Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 458 Sunlight Taoist: Who dares to kill me?

Feeling the direction of the mysterious bird's soul, Zishou flew all the way to the direction of Huoyun blessed land, and only then saved Shiji from the hands of Taoist Sunguang.

Taoist Riguang looked at Zishou and his heart skipped a beat, Emperor Xin?

That Di Xin who hated even his master so much?

"Human Emperor Xin, go to the poor! See you next time!" Taoist Sunlight turned into a golden light and fled to the northwest after finishing speaking.

Zishou glanced at him and shouted, "Where are you going! Pay with your life!"

He didn't use the Golden Crow's Rainbow Transformation Technique, he took a step forward, grabbed it with his right hand, and shot the Chaos Clock directly.

The Chaos Clock turned into a sky-reaching gigantic clock, and suppressed Taoist Sunlight!

Previously, Shiji could not escape under the medicine bowl of Taoist Sunlight, how could Taoist Sunlight leave now under the chaotic clock?

The Chaos Clock can even imprison time and space. Although Taoist Sunlight turned into golden light, there are very few people in the world who can catch him, but under the Chaos Clock, no matter how great his supernatural power is, how can he leave safely.

Under the siege of the Chaos Clock, countless tadpole texts gushed out from the clock, mixed with the energy of Chaos and wrapped them towards the Sunguang Taoist!

Taoist Riguang's face changed drastically. He already knew that Di Xin was far above him in terms of cultivation level and spiritual treasure.

"Di Xin, I am the threat to the leader of the Eastern Jingliuli World, Medicine Master Tathagata. I shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the people of the world. If you dare to touch me, you are against the people of the world!" Taoist Sunguang shouted in horror.

"Pharmacist Tathagata concocts medicine to save the common people in the world, and bears the power of all living beings. I, the Sunshine God, is his threat and the leader of countless people. If you touch me, the people of the world will hate you like a demon! Who dares to touch me! Who dares to touch me!" Move me!"

Taoist Riguang wanted to make a final effort to threaten Zishou to let him go with the karma of all beings.

After all, he has been by Medicine Master Tathagata's side for so long, and his status is extremely high. If he wants to move him, he must worry about Medicine Master Tathagata.

It is needless to say how high the pharmacist Tathagata himself is. In addition, the pharmacist Tathagata made Bodhicitta and made twelve great vows, vowing to save sick and suffering sentient beings.

Offending the pharmacist is tantamount to offending all living beings in the West.

It's a pity that he never participated in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, and he didn't know Di Xin's character.

"Didn't you just use Shiji's life to save the world's common people? Good! You Westerners like to sacrifice your life for righteousness so much, so use your life to save Shiji!" Zi Shou was burning with anger, Shi Ji's injury this time has never been more serious, and Zhenling even fell into a deep sleep. If he came a little later, Shi Ji would be completely refined into a prototype.

Zishou stretched out his hand and slapped the chaotic clock. Countless chaotic air gushed out from the clock, which turned into chaotic fire, wrapped in the sun, and Taoist refined it.

"Ah! Di Xin, if you dare to kill me, the wishes of all living beings in the West will not let you go..." Taoist Sunguang shouted, the air of chaos suddenly brushed away, Taoist Sunlight was reduced to ashes, and his true essence remained in the chaos bell.

Zishou reached out to pat the chaotic clock, opened the chaotic clock, but frowned, the refined soul power remaining in the clock didn't seem so strong.

"Has the yin spirit of Taoist Sunlight been hidden?" Zi Shou immediately figured it out. Taoist Sunlight is a Daluo Jinxian. It is impossible for a Daluo Jinxian to have so little soul power. The only possibility is that part of his soul is hidden.

He circulated his true energy and sent the soul power of the Chaos Clock into Shi Ji's body.

Received a powerful injection of vitality, the aura in Shiji's body grew a bit stronger. Although the true spirit was still in a deep sleep, it finally did not fall directly.

Suddenly, Zishou felt something in his heart, and his eyes swept away, and he fell on a street through thousands of miles.

At the same time, several Taoists came to Chaoge City, the leader was a middle-aged Taoist with a benevolent face and a dignified demeanor. The middle-aged Taoist had black hair in a bun and his ears fell to his shoulders.Wearing Taoist clothes.The chest is exposed and the right arm is exposed, and the feet are standing on the lotus throne.

Two Taoist priests followed on the left and right, one of them was the Taoist Riguang just now.At this time, Taoist Riguang's face was pale and his whole body was shaking.

Behind the middle-aged Taoist priest were twelve attendants, all dressed in different styles and with very strange appearances.

The middle-aged man glanced across thousands of miles, meeting Zishou's eyes.

He smiled slightly, took out a golden bowl in his left hand, and said, "Poor people in Chaoge County...May all living beings get rid of diseases and be freed from hardships, so that I can feel at ease."

The pharmacist looked at a seriously ill beggar on the side of the road, approached him, and said with a sad face: "This person is seriously ill, and death and decline appear together! Good, good!"

Immediately, the pharmacist dipped the water in the golden bowl, sprinkled it on the beggar, then chanted the mantra, and stretched out his hand to point to the beggar's Niwan Palace.

The beggar, who was already on the verge of death, suddenly had abscesses on his body that healed immediately, and his pain disappeared immediately.

The beggar was overjoyed and confused, and knelt down to the pharmacist and said, "Immortal, Immortal! Thank you, Immortal, for saving my life!"

The pharmacist stretched out his hand and gently stroked the beggar's head: "My pharmacist is willing to relieve the sufferings of all living beings and bring them into liberation! Will you be my disciple and regard me as your teacher?"

"Yes, yes! Immortals are above, Xiaomin is willing!" The beggar suddenly disappeared from all his illnesses, and couldn't help but kowtow repeatedly.

"Very good, very good." The pharmacist smiled.

The Taoist Moonlight beside him smiled and said: "The pharmacist is merciful and wants to save the common people in the world. You can join my Western religion and spread my Western religion. If someone is seriously ill and death and decline appear, when he is dying, he only needs to make offerings day and night. Pharmacist, recite the scriptures of the pharmacist’s original vows 49 times, light 49 lamps, and hang 49 heavenly colorful streamers, all illnesses and pains will be gone, and life will be extended.”

The pharmacist continued to walk down the street, splashing water from the golden bowl while walking, and the civilians infected with infectious diseases along the way recovered one by one, following in the footsteps of the pharmacist.

The pharmacist recited: "I, the pharmacist, would like to make twelve great wishes. The first big wish is: I wish that when I attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi in the next life, my own light will shine brightly, illuminating countless, countless and boundless worlds. The ten forms are good, and the body is adorned; so that all sentient beings are no different from me."

"The second great wish: May my body be like glass when I attain Bodhi in the next life, clear inside and outside, pure and free from blemishes, bright and vast, with towering merits and virtues, a good body and abiding, the flame net is more solemn than the sun and the moon; Do what you want, do whatever you want.”


"No.12 Great wish: I wish that when I attain Bodhi in the next life, if there are sentient beings, poor and without clothes, mosquitoes and horses are cold and hot, and persecuted day and night. If you hear my name, concentrate on reciting, accepting and holding, as you like, you will get all kinds of wonderful clothes , and also get all the jewels and adornments, the flowery garlands, the incense, the drums and the music, and all the tricks, and play with them as you please, and they are all satisfying."

In a short while, the name of the pharmacist has spread throughout Chaoge City.Those civilians who were cured by the pharmacist also believed in the pharmacist and Western religion.


Zishou withdrew his gaze, and said to himself: "Pharmacist? The leader of Jingliuli World? This person is also a member of the Western Sect. I'm afraid this plague has something to do with him. Rescue Deng Chanyu first and then settle the score with you!"

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