The pharmacist led five hundred Taoists to join him, Zi Shou thought about it, and went out to greet him himself.

Although the pharmacist may not be regarded as a good person, he has defected to the big business after all, not to mention bringing with him five hundred Western disciples.

Seeing that Zishou came out to greet him in person, the pharmacist was both surprised and happy, and hastily bowed down and said, "Pharmacist Poor, I pay my respects to Your Majesty! May Your Majesty live forever!"

Zishou stretched out his hand to help him up, and said with a smile, "The Taoist Master Yaoshi has brought his disciples thousands of miles to join him this time. After the establishment of the Eastern Sect, he will definitely promise the Taoist priest a Buddhahood."

Although Fei Zhong had heard it a long time ago, what Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian said in person was naturally different.

A wave of ecstasy surged in the pharmacist's heart, and he hurriedly bowed again.Although he is already a quasi-sage, he has already encountered shackles, and it is impossible to advance in this life. If he can sit on a fruit position and enjoy the luck of the Eastern religion, it is not impossible to go further in the future.

At the moment, Shou also waved his hand, and at the same time, he asked people to prepare a banquet, and at the same time, he asked people to build a palace in Chaoge City, where the pharmacists and others lived.

This time, the pharmacist came to Dashang to preach, but in the end he was rebelled by Fei Zhong, and the story of defecting to Dashang quickly spread throughout the prehistoric world.

For a while, countless great powers paid attention to this matter, and planned to see the reaction of the follow-up Taoist.Unexpectedly, the Taoist priests did not respond, and Western religions also fell silent.

Gradually, the great masters of the wilderness speculated whether the leading Taoist was afraid of Di Xin?

After all, even if the Emperor Xin Yuanshen has not integrated into the Dao of Heaven, he still belongs to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, not to mention that he still holds a set of Zhuxian Sword Formation that can kill saints?

Some people also speculated that Taoist Jieyin held back for a while, and would eventually go to war with the big merchants.


On the deer platform.

Zi Shou Duan sat still, but the primordial spirit had come out of his body, sitting and standing in emptiness.The spiritual consciousness turned into thousands of strands and spread out in all directions like a tide, spreading across the entire Dashang in an instant, and continued to cover it.

This kind of divine consciousness spreads out, and everything in a radius of thousands of miles is finally included in Zishou's mind, no matter whether it is a person or an object, he can see it clearly.

After reaching the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in cultivation base, Zi Shou gradually realized that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's strength was divided into different levels.

The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has a body that has never been worn down through thousands of calamities.

Originally, before Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he was able to cut off the three corpses of good and evil with great perseverance. Only by beheading the three corpses can he escape from the troubles of the world.

However, due to the different skills Zishou practiced, although the three corpses were not beheaded, they also reached the cultivation level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

While enveloping his consciousness invisibly in all directions, he flipped through the nine-turn Xuanyuan Kungfu in his mind:

"Among the golden immortals of Hunyuan Daluo, there are still nine turns. It is exactly: to search for jade dust for thousands of miles, and to guard the golden stove for thousands of years. Three corpses can be saved, but nine turns are hard to pass. Three corpses can be beheaded. If you want to participate in the great fortune, Nine turns are needed. Nine turns are still there today, so why not pass them on? There is a magic of nine turns. After nine turns, you can get...

"Nine is the extreme number, and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian actually has nine turns. I used to think that the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was just the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. I didn't expect that there are turns in the division of strength."

Zishou frowned. According to the records in the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Kung Fu, his current cultivation base should be the first-turn Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

"If I am rank one Hunyuan, then the leading Taoist is a little higher than me, at most I can only have the cultivation level of the second rank and the third rank Hunyuan, and the main cultivation level of the Tongtian Sect is much higher than me, at least it is a saint of rank four or five , as for Empress Pingxin, she might be even taller."

While thinking about it, Zishou's spiritual consciousness quickly shrouded in all directions. With a movement in his heart, his spiritual consciousness headed towards the underworld, passing through the gates of ghosts, passing through the netherworld, and passing through countless ghost cities.

In the underworld, Pingxin was meditating in the Pingxin Hall to raise his energy, when suddenly his eyes opened, and a murderous look rose on his face: "Who dares to use divine sense to explore my underworld!"

Immediately after realizing that this sense of consciousness is very familiar, Ping Xin slowly let go of his guard, and the killing intent on his face also slowly dissipated.

"Zi Shou? This divine sense is his."

Zishou's consciousness has spread thousands of miles away, but it still doesn't reach the limit. With a move in his heart, he continues to spread outwards. When passing by West Kunlun Mountain, he sends his consciousness to the tiankeng that he met last time in West Kunlun Mountain!

Just when his consciousness reached the Tiankeng, he was sucked by a powerful force.

This absorbing force was so great that it instantly swallowed up the consciousness released by Zishou.

He even felt that there were some eyes looking at him in the deep pit, as if he wanted to chase him out.

Zishou hastily cut off that sense of consciousness, and his brain burst into pain.

This prehistoric land is indeed not as simple as it appears on the surface. This deep pit itself felt unfathomable before, but I didn't expect that after being certified as a Hunyuan, I still couldn't find out what was under the deep pit.

In the past, there were only six saints on the surface of the prehistoric land: Laozi, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti. Hongjun was the manifestation of the way of heaven and was not counted among them.

But Zishou felt that there might be only so few saints, but there might not be so few Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians.

After all, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not equal to a saint.

The consciousness continued to spread in all directions. Zishou wanted to see how many thousands of miles the consciousness of Hunyuan could spread, and also wanted to know if there were any secrets in this prehistoric world.

While his spiritual consciousness quickly flew down the underworld, he also quickly flew towards the sky, and naturally alarmed several saints on the way.

Fortunately, saints like Laozi and Tongtian have a good relationship with Zishou, and they didn't take action to destroy that spiritual consciousness.

When the spiritual consciousness passed through the underworld and continued to go down, it suddenly passed to Zishou a strong sense of devouring. Before Zishou could receive the image sent back by the divine consciousness, the spiritual consciousness that went deep into the ground was completely swallowed up.

Zishou's face changed drastically, and the burning pain of being devoured by his consciousness directly hit the soul, making him tremble slightly.

"Hell is not the end, what exists further down?" Zishou was shocked in his heart. He thought of the era in his previous life, when technology was already extremely advanced, and he could go to the moon, but he couldn't find out the depth of the earth's seabed.

Honghuang is many times larger than the earth, and the sage of Honghuang can travel thousands of miles to the sea, but he may not have a clear understanding of everything about Honghuang.

Just when Zishou gave up the idea of ​​exploring the underground, he suddenly felt the sea of ​​blood in the underworld vibrate!Under the sea of ​​blood, an extremely powerful aura suddenly erupted, and the terrifying temperature directly made the entire sea of ​​blood boil!

Zishou's complexion changed drastically, his consciousness shrouded the sea of ​​blood, and he could feel the terrifying temperature erupting from the sea of ​​blood. This temperature was not only extremely high, but also carried an extremely destructive aura. From a distance, it seemed that he was facing the doomsday .

"What is that?" Zi Shou's eyes widened, his heart thumped, and he poured his consciousness into the sea of ​​blood, trying to see clearly what that thing was.

The consciousness of Hunyuan was injected into the sea of ​​blood, and it spread away at a speed faster than lightning, and it penetrated thousands of miles in an instant.

In the next second, a destructive aura burst out under the sea of ​​blood, directly devouring Zishou's consciousness!


Zishou took back his soul with his divine consciousness, and the soul returned to his physical body, looking at the direction of the ground, his body was covered in cold sweat.

Just before the destructive aura devoured his consciousness, the picture was sent back to his brain after all.

In the depths of the endless sea of ​​blood, a huge palace unexpectedly appeared, and black flames spread out in all directions!

In the palace, a black fire lotus bloomed slowly, shaking gently, and every time it was shaken, it would surely burst out an overwhelming aura of destruction.

"The World-Mietering Black Lotus! That thing appeared in the sea of ​​blood! And it seems to be a complete World-Mietering Black Lotus!"

Zishou recalled the scene just now, and the surprise in his eyes could no longer be contained.

He didn't expect that the Mieshi Black Lotus was actually in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and seeing that the black lotus was exquisite and perfect, and the aura it released could even devour the consciousness of Hunyuan, it should be a complete twelfth-rank Mie Shi Heilian.

The twelfth-grade Miserable Black Lotus was the treasure of the Demon Ancestor Luohu back then. This black lotus integrated both offense and defense. .

Although the twelfth-rank Merit Golden Lotus and the twelfth-rank Karma Fire Red Lotus are comparable to the twelfth-rank Black Lotus, their killing power is far inferior to that of the second-rank Black Lotus.

One reason is that the twelfth-rank Mieshiheilian's Mieshihuo can burn saints, and the second is that the twelfth-rank Mieshiheilian is infected by Rahu's demonic energy and becomes full of murderous aura.

"The birth of the twelfth-rank World-Mietering Black Lotus should be related to that old thing Luo Hu. Since that old thing escaped from the Chaos Orb, he hasn't shown his face. Presumably, he should hide somewhere and recover his cultivation secretly. This time The birth of the twelfth-rank World-Exterminating Black Lotus is very likely to be summoned by Rahu."

"However, the twelfth-rank World-Mietering Black Lotus is in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and Patriarch Styx never discovered it. Also... when was the palace in the depths of the sea of ​​blood built?"

Zishou had many doubts in his heart, he thought that the birth of the twelfth rank exterminating black lotus might cause another great earthquake.

The aura that erupted from the twelfth-rank World-Mietering Black Lotus just now was so terrifying that even the sea of ​​blood was boiled, the saint should have noticed it.


Western religion, among the 24 heavens.

The leading Taoist stood up suddenly, opened his eyes, and stared at the ground.

"This momentum is full of destruction. Is it the twelfth-rank world-destroying black lotus? When the twelfth-rank world-destroying black lotus appears in the sea of ​​blood, Luo Hu is bound to go, and something will happen to the underworld. We think about it, but I can take the opportunity to gain benefits in the underworld."

"Although the pharmacist betrayed me, there is still my disciple Ksitigarbha. This time, I will take the Taoist Ksitigarbha to the underworld to kill Rahu, so that my disciple Ksitigarbha can also gain some merit. At that time, I will be able to live in the sea of ​​blood in a justifiable way." Among them, the one who becomes the master will gradually control the entire underworld while transforming the evil spirits, so why worry about the failure of the Western religion?"

The Taoist Jieyin thought about this, smiled slightly, and said, "I must start from the underworld for the great success of my Western religion! Dixin, let's see who is the best player. Tong'er, go and call your brother Dizang over here."

"Yes, teacher!" A boy answered and went to a world.


A big boss tipped an alliance leader. . .It was the first time I received the leader since I wrote the book, and I was so surprised. . .Many thanks. . .

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