Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 450 Cracking the Meteor Saint Pill

All the innate spiritual energy in the primordial world converged in one direction, turning into a vortex, and a human silhouette seemed to step out of the vortex.

"After four years, Nuwa is finally coming out." Zishou's heart was pounding, and he rushed in that direction, and soon came to the lakeside.

Ping Xin was already waiting at the side, and she just smiled when she saw Zi Shou.

Back then, Nuwa broke through the chaos and conceived this world with the body of a saint. Now that the world has been formed, it naturally feeds back, nurturing Nuwa with her innate aura.

One drink and one peck, is it a pre-determination.

The karma in the world is endless.

The congenital aura gradually became denser, from the qi to the god, from the god to refine the emptiness, from the emptiness to join the Tao, Nuwa's body was gradually born from it.

The situation in the sky and the earth changed suddenly, golden lotuses sprung from the ground, and flowers fell from the sky. At the same time, the map of mountains, rivers, and land suddenly flew out from a distance, pulled away from the top, and spread out the mountains, rivers, and land.

This is the vision of a saint.

It also proves that Nu Wa has already accomplished great success.


The sound of bells and music suddenly came from the sky, as if celebrating the birth of a saint.

A stunningly glamorous woman stepped out with her bare feet, her long black hair was placed on her fragrant shoulders like a waterfall, a hundred birds came together, and they pecked clouds to make a white dress, which was spotless.

Really, the skin is like ice and snow, and the nao is like a virgin.Don't eat five grains, breathe in wind and drink dew, ride on clouds, ride flying dragons...

She suddenly turned her pupils, as if reflecting the stars, the sun and the moon, it was really breathtaking.

As soon as her eyes swept away, Zishou felt as if his whole body had been seen through, and there was no secret at all.

Zishou thought to himself: "Nuwa has reborn a physical body this time, I'm afraid her cultivation level will not be under peace."

When it comes to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian... that is, the cultivation base of a saint, this realm is not subdivided, and it is difficult to subdivide.

In this realm, Lao Tzu used to have the highest cultivation level. Later, Ping Xin broke away from the shackles of the underworld and reunited with his physical body. .

Nuwa's icy eyes gradually softened, a smile appeared on her face, and she said slowly, "Zi Shou, calm down."

She was already extremely beautiful without a smile, and this smile made Zishou feel his heart beating wildly, thinking of a poem.

There are beauties in the north, peerless and independent.One smile will captivate the city, and another smile will captivate the country.

And Nuwa smiled like this, I'm afraid it's not the country that's falling, but the whole prehistoric land.

"Sister Nuwa, let me take a look." Ping Xin walked over, pulled Nuwa and talked intimately.

The two beauties stood side by side, frowning and smiling, both of them were so beautiful that Zishou next to him called out that this was really indestructible.

A white dress is spotless, like a peerless beauty, and a black dress is sexy and charming, like a coquettish black lotus, two completely different temperaments, two completely different women standing together, no matter how hard-hearted a saint in the world will see it heartbeat.

"Sister Nuwa, you have been missing for four years, but I have suffered a lot." Pingxin complained.

Zi Shou slandered: "I am the one who suffers the most, okay?"

"You have to sleep with me for a few nights." Ping Xin said with a smile.

Zishou: "...I haven't slept yet!"

"You are so big here, let me touch it..."

Zishou: "...I haven't touched it yet..."

Nuwa smiled and patted Pingxin's hand away, her beautiful eyes looked at Zishou, a red cloud suddenly appeared on her face, and she said, "Zishou, how long are you going to stare lewdly?"

"Watch for an hour."

Nu Wa glared at him: "Tell the truth."

"Okay, one hour is not enough, I want to watch it for the rest of my life." Zishou replied.

Nuwa rolled her eyes, walked over to Zishou, and looked at his body: "Your body...is it reshaped?"

"That's right, look." Zi Shou nodded, and took off his shirt, revealing a body of fit but not bulky muscles.

Nuwa stretched out her finger: "Can I touch it?"


Nuwa stretched out her index finger and lightly tapped on Zishou's chest, feeling her tenderness, and Zishou showed a comfortable expression on his face: "Ah~! Lighten up."

Nuwa: "..."

"Can you stop making such a strange sound?" Nu Wa frowned, and stretched out her hand to lightly stroke his lower abdomen.

Zishou: "Ah~! So comfortable!"

Nuwa rolled her beautiful eyes: "What are you doing?"

"Feeling your pussy, I really enjoy it...Ahhh! Stop, stop, don't pinch me!" Before Zishou had time to be intoxicated, he yelled in pain.

Nuwa squinted her beautiful eyes, pinching his waist with her right hand, and said, "Is it comfortable?"

The child frowned in pain and said, "It's comfortable."

Nu Wa glared at him, let go of her hand, and scolded with a smile: "You are such a pervert."

Zishou said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Nuwa said, "Put on your clothes!"

Zishou said: "Anyway, I have to take it off later, I won't wear it...Ah!! I will wear it! I will wear it!" Seeing Nuwa's hands pinching his waist, Zi was so painful that tears came out. up.

My own body was created by a collection of six top-level spirit treasures. As a result, Nuwa pinched herself like pinching tofu, without any effort at all!

After putting on his clothes again, Zishou caught two fish by the stream, set up a simple barbecue grill and grilled them until the three of them ate them together.

Although they are all saints, they can completely absorb the aura of heaven and earth without eating, but they sometimes enjoy the deliciousness of some food.

After eating the grilled fish, Nuwa sat on the grass, enjoying the bright sunshine comfortably.

And Zishou looked at her toes comfortably, then at her calves, at her thighs, then at her lower abdomen, her chest, her shoulders, and then at her face—a standard pervert looking at a woman.

When he saw Nuwa's face, he found that Nuwa was looking at him with a straight face, with playful eyes.

Nuwa said, "Have you seen enough?"

"I can't get enough of it, even if I look at it for thousands of years."

Nuwa glared at him and said, "Want to hug me?"

Zishou became excited: "Is it possible?"

Nu Wa's eyes were playful: "What do you think?"

"Yes." Zishou rushed over after finishing speaking.

Nuwa frowned, raised her right foot and kicked him directly in the face, snorted and said, "Let's talk when I'm in a better mood!"

Zi Shou smiled bitterly and said, "Then when will we wait?" He touched his face and said, "Hey, that kick was not bad, why don't you kick me in the face too?"

Nuwa laughed angrily at his shameless appearance, and gave him a vicious look: "Pervert!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

Pingxin covered her mouth and snickered beside her, as if thinking of something, her eyes suddenly dimmed.

The three of them sat on the grass for a while, and said calmly: "Nuwa, since you have successfully conceived a physical body, why don't you take advantage of this time to remove the Holy Falling Pill, don't you have a way?"

Zishou stood up immediately, and said, "That's right, it's most suitable to crack the Meteor Sacred Pill in the Primordial Meng World."

Nuwa showed worry on her face, after thinking about it, she nodded: "Okay."

The Meteor Saint Pill is always a time-bomb, if it is not cracked, even if it does not explode, it will make people unable to sleep.

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