The days were uneventful.

Zishou didn't know when he actually had an extra student identity - a third-year student in an ordinary high school.

He vaguely remembered that he had graduated a long time ago, but after gradually taking over the role at this time, he no longer doubted it.

Just like when middle-aged people occasionally dream about their middle school life, they don't think that this life has long since passed away, that certain things have happened long ago, and certain people have long since disappeared.

Zishou is like this at this time.

He has no aversion to going to school, but enjoys this kind of youthful life.

The afternoon sun is very warm, the wind by the window is very cool, the sound of writing in class is full of rhythm, and the girls in the class are also very cute.

Zishou found that he liked this peaceful and tense life very much.

The zhenqi in the body is getting bigger and bigger, when he first woke up, it was only the size of a teacup, but now the zhenqi is like a river, circulating in the body by itself.

The qi is strong, and the five senses become more acute. Often, he can fully understand what the teacher said only once, and he can remember a piece of classical Chinese with hundreds of words after reading it once. In a word, it will be transparent.

This kind of powerful ability used in learning can scare the teacher to death.

Zishou didn't think about why he had such a powerful ability, his memory was so good that it exploded, and he even had a strange premonition somewhere.

Well, it's a hunch.

For example, he clearly has not learned some English exercises, but during the exam, an idea occasionally pops up in his mind: "What will be the answer to this question?"

Just as soon as this idea came up, a strong premonition would appear in his brain, and the answer was...

At the beginning, someone thought it was just an illusion, and did not even look at the questions when doing multiple-choice questions, but directly used this premonition to get the answer.

After all, the multiple-choice questions only had four answers, abcd, so it was nothing to be able to predict them accurately, and then he tried to predict other questions.

As a result...whether it was English, Chinese, mathematics, or chemistry, biophysics, he was prepared to have a hunch, and the answer to that question appeared in his heart!

The fixed answer can be predicted, but what about the Chinese reading questions?What about composition?

With this question in mind, Zishou tried this premonition ability during a mock exam.


It is a very mysterious discovery that as long as I want to know the full-score answer, I will have an urge to write in my heart, and my writing will spring up, whether it is a short-answer question or a large composition, I can write it quickly.

Even the teacher felt impeccable with the written answers!

"I'm perverted!" When Zishou confirmed that he had this "supernatural ability", he was also shocked by himself.

In this way, someone else can get the answer to the question without any effort, as for learning?No need at all!

The answers to all the questions can be known with just a hunch.

However, after Zishou got almost full marks in the mock exams twice in a row, he immediately received the attention of all the students and teachers around him, all kinds of admiration, admiration, hate, jealousy or amazement were shot at him, and Zisage couldn't stand it. !

So the next exam, Zi Shou deliberately failed the exam, making people think that the previous two mock exams were cheating, and finally reduced the attention.

The days passed by like water, the zhenqi in his body gradually increased, and Zishou explored the memory in his mind more deeply.

If thinking about dreams and reality made him feel extremely uneasy and painful at the beginning, now he would just smile flatly.


Because the true qi is gradually increasing, the body also becomes stronger and the appearance becomes more handsome under the improvement of the true qi.

Because of this, Zishou can now receive several love letters every day.

For high school students, falling in love is an extremely beautiful thing, but Zishou has no idea of ​​falling in love.

It's not because he doesn't like beautiful women, but because he still remembers a shadow of a person in his heart.

I have a memory, although I don't remember your beautiful voice, looking back and smiling lightly, but it is deep in my heart and I can't forget it.


After school, go home.

A little girl in cute pajamas trotted over, holding a big fat cat in her arms.

"Brother, are you back?"

Zishou lowered his head and saw the joyful expression on Concubine Tian's face, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, she was very cute.

"Well, I'm back." Zishou stretched out his hand to touch Concubine Tian's little head, and sighed.

These days, he already knows what kind of situation his family is like. His father died early, his mother went out to work, and sent money home every month, rarely coming back.

At home, naturally only he and a lovely younger sister.

My younger sister broke her leg half a year ago, so she has not gone to school and is recuperating at home.

It's very real, Zishou vaguely remembers that he seems to have lived this kind of life before.

But...was there a lovely younger sister at the time?

There should be, right?

Zishou was not convinced either.

"Concubine Tiannu, what do you want to eat?" Zishou threw his schoolbag on the sofa.

Tiannu concubine bit her index finger and made a thoughtful movement, then she narrowed her eyes cutely: "I want to eat dumplings."

"Okay, the refrigerator is still there, I'll cook it for you."

The dumplings were frozen, and Zi Shou just randomly put two pieces of instant noodles and a piece of celery on the table. After serving them to the dinner table, Concubine Tian squinted her eyes and jumped up her legs happily.

The white and tender calves bounced up and down in front of Zishou, Zishou... Of course, he had no evil intentions.

After all, who would have evil thoughts about a cute little girl of eleven or twelve years old?

"Concubine Tiannu, your leg injury is healed, so it's time to go to school, right?" Zi Shou sighed.

"I...I don't want to go to school..." Consort Tian put down her bowl, lowered her head and said, "I want to be with my brother."

"You can be with me even after school!" Zi Shou was a little puzzled.

Concubine Tiannu said: "That's different."

"Well, it's up to you!" Zishou said, "But you have to go out more often, and you can't stay at home all the time."

Facing Zishou's nagging, Tian Nu concubine stared at her lovely big eyes, and said in her delicate voice: "Brother, I want to be with you, go to and from school with you, live with you, and sleep with you."

"The latter one is unnecessary."

"Aren't I cute? Don't you like my cute sister?"

"Cute, I like it, but do you want to sleep together?"

"of course yes."

After having a conversation with Concubine Tian, ​​Zishou also relaxed a lot. Concubine Tian made him feel the warmth of home.

The college entrance examination is coming up in a blink of an eye, the zhenqi in the sub-receptor is like the water of the world, and the memory in the dream is becoming clearer and clearer. Although there are some things that he hasn't remembered yet, he vaguely knows them.

It shouldn't be long before I leave this world.


The fourth change, the transitional chapter, has no dry goods, but it is still necessary, so don't scold me.

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