Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 464 Zhuang Zhou dreamed of a butterfly, is it true or not?

The sun shone warmly on the body, the green grass, the fitness equipment under the trees, and the concrete road on the street, everything seemed so real.

Zishou can smell the fragrance of flowers, feel the warm sunshine, and be blown by the breeze, which makes him feel like he is in the real world.

Concubine Tian seemed to be very afraid of strangers, she held Zishou's clothes corners with both hands, and shrank behind Zishou's back, not daring to raise her head.

This little girl was very bold at home, but she became very shy when she went out. She wanted to go home urgently, but she opened her mouth and held back.

Zishou reached out and touched her little head lightly, and some memories in her heart gradually faded, and it seemed that this reality was more real all of a sudden.

The experience in the dream is not only unreal, but also loses the sense of substitution.

Zishou walked on the street for a while, then sat down on the bench.

Concubine Tiannu sat beside him a little uncomfortable, and whispered: "Brother, can I go back?"

"Okay, then let's go." Zi Shou looked up at the sky, the sunlight slanted down through the white clouds in the sky, and became very soft. The orange-red sunlight fell on him, making him feel something called happy stuff.

The noon meal was made by Zishou. He simply fried an egg and fried rice. Concubine Tiannu jumped up her white calves happily after eating, with a happy expression on her face.

The simple lunch gave Zishou a feeling of happiness, and a thought arose in his heart: "It seems to be a good day to have a younger sister to accompany me."

Unknowingly, the memory in the dream faded a little, and the warm family relationship became more real.

Watching TV in the living room with Concubine Tian in the afternoon, the occasional innocent smile of Concubine Tian also made Zishou feel extremely warm in his heart.

"Brother, look, it's a rabbit! It's so cute, I want to raise a rabbit!"

"Rabbit poop stinks."

"I'll clean up."

"Do you mean kill and cook?"

The simple partner was full of warm feelings. After watching TV with Concubine Tian all afternoon, he just had a casual meal at night.

However, the concubine Tiannu ate very happily.

At night, Zishou watched Concubine Tian go back to her room to sleep, and then went back to her room to check the information.

There was a question in his mind, and he desperately wanted to know the answer.

"Are dreams fake?"

His eyes quickly scanned the information flashing on the computer screen, and Zishou quickly analyzed it in his mind.

At this time, the memory in his dream still exists, but the emotion has completely faded. Although he remembers these things, it is like watching the experience in the dream from the perspective of God, without any sense of substitution at all.

And as his heart gradually accepted this world, the memory in his dream also began to become blurred. At the beginning, he could still remember some people's names, but later on, those names began to become blurred.

"Guan Yinzi": People in the world cannot be counted by billions.Everyone's dream is different, every night's dream is different.There is heaven and earth, there are people and things, and they are all formed by thinking, but they cannot be counted by dust. How do you know that the world today is not thoughtful?

Translating the classical Chinese on the computer sentence by sentence, Zi Shou half understood: "Could this world also be someone's dream? Not only the world, but I am also a member of other people's dreams?"

Zishou lightly clicked on the computer screen, constantly looking for ancient books, trying to confirm the reality of the dream.

He stopped his fingers and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the southern corner of the Western Pole there is a country Yan, whose borders are unknown, it is called the country of ancient mang.Where the qi of yin and yang do not intersect, there is no distinction between cold and heat; where the light of the sun and the moon does not shine, there is no distinction between day and night.Its people sleep too much without food or clothing.When you wake up at Pentecost, what you do in your dreams is real, and what you see is false... The discernment of dimness, so one day and one night.Its people are wise and foolish.All things breed and talents are multifaceted.There are monarchs and ministers who meet each other, and the etiquette and law are upheld.What it says is unacceptable.One sleeps one after another, thinking that what one wakes up is real, and what one sees in a dream is delusional.In the northern corner of the East Pole there is a country called the country of Fuluo.Its rustic atmosphere is always lingering, and it is illuminated by the afterglow of the sun and the moon.Its soil does not grow Jiamiao.Its people eat grass, roots and trees, and don't know fire and food.The nature is tough, the strong and the weak match each other, and the victory is more important than righteousness; the more you walk, the less rest, you often sleep without sleep.

The densely packed classical Chinese texts on the computer would give anyone a headache, but Zishou's eyes widened and he focused on translating sentence by sentence.

Every time he translated a sentence, he felt more sentimental in his heart.

The meaning of this story is that in a certain country in the west, there are no four seasons, nor day and night. People in that country wake up every fifty days, and dream for fifty days. Therefore, what they do in the dream is the truth. What you see and hear when you wake up is false.

And China in the center of the four seas, straddling the great river north and south, beyond the east and west of Daiyue Mountain, has four distinct seasons, and the sun and the moon are in order, so day and night are fixed. Human beings wake up for a period of time and fall asleep for a period of time. What you do is real, but what you see and hear in a dream is false.

The memory of the dream in my mind seems to be much clearer, but the emotion is still flat.

Zishou said thoughtfully: "The truth of the dream depends on me. What happened in my dream may not be false, but because of the interference of this world, I think it is real, so I subconsciously think that what happened in the dream is true." What is said is false. True and false, which one is true and which one is false?"

If he just woke up in the morning, Zishou would think that the things he experienced in the "dream" were real, but living in this familiar and real world with the concubine Tiannu for a day made him understand the things he experienced in the "dream". Things started to get suspicious.

"How do I find the real world? In a dream, or here?" Zi Shou thought about it more and more.

He lay down on the bed, emptied his mind, let himself stop thinking, there seemed to be a warm air in his body swirling around Zhou Tian automatically.

"True qi? Is this true qi I have in this world, or in the dream world?" At this time, Zishou couldn't remember how he possessed this real qi, but as the true qi Walking on his own, his body became warm and comfortable, and he slowly closed his eyes.

When he woke up, Zishou opened his eyes, and saw a little girl lying beside him, looking at him with her hands on her pillow.

"Good morning, brother." Concubine Tiannu greeted Zishou.

Zishou didn't know when she got into his bed, and said expressionlessly: "Concubine Tian, ​​can you stop getting into my bed in the middle of the night? After all, I am also a man."

Tiannu concubine said cutely: "Brother, is he afraid that he will be excited when he wakes up in the morning and sees me?"

Zishou yawned: "Who would be excited about a brat? What's more, you're my sister."

Standing up and brushing his teeth, Zi Shou faintly felt that the zhenqi in his body was much stronger, and at the same time, the memory of the dream no longer disappeared.

"Maybe both worlds are real, but I have to take Concubine Tiannu back." Zishou thought to himself.

【Third Update】

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