Nearly a month after catching the squirrel, one morning, Pingxin suddenly felt that the squirrel was too dirty, grabbed Zishou, frowned and said, "You don't like cleaning too much, do you?"

Zishou: ...

After all, one's cultivation base is sealed, and one cannot use true energy to cleanse the body, so how can it not be dirty?

Someone is not a real squirrel, he will lick his fur.

So Pingxin took him to the Squirrel Creek to take a bath, and directly stuffed Zishou into the stream, and with a light movement of Lan Zhi, he began to wash him indiscriminately.

Zi Shou choked on a few sips of water, wailing in his heart.

If it weren't for Zishou's tenacious vitality, he would have been drowned by Pingxin long ago.

After bathing the squirrel, Ping Xin also got water all over her body.

At that time, the sun star had already been conceived, and the weather was quite hot.

Pingxin felt that the stream was cool, so after hesitating for a while, he threw the squirrel far away, and then walked into the stream to wash.

Zishou was thrown dizzy and lay on the green grass basking in the sun.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of water, not the sound of water flowing, but the sound of people washing in the water.

As if with a premonition, Zishou stood up, his heart beating rapidly.

Zishou saw a girl taking a bath in the stream. Although he knew that Ping Xin was very beautiful, he couldn't help but be infatuated.

It's not that he hasn't seen naked girls, but none of the girls he's seen before can surpass her in figure.

The sun was high and it was hot, the stream was cool and pleasant, and she bathed in the stream calmly, enjoying the coolness and happiness brought by the stream.

The sunlight slanted, but reflected Pingxin's skin whiter. She hung her long hair in the water for a while, let the stream wash, and then draped her long hair on her back.

Zishou suddenly felt a surge of heat in his lower abdomen, which suddenly broke through Ping Xin's imprisonment in his body, and then returned to his original shape.

This recovery made some movement, and then...

Then someone saw the surprised eyes that Ping Xin looked over.

Zishou: He died on the spot.

After that, Zishou also forgot what happened.

I just remember that at some point Pingxin was already standing in front of me.

She put on a black dress that fluttered gently in the wind.The hair has not been combed in the future, it is still draped on the shoulders and back, and the water drips down the tip of the hair.

Ping Xin's face was flushed, I don't know if it was because of shyness, heat, or anger.

She squinted her beautiful eyes, and her eyelashes were densely covered with layers of eyelashes. The sunlight reflected her beauty and made her expression elusive.

Zishou swallowed, suddenly feeling a little scared.

"Zi Shou, how long have you been looking at me?" Ping Xin narrowed her eyes and said.

"...for a while." The sweat on Zishou's forehead was about to flow down, and he had an idea: "But don't worry! I will make it up to you after seeing it. Men and women are equal. At worst, I will show you once! If you want If you don’t think it’s enough, then it’s better to do it twice!”

After saying this, Ping Xin's eyes became more playful: "You still dare to tease me?"

Zishou felt his scalp go numb, and took two steps back: "No, you listen to my listen to my explanation!! I'm actually that little squirrel..."

Ping Xin approached and inspected her eyes: "Little squirrel? Okay! You turned into a little squirrel to play with me, right? Peeping at me and cheating on me, huh?"

Zishou felt that he couldn't explain it: "That...I..."

Pingxin squinted her eyes, playing with taste: "I sleep with my fragrant and soft arms every night, isn't it very comfortable?"

"It's okay..." Zishou subconsciously said, and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, absolutely not!"

Ping Xin said angrily: "Hmph! You give me back my little squirrel!"

She deliberately flung her teeth and claws at Zishou, and Zishou subconsciously reached out and pushed forward!

Then he was taken aback, looked down, his face was flushed, and he jumped back hastily: "Sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Pingxin's face was flushed, and she gritted her teeth: "Okay! You dare to push me there... You son, you deserve a beating!"

Ping Xin swung out one hand, directly mobilizing the power of law, and grabbed Zi Shou Ke in the palm of his hand.

Don't think that Zishou is also a saint, after all, he is still too far away from Pingxin. This palm contains Yin, Yang and five elements, so Zishou can't avoid it.

"Hmph! Sick shou, peeking at me, teasing me, and even pushing me there..." Ping Xin grabbed Zi shou, didn't know how to punish him after much deliberation, and pressed him under the stone.


Waking up from the memory, Zi Shou smiled wryly, although Pingxin seemed very angry that time, pressing himself under the stone, but in fact...

The favorability directly broke through 80!

Generally speaking, when two people meet, if the words and deeds of the other party are not annoying, the favorability level will rise to 30, reaching a slight favorability.

The step of having a good impression is very simple. Basically, if you don't make annoying actions, the other party will have a good impression on you, and it will be even more difficult to increase the goodwill.

If it is increased by 30 points, feelings will be born.Just like a pair of men and women who have a good impression after meeting, and find out that they have common hobbies in the follow-up chat, or if one party has done something that deeply attracted the other party, feelings will be born.

At this stage, Zishou has tried it. As long as she reveals her identity and pretends to beep, the favorability of many girls will increase to 60. Of course, increasing to 60 does not mean anything.

It is difficult to go up.

Further up is 80 favorability points.

The favorability of 80 has reached the level of love.

Zishou remembers that there are only a few girls who have such a high degree of affection for him nowadays, such as Nuwa, Deng Chanyu, Princess Longji, Jiang Qian, and Huoling. As for Su Daji and Hanzhixian, they are far from such high. Sensitivity.

Now the degree of goodwill has been raised to the level of love, that is to say, if she really wants to do something, she will only half push and half do it.

At that time, after knowing that the favorability level had increased, Zishou felt that his throat was dry, and the glamorous images during the day kept flashing in his mind.

The heart is divided into the devil and the angel.

Devil Zishou bewitched Zishou: "Life is too short to enjoy yourself in time, and what's the matter with you, as Emperor Chengtang, having three wives and four concubines? Hurry up and find Pingxin! Hold Nuwa with one arm and the other Isn't it good to be calm?"

The angel Zishou was also bewitching Zishou: "Yes, yes!"

Zishou slapped the two villains flying away: "Go away! When Nuwa wakes up, I'll be eunuched by her!"

After the peace of mind reached 80, he just completed a task assigned by the previous system.

"As a human emperor, you should take over Ehuang's female hero. Please conquer with peace of mind until your favorability score reaches 80 or higher."

"Mission Reward: Innate Lingbao Chaos Clock."


"With the Chaos Clock, even if I don't have other spirit treasures, I should be able to wrestle with the saint!" Zishou touched the Chaos Clock and thought to himself.

At this moment, a powerful breath of life emanated from the primordial world!Countless auras gathered in one place, and a human silhouette gradually formed!

Zishou raised his head: "Nuwa is finally back!"

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