Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 459 Fire Cloud Cave, Is It Real Illusion?

The poem said: Blessed land is not as good as fairy scenery, Huoyun Xianfu is better than Xuandu.

As the dojo of the Three Emperors, Huoyun Dongtian hides the world, even far better than Taiqing Laozi's Xuandu Dongtian, and even better than Yuanshi Tianzun's Yuxu Palace.

As a fairy cave, it was supposed to be full of aura and hazy with fairy spirit, but the feeling it gave Zishou at this time was indescribably weird.

After stepping into Huoyun Cave, you can see pavilions and pavilions everywhere.There are famous mountains in the ground, and a fairyland in the sky.The mountains in the cave are full of beautiful flowers and grasses, and plum and peach blossoms are planted on the banks of the stream.The old juniper lives in the clouds, and the sun sets from the peak.

However, such a fairyland gave Zishou an indescribable, very awkward feeling.

Everything that comes into view becomes very blurred and distant after a long time. Although everything around him can be touched and touched, it always gives Zishou a very weird feeling.

"Why do I feel like this is in a dream?" Zi Shou frowned, staring into the distance, and entering the Qingshan Ancient Road, it was clearly normal, but it gave him a very unreal feeling.

People dream because they cannot control their consciousness, which fluctuates disorderly, leading to dreams, so everything in the dream is extremely weird and strange.

But with Zishou's current cultivation base, unless he was seriously injured and unable to restrain his consciousness, how could he dream?

As for other psychedelic spirit treasures, they may be effective for Daluo Jinxian and even quasi-sages, but they cannot be effective for Zishou.

"Strange, is this really the Huoyun Cave?" Zishou had doubts in his heart, and he continued to walk into the cave.

Walking on the main road, flying to the top of the mountain, or even diving to the bottom of the sea, you can't see a single life. The only life in the cave may be flowers, plants and trees.

As soon as Zishou's consciousness moved, he immediately turned into countless giant nets and enveloped them in all directions, exploring every place in the cave.

After a while, he withdrew his consciousness, but his face became more serious.

"The Huoyundongtian is bigger than I imagined, even bigger than the primordial world created by the Chaos Orb. It seems to have no end, but...why is there not a single creature?"

After staying in the cave for a long time, even Zishou was a little impatient.

"If I had known that entering the cave would look like this, I should have waited for Nuwa to come over. This Huoyun cave is not that simple."

Zishou hugged Shiji to a big bluestone and sat down, put his hand against her back, circulated his true energy to help her heal, trying to stimulate her to wake up.

A gust of wind blew over, the big trees by the lake rustled, and countless fallen leaves were blown down, like snow, floating on Zishou's hair, shoulders, and shoes.

Shi Ji still hasn't woken up, but the true spirit has not collapsed.

"The problem in Huoyundongtian seems to be not small. I have been here for a while, but Nuwa still hasn't come in. Is it because this world also has its own rules? Maybe after 100 years here, the outside is just Only one second has passed." Zi Shou analyzed in his heart.

"Before Shi Ji passed out, he said that Deng Chanyu was in the Huoyun Cave. I also felt the change of the mysterious bird totem, but now I have lost contact with the mysterious bird totem. Maybe this is just the surface world of the Huoyun Cave, and Deng Chanyu entered a deeper world. Layers of fiery clouds piercing the sky."

"There used to be three emperors in Huoyun Cave, and this kind of thing never happened. At the beginning, Yang Jian and Deng Chanyu both came to Huoyun Cave to borrow medicine. Now it seems that something happened to the Three Emperors, or they are not in Huoyun Cave. , which made me unable to successfully enter the real Huoyun Cave."

Thinking of this, Zishou has gradually determined in his heart that he should enter the surface world of Huoyundongtian, and he has a way.

"If you want to enter the inner world, you have to understand the laws of space. I don't understand [-]% of the laws of space, so I can't enter the inner world."

Immediately, he put Shi Ji by his side, and then waved the magic banner, releasing Sha Mao and Chi You.

The iron-eating beast and Chi You absorbed the demonic energy left by Luohu in the Chaos Orb last time, and their bodies became solid, and their cultivation bases were also stabilized.

After ordering the two puppet to guard by the side, Zi Shou sat up cross-legged and meditated, and took out nine Nine-Turn Great Returning Pills. The law of threads.

This elixir creates yin and yang, and the dragon and tiger are in harmony. It is the supreme elixir refined by Lao Tzu of Taiqing. If it is an ordinary quasi-sage, it is at most only used to improve the cultivation level, and it is difficult to comprehend the law from it.

But Zishou can barely be regarded as a saint after all, and he can absorb part of the power of law from the Nine Turns Great Return Pill.

The process of comprehending the law is boring, but fortunately, Zishou has experienced the years of fighting against the Falling Saint Pill, and this boring process can also find fun in it.

I don't know the time in Huoyundongtian, Zishou just felt that he used a cup of tea to refine the power of the law in the first Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill.

Reaching out to pick up the second one, he stuffed it into his mouth without hesitation, Zishou closed the outer three treasures, concentrated his energy, and continued to feel the law of the great way like the vast sea.

After that, Zi Shou didn't count the time. After refining one Nine-Turn Great Returning Pill, he took the next one. He didn't wake up from the meditation until all nine Nine-Turn Great Returning Pills were refined.

Shi Ji was still sleeping next to him, his breathing was slow, and he showed no signs of waking up.

"Time doesn't seem to pass much." Zishou stretched out his hand to hold it, and various laws of space emerged in his mind...

The law of space is too mysterious, just like he took nine Nine-Turn Great Returning Pills, but he only understood about [-]% of it.

But about [-]% is enough for him to see many hidden things in the depths.

Zishou's eyes swept away, and his spiritual consciousness swept out. This time, he quickly discovered the connection between the outer world and the inner world of Huoyun Cave.

Located at the bottom of a small lake in the forest.

Zishou thought that although the surface world looked strange, it was still safe, and there might be some danger lurking in the inner world, so it was not easy to move with Shiji.

He stretched out his hand and simply left Chi You to guard Shiji.

Although the devil in the demon banner once lost control, Chi You, the devil, benefited from himself in the primordial world, regained some consciousness, and completely obeyed Zishou's words.

"You go, I will guard this person." Chi Young said in a low voice.

The sub-shou turns into rainbow light and goes to the connection between the surface world and the inner world, driven by the law of space, and directly presses to tear the inner world apart!

In the next second, the world around him changed again.

The original green woods and grasslands turned into cold snow-capped mountains and deserts in an instant.

It was still snowing in the Huoyundongtian, and it was so fluttering that you couldn't even see the front.

Zishou was sure that this place was also Huoyundongtian, and with a sweep of his consciousness, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked west.

Under the white snow-capped mountains, a little girl who was only eleven or twelve years old shrank in a corner, trembling all over, and her face was flushed red from the cold.

"Hey, Tiannv Ba." Zi Shou walked out slowly and shouted to her.

The little girl raised her head slowly, showing a look of fear: "You... who are you?"

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