Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 49 9 Dragon Island 4 Holy?Let me die!

Besides, Grand Master Wen thought of his fellow Taoists on the island, clapped his hands and laughed loudly, and said, "My four fellow Taoists have great powers, if I can invite them to come, I will be able to defeat Xiqi!"

At that moment, I heard that Grand Master rode Mo Qilin and headed for Kowloon Island in the West Sea.

When they arrived on the island, Wang Mo, Yang Sen, Gao Yougan, and Li Xingba greeted them.

These four people and Grand Master Wen are all disciples of Jiejiao, and they have a very good relationship. When they heard that Grand Master Wen asked them to go to Xiqi to help Zhang Guifang, they immediately agreed without hesitation.

"Brother Wen, go back first, we will arrive soon!" Wang Mo said.

Grand Master Wen nodded, and rode the ink unicorn back to Chaoge first, and then the four of them also drove the water to Chaoge together, and found each other at Wen Taishi's mansion.

"Four Taoist brothers, please come in quickly." Wen Zhong hurriedly greeted him, "Come here, serve wine. Today Wen Zhong and the four Taoist brothers have a drink first. I have another Taoist friend coming, and we will stay together tomorrow." Enter the palace to meet His Majesty."

After drinking for three rounds, a servant suddenly reported that another Taoist came outside the door. Hearing that the grand master hurried out to greet him, he said happily, "Brother Dao, you are here too!"

The person who came was wearing a bright red suit with two swords on his back, but he was a Taoist from Minghe who was invited from the west by Grand Master Wen.

"Haha, I have nothing to do, so I come to play." Taoist Minghe stroked his beard and smiled.

He has been cultivating in the sea of ​​blood for many years, and he has never set foot outside, and he came to Chaoge only on a whim recently, and because of the strong invitation of the grand master.

The next day, Wen Zhong, the Four Sages of Jiulong Island, and Taoist Minghe came to Jiujian Hall to meet Zishou.

The four sages of Jiulong Island were vicious and ugly, and when they arrived at the Jiujian Temple, they cupped their hands and said, "We are invited by the grand master to come and destroy Xiqiye!"

Taoist Styx stood aside carelessly.

Zishou: ...

The Four Saints of Kowloon Island?

Zishou seemed to remember something. The Four Sages of Jiulong Island were killed shortly after they appeared in the original book. It seemed that the only thing that was more powerful was their mounts.

Through the system, Zishou quickly saw the cultivation bases of the four saints of Jiulong Island. The four were all true immortals, higher than Wen Taishi. In terms of strength alone, regardless of magic weapons, they should be similar to Nezha.

Although the Four Sages of Kowloon Island were quickly wiped out by Jiang Ziya in the original book, but now the morale of Yin Shang is soaring, and what kind of garbage buffs are blessed by the dog system, if it is not stopped, the small universe may break out and defeat Western Zhou...

No, I have to do something.

"Four, when you take down Xiqi, there will definitely be a great reward!" Zi Shou first wrote a blank check, and then rolled his eyes and said, "Wang Mo Wang Daochang, if Jiang Ziya is defeated and flees, don't chase after him!" , Otherwise, your life is in danger. Fellow Daoist Gao, be careful of Jiang Ziya’s whip when you fight against him, otherwise you will be finished when he hits the whip. Fellow Daoist Yang Sen, remember not to fight Jin Zha, you may not be able to beat him, Li Xingba Li Daochang, don't fight Mu Zha, you are not his opponent."

Zishou thought for a while, and came up with a brilliant way!

That's the trick!

Excite the Four Saints of Kowloon Island to die!It turns out that in the plot, Wang Mo chased Jiang Ziya out, but was stopped by Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's sacrificial dragon stake, and was beheaded by Jin Zha. Gao Yougan was beaten to death by Jiang Ziya's whip, and Yang Sen was also fixed and killed by Jin Zha with the dragon escape stake. Li Xingba was beheaded by Mu Zha with the Wu hook sword.


After Zishou finished speaking, the proud Four Sages of Jiulong Island immediately became furious, and their eyes wanted to spit fire.

Why don't you chase after Jiang Ziya's defeat?Is it dangerous to chase?

Why be careful of Jiang Ziya's whip?

And the latter is even more excessive!Say we can't beat Jin Zha and Mu Zha, so look down on us?

"Hmph, we don't need you to give us advice!" Wang Mo was upset at the moment.

"Haha, a mere Jiang Ziya, you still need to be careful with his whip?" Gao Yougan smiled disdainfully.

"That I can't beat Jin Zha?"

"That I can't beat Mu Zha?"

"Haha, ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

The Four Sages of Jiulong Island were furious and laughed, their eyes full of disdain.

If Grand Master Wen hadn't invited them, they would be angry and beat people now.

"My lord, this..." Grand Master Wen also felt very embarrassed, what's wrong with your lord?

Belittling his four fellow Taoists so much?

Alas, the king is too confident!

Zishou raised his eyebrows, showing a bad look.

Laugh, laugh, you four dogs, wait for death!

Lao Tzu's aggressive trick has made him perfect!

The four things can't be seen, so if you don't die, you have to die!

Originally, Zishou was worried whether the Four Sages of Kowloon Island would follow the plot, but now that he is so excited by him, they must catch up one by one to die!

"Hmph, Brother Wen, let's go to Xiqi first, and wait for me to bring Jiang Ziya's head back!" Wang Mo didn't want to stay here any longer, so he turned and left with a cold snort, while the other three sneered and turned to leave too.

"Oh." Wen Taishi was full of sorrow.

Taoist Minghe narrowed his eyes slightly, but nodded secretly. He was different from the four sages of Jiulong Island who were defiant, but he felt that Zishou's words had deep meaning.

At this time, the system issued another task.

"Trigger task: Let the Yin and Shang armies defeat the Western Zhou Dynasty, kill Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Nezha!"

"Reward: Yin Shang Qi Luck +800, Nine Turns Xuan Yuan Gong fourth level, harem + jade pipa essence."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, mmp, this dog system is getting more and more inappropriate!

Just take the jade pipa essence as a reward?

How can I, an outstanding young man in the 21st century, bow down for a mere beauty like you?

I don't want to!

The Four Saints of Kowloon Island must die!

"My lord, Brother Wen, I'm going too." Taoist Minghe, who stood on the sidelines and watched coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly.

He didn't pay attention to this Taoist Zishou, he felt that Wen Zhong should have invited the Taoist somewhere, and it shouldn't be of much use.

Of course, if Zi Shou observes carefully, he will find that this is an SSSR-level character...


Besides, the four sages of Jiulong Island left Chaoge and rushed all the way to Xiqi Mountain. When they arrived at Zhang Guifang Yuanmen, they entered the gate to ask for an audience.

Zhang Guifang learned that it was the reinforcements invited by Wen Taishi, so she went out to greet her immediately.

"The four Taoists passed by after a long way, Zhang Guifang was rude, please come in quickly." Zhang Guifang said politely.

Wang Mo saw that Zhang Guifang and Feng Lin were injured in their shoulders, and said, "Are you two injured? Let me see."

Seeing this, Wang Mo laughed: "So it was injured by the Qiankun circle! This Qiankun circle is an extremely powerful spiritual treasure, it's okay if it hits the arm, but if it hits the head, the two of you will be gone now. "

At that moment, Wang Mo also took out the elixir from the gourd and rubbed it on the two of them, and within a moment, they were all healed.

"Thank you Daoist Wang, this has hurt me for a few days." Zhang Guifang said gratefully.

"General Zhang, since the injury is healed, let's go to Xiqi City and let me meet that Nezha!" Wang Mo said.

Zhang Guifang immediately sent an order, ordering the three armies to kill Xiqi.

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