed, it looks handsome and masculine, it needs to be graceful and graceful, it needs to have length and length, and it needs to have hardness and hardness...

"Success!" Zishou yelled loudly, and the primordial spirit turned into countless light spots and entered from the Niwan Palace of the flesh body!

With a leap, Zishou clenched his fists in satisfaction. This body was transformed from six spiritual treasures and one Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill, especially three of which were from the Wufang Banner. First, the degree of strength has far exceeded that of the previous King Zhou.

"Zi Shou?..." At this moment, a gentle voice sounded from behind.

Zishou turned his head, and saw Empress Pingxin walking over with lotus steps lightly.

"You... have given birth to a new body?" Empress Pingxin's beautiful eyes widened, she couldn't stretch her hand out, touched the muscles on Su's chest for a while, her body trembled, and then hurriedly stretched back, her face quickly There was a bright red.

Zishou smiled and said, "Yes! Now that I use this body to use the God-killing Spear, I don't have to worry about being infected by killing spirit like before."

Ping Xin blushed and dodged her eyes: "How long will you be naked in front of me?"

Zishou looked down, and immediately smiled wryly, "Sorry!" He hurriedly took out the royal robe of Xuanniao from the Sumeru Ring and put it on.

He calmly said: "It's... very big..."

"Cough!" Zi Shou staggered suddenly!

"I'm talking about your body..." The more Ping Xin explained, the more embarrassing she became, and she turned around and ran away with a blushing face.

Zi Shou smiled wryly, it's so flattering, it's too bad!

Nuwa, hurry up!Otherwise, your boyfriend will really be tempted!


"Report! Jiang Shang has captured Xuanyi City!"

In Jiang Chengzhong, Yuan Hong's face turned black as the soldiers came to report.

Who would have imagined that Nan Gongshi, that often-defeated general, actually used one move to flood the entire army, drowning Fengyi's 5 troops!

Afterwards, Jiang Ziya defeated King Xuanyi repeatedly. In just one month, he broke through Xuanyi City and won the victory.

"This Jiang Ziya, how can I get him?" Yuan Hong rubbed his chin and thought hard.

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