Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 445 If You Can Make Arrows, I, Yuan Hong...

Yuan Hong never thought that Nangong Shi could turn defeat into victory and win more with less. He had only seen this kind of resourcefulness in one person, and that was Di Xin!

"I didn't expect Nangong Shi to be considered brave and foolhardy! These two people must not stay, they must be determined to kill them!" Yuan Hong said calmly.

Deng Jiugong was there beside him, shook his head and said, "If you want to kill Jiang Ziya and Nangong Shi, there is no reason, I'm afraid the world will laugh at you!"

Yuan Hong was also silent in thought, and suddenly realized: "Hey, I don't know how to get Jiang Ziya, so I can just ask Fei Zhong if he doesn't? This person has a bad stomach, and I don't believe he can't do anything about it!"

At the moment Yuan Hong is also using escape technique to go to Chaoge and come to Fei Mansion to find Fei Zhong.

Fei Zhong has been busy promoting the industrial revolution these days, and he is extremely busy all day long. When he heard Yuan Hong came to ask questions, he hurriedly invited him to take a seat.

"Fei Zhong, help me think about it. What method should I use to kill Jiang Ziya? The trick of killing Jiang Ziya with a knife is no longer feasible." Yuan Hong said with a sad face.

Fei Zhong pondered for a moment, then grinned contemptuously: "That's it?"

Yuan Hong:? ? ?

Why does this thing feel so annoying?

Fei Zhong said with a smile: "I have a plan, kill Jiang Ziya and let him die without complaint! General Yuan, come here, I'll tell you..."

After Yuan Hong heard this, he also revealed a look of sudden realization. He held Fei Zhong's hand and said excitedly, "Brother Fei, you are really smart! This plan is very clever!"

"Haha, when it comes to marching and fighting, I, Fei Zhong, may not be as good as you, General Yuan. When it comes to conspiracy and trickery, hehe, I, Fei Zhong, are a master." Fei Zhong said triumphantly.

Yuan Hong had a smile on his face: "Brother Fei, what you said is true." MMP in his heart: "This kind of dog who loves to play tricks must be fired by the king, it is too dangerous."

At the moment Yuan Hong also returned to Jiangcheng, gathered the crowd at the Dragon and Tiger Hall, and at the same time sent someone to invite Jiang Ziya to discuss matters.

After Jiang Ziya captured Xuanyi City, he wanted to take the opportunity to attack Fengyi City. After receiving Yuan Hong's letter, he also came to Jiangcheng happily.

I, Jiang, finally exhaled and raised my eyebrows!Hahaha!

In the Dragon and Tiger Hall, after all the generals sat down, Yuan Hong also smiled slightly and said: "I heard that the grand master will fight Yangyi soon, and the Yangyi are Japanese people who live on the southeast island and need to fight by water. Which weapon comes first?"

Jiang Ziya's eyes lit up, here it is, it's time for me to fill the cup!

At the moment Jiang Ziya is also stroking his beard and smiling, looking like a fairy: "When attacking a city at sea, bow and arrow should be the first."

Yuan Hongdao: "Zi Ya's words are very suitable for me."

Jiang Ziya smiled and said nothing, the feeling of filling the cup was really good.

Yuan Hong continued: "However, the army is short of arrows. How dare you bother Zi Yagong to build [-] arrows to attack the Japanese people. This is an official business, so please don't refuse!"

The smile on Jiang Ziya's face froze slightly, he stroked his beard and said, "Since General Yuan has this request, Jiang Shang should oblige. Dare I ask when will I use the [-] arrows?"

Yuan Hong smiled and said, "Maybe it will be finished within ten days?"

Jiang Ziya stroked his beard and pulled it out. He took a sharp breath and widened his eyes!

ten days?Do you think I am a fairy?Oh, I am indeed a god, but can I build a hundred thousand arrows in ten days?

Although you can cast spells and make arrows, you have to stay up late and work overtime while riding a horse. The capitalists don't oppress people like you, do they?

Jiang Ziya still kept a smile on his face, but his smile was very stiff: "Well, I'm afraid for ten days..."

Yuan Hong suddenly realized: "That's right, ten days is really not enough. If you have to wait for ten days, I'm afraid you may miss a big deal. Ziya Gong, please complete the one hundred thousand arrows in three days!"

Jiang Ziya: ...

Did I say anything?

"That...General Yuan...isn't it..." Jiang Ziya opened his mouth.

"Zi Yagong said that there is no joke in the army? Do you want to accept the military order? That's good! Come on, accept the military order." Yuan Hong shouted loudly, and directly called the military and political department to take the documents and establish the military order: "If within three days, If you fail to pay one hundred thousand arrows on time, you will be punished severely according to the law! Ziya Gong, do you still have any objections?"

The smile on Jiang Ziya's face froze: You've finished speaking, do I still dare to object?

"No." Jiang Ziya smiled bitterly.

In Yuan Hong's heart, let alone how happy he was, he said that Fei Zhong was Fei Zhong, this plan was brilliant!With a smile on his face, he said: "In this case, after the arrow is handed over, report it to the king, and you will be rewarded."

At that moment, Yuan Hong offered two glasses of wine to Jiang Ziya, and said, "I'll go get the arrow in three days, Mr. Ziya, don't break your promise!"

Jiang Ziya smiled stiffly: "Okay..."

After Jiang Ziya left, Yuan Hong, Deng Jiugong and others all burst into laughter.

"This man sent himself to death, but I didn't force him!" Yuan Hong was very satisfied with his operation: "After three days, if he doesn't pay all the arrows, even if he has wings on his flanks, he won't be able to fly away. Yes Now, tell the military craftsman to delay on purpose, and not to have everything ready for use. In this way, no matter how powerful he is, he will definitely miss the date. When he is convicted, he will have nothing to say!"

If it was before, there were still many disciples of Chanjiao, Jiang Ziya had someone to help him, and it would be no problem to make [-] arrows in three days, but now there are only four Daluo Jinxians left in Chanjiao, and Daluo Jinxian can't help him make arrows Bar?

Yuan Hongxin said that this Jiang Ziya was doomed, and when he was sent to the list, he would go to the king to ask for a reward.

Of course, Yuan Hong didn't know that he had listened to Fei Zhong's words, which led to Jiang Ziya being revered as the "God of Soldiers" later!

It is sought after by the strategists of all ages!Even Zhuge Liang, who has a lot of wisdom in later generations, regards Jiang Ziya as an idol.


"I turned defeat into victory from a desperate situation. I am respected as the god of war. There are two people who have had a great influence on me! I am very grateful. One is Di Xin. If there is no Di Xin's reuse, I, Jiang Ziya, will have no chance to become a soldier admired by all ages God! One is Yuan Hong, if it weren’t for this dead monkey’s deliberate efforts to make things difficult for me, I wouldn’t have been able to turn defeats into victories in desperate situations many times!” ——Jiang Ziya, God of War.


Jiang Ziya returned to Xuanyi City in a daze, with [-] alpacas galloping past in his heart, recounting the days of Yuan Hong's ancestors' [-]th generation civilization, and at night, he ordered Nangong to serve three bowls of monkeys to calm his brain.

"Calm down, you must be calm! Although Yuan Hong deliberately made things difficult for me, I may not have a way to break the situation! What should I do?"

Jiang Ziya thought hard: "Di Xin is the smartest strategist I have ever seen. If it were him, what would he do? If I were Di Xin, what would I do?"

Jiang Ziya slowly replaced Di Xin's persona, touched his chin and thought: "First of all, I don't know how to make arrows, I can use tricks, and secondly, if I want arrows, I can only get ready-made arrows if I don't need to make them... Where can I get ready-made arrows?" Woolen cloth?"

"...Ready-made...water battles mostly use bows and arrows, where can I get them..."

"Wait! Bows and arrows are often used in water battles... The Japanese people live on the island... Oh, there it is!"

Jiang Ziya stood up suddenly, with wise eyes shining, he shook his feather fan lightly: "I have it!"

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