In the side hall of Lutai, Zishou sat cross-legged, and there was a soft sound in his dantian!The God-killing Spear kept vibrating in the lung orifice.

He opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. He already knew about the pharmacist's investment in business, and it was he who mobilized the killing spirit of the God-killing Spear just now, and shot the leading Taoist.

Although the pharmacist is by no means a kind-hearted person, even the plague this time has something to do with him.

But now that he has defected to Dashang, Zishou will no longer care about it.What's more, this person can be regarded as a veteran quasi-sage, and his cultivation base is not low in the prehistoric world. It is better to earn a big business than to kill directly.

The most important point... There is no reason for Zishou not to do things that can make the Daoist Jieyin angry.

"This Eastern religion really should create a... Well, find a time to go to Biyou Palace, but I don't know if Master Tongtian is willing to give up Taoist Duobao." Zi Shou thought to himself.

Taoist Duobao must be obtained if he wants to create a great business Buddhist sect. It is impossible for him to be the leader of Buddhism himself. Taoist Duobao is the best candidate.

At this moment, a wave suddenly surged in the space in front of him, and then a time-space crack suddenly opened, and a plain-clothed girl slowly walked out from it.

"The primordial world has been perfected now, and the way of heaven has also been born, but the way of heaven is not complete at this time, I'm afraid it won't allow you to entrust your soul into it."

"Nuwa." Zishou looked back, smiled and said, "That's okay, just wait."

He is now a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he is still not a saint.

A sage's primordial spirit is entrusted in the way of heaven, but his primordial spirit is not entrusted in the way of heaven, but is stored in the flesh.

In other words, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not necessarily a saint, and a saint is not necessarily a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but most saints are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Just like Zishou is a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but because the Yuanshen is not placed in the way of heaven, he is not strictly a saint.

As for the three saints of Huoyun Cave, although none of them are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they have the name of saints. Not only can they avoid the three disasters of life and death in Huoyun Cave, but they can also display the strength of saints.

The only saint in the prehistoric world is an exception, and that is Ping Xin.

Pingxin's primordial spirit is not entrusted in the way of heaven, but hidden in the underworld. Because the underworld has its own rules of operation, it can be regarded as a saint.

Zishou knew that it was best for him to entrust his primordial spirit in the Dao of Heaven in the Primordial World. In that case, when the Primordial World disappeared, almost no one in the prehistoric world could kill him.

Nuwa smiled and said: "Pingxin has returned to the underworld recently, and something seems to have happened in the underworld, and the blood sea has changed recently."

Zishou frowned: "What happened to the sea of ​​blood? Isn't the sea of ​​blood the domain of Taoist Styx? I'll ask him later."

"En." Nuwa nodded.

Zishou walked over to Nuwa, winked and said, "Well, Nuwa, look, it's time to fulfill the promise?"

Nu Wa blinked her eyes, her long eyelashes looked very cute: "What promise?"

"You said before that as long as I carry the Meteor Pill out, you will kiss me, have you forgotten?" Zi Shou walked over with a smile.

Nuwa took two steps back, leaning her back against the wall, and said with a blank face, "What? I forgot, is there such a thing?"

Zishou was stunned for a moment, then feigned anger and said, "Okay! You've repented!"

Nuwa blinked her spiritual eyes, and a sly look flashed in her clear eyes: "I seem to remember, but haven't you kissed me before?"

"Have I kissed you before? No!" Zishou said.

"No? You must have forgotten."

"How could I forget? Wait...I said, Nuwa, you are going to regret it, right?" Zi Shou said calmly, "Anyway, you don't want to, so forget it. I talked to you so much. After many years of love, I have kissed and kissed, since this is the case, then I will kiss someone else." Saying that, she turned and left.

Nuwa was also taken aback for a moment: "You...come back."

Zishou asked, "What's the matter?"

Nuwa said: "I didn't say no." Although she said this very calmly, two red clouds still appeared on her face.

Zishou was elated, but he said calmly, "Is it really possible?"

"Hmm." She didn't speak any more, just let out a hmm from her nose.

Zishou was about to jump out of joy in his heart, and walked towards her slowly, seeing her beautiful melon-seeded face, couldn't help but feel a wave of excitement in his heart, and slowly moved towards her.

Nuwa slowly closed her eyes, her body trembling slightly, as if she was at her mercy.

Zishou smelled a wonderful fragrance from her body, his heart was beating wildly, and his calling became urgent and hot.

In the quiet room, each other's violent heartbeats could be heard extremely clearly, and Zishou knew that she was very nervous, and he himself was also very nervous, and even called out in a rush that had never been seen before.

Zishou stretched out his hand and slowly put it on her fragrant shoulder. It was very thin, but it was very comfortable to touch.

Nuwa's body trembled slightly, and her face became even redder.A charming atmosphere spread out.

At this moment, Fei Zhong's voice came from outside the room: "My lord! The pharmacist has brought five hundred Taoists to join him!"

This scream directly swept away the charming atmosphere!

Nuwa slipped out of Zishou's arms, her face was still red, like a red apple, which made people want to take a bite. She suppressed her smile and said, "Go and deal with your business first."

"Wait, we..." Zishou opened his mouth.

"I'm going back to the Primordial World!" Thinking of what happened just now, Nuwa was so ashamed that she directly opened the Primordial World and hid in it.

Looking at the empty side hall, smelling the fragrance remaining in his bosom, the corner of Zishou's mouth was twitched fiercely.

Nope, the perfect opportunity to overthrow Nuwa was just missed!


If I let you go today, I will not be a surname! ! ! !

"My lord, the pharmacist is here, we should..." Fei Zhong joyfully came to the door of the side hall, looked up and saw Zishou's murderous eyes shot over, he trembled in fright, huh?What's wrong with the king?

"Fei Zhong! You are very good!" Zi Shou looked at him and laughed, "You are doing very well!"

Fei Zhong rubbed his head and said: "Fei Zhong dare not take credit for it, everything is directed by His Majesty, Your Majesty, I..." He still wanted to say something, but when he saw Zishou's gloomy face, he was so frightened that he couldn't say anything up.

"That's right, I have a lot of rewards." Zi Shou smiled.

"Come on!" Zishou yelled, "Push this bastard into the bowl!"

Fei Zhong was so frightened that he froze all over.


Push it into the basin?This is called heavy reward? ? ?

Two attendants stepped forward to grab Fei Zhong and dragged him down.

Only Fei Zhong's mournful cry came: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please spare me!"

Zi Shou said viciously: "This bastard hinders Lao Tzu from making children. I, who is on a horse, will send you to make children with poisonous snakes!!!"

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