Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 50 Jiang Shang shamelessly defrauded the 4 saints, the king demon killed Nezha in anger

The three armies came to the outside of Xiqi city in mighty force.

"General Zhang, you go out tomorrow, call for that Jiang Ziya to come out. When he comes out, I will deal with him for the general!" Wang Mo said.

"Zhang Guifang, Feng Lin, our mounts are strange beasts. All horses can't stand upright. Stick these talismans on the saddle." Yang Sen took out some talisman papers.

"Yes." Zhang Guifang replied.

The next day, Zhang Guifang put on her armor and stepped forward to call for battle.

"Report to the Prime Minister! Zhang Guifang has led an army outside the city, calling for the Prime Minister to go out!"

In Xiqi city, in the prime minister's mansion, a soldier rushed in in a panic and reported.

Jiang Ziya, who was dealing with things with his head down, raised his head and sneered slightly.

"Zhang Guifang was robbed by me a few days ago, and retreated to Xiqi Mountain. How dare he come to fight today! Hmph, I will meet him when I go out!"

Jiang Ziya didn't take Zhang Guifang seriously, and immediately set up a five-party team to go out of the city, and said loudly: "What is the face of the defeated general?"

Zhang Guifang replied: "Victory or defeat is a common matter in the army, Jiang Shang, don't be complacent!"

Just as Zhang Guifang finished speaking, there was a shock behind the Shang army, and then four strange beasts came out, and four terrifying auras rushed towards them.


On Jiang Ziya's side, all the horses crawled, and all the generals on both sides fell off their horses, and even Jiang Ziya was thrown to the ground!

Only Nezha stepped on the Hot Wheels, but nothing happened.


Wang Mo and the other four laughed loudly. The four of them were riding strange beasts.

Wang Mo rode Bi An, Yang Sen rode Suan Ni, Gao Yougan rode a spotted leopard, and Li Xingba rode ferociously, exuding bursts of powerful aura.

How can those war horses resist!

"Don't panic, get up slowly." Wang Mo couldn't stop laughing.

"Four brothers, how do you call them? Where are you practicing in a famous mountain?" Jiang Ziya groaned in his heart, he couldn't even stand firmly, how could he fight now!

"We are the Four Sages of Kowloon Island. We came here because we heard that the grand master invited us. We are all Taoists, and we don't want to meet each other with swords. I have three things to say. If you agree, we will immediately Go back to the mountain." Wang Mo said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist, let's not say it's three things, even if it's thirty or three hundred, I'll accept it! Fellow Daoist, please tell me." Jiang Ziya seemed very polite, even flattering.

Seeing this, Wang Mo was very proud, and raised his head and said: "The first thing is to ask King Wu to become a minister, the second thing is to open the treasury and reward the Yin and Shang armies, and the third thing is to go out of the city and return to the court song with me! "

Wang Mo thought, if he could solve the problem without bloodshed, it would appear that he would be powerful by sending it back to Chao Ge Fang.

"Brother Dao is right, Jiang Shang agreed! But Brother Rong Dao gave me three days to discuss with King Wu, and then return to Chaoge with Brother Dao." Cowardly, wait for three days to return to Yuxu Palace to find rescue.

Immediately, Wang Mo also agreed, and both sides returned to the city.

After all, in Wang Mo's view, Jiang Ziya must be terrified of them if he is so humble, so it doesn't matter if he waits for three days.

However, after Jiang Ziya returned to the city, he paid Wuji and Nezha to defend Xiqi City, so he drove Tudun to Yuxu Palace and met Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun knew the reason for his coming long ago, and said with a smile: "The mount of the four sages of Jiulong Island is a hybrid of the nine kinds of dragons. If you can't stand firmly, I will give you the four images today."

Then, Yuanshi Tianzun presented Jiang Ziya with the God Whip and the Xinghuang Banner, and said: "As a teacher, there is another important task to be entrusted to you. Now that the Shang and Zhou Wars have begun, it is also the Conferred God War. I will give you the Conferred God List! You go to Xiqi builds the God Conferring Platform, and the heroic spirits who die after that will be included in the list, and you will also be the gods in the future."

After all, he gave Jiang Ziya the list of gods.

"The disciple must live up to his mission! Complete the task of enshrining the gods!" Jiang Ziya was deeply moved when he saw that Yuanshi Tianzun valued him so much.

"Go, go to Beihai now, there is one person waiting for you." Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand and let Jiang Ziya leave.

But he didn't want someone outside the door to hear the words clearly, and he secretly hated: "What a Jiang Ziya, he is so respected by the master! Good, good, good! If you help Xi Zhou, I will help Chaoge!"

It was Shen Gongbao who was apprenticed with Jiang Ziya in Yuxu Palace.

At that moment, Shen Gongbao also left Yuxu Palace angrily.

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun opened his eyes slightly, and a sigh sounded.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Jiang Ziya did not respond for a long time. On the eighth day, Wang Mo finally couldn't help it, and led his troops to approach Xiqi City again.

"What a Jiang Ziya, you promised, but you broke your promise! Today I will teach you that Xiqi City is full of blood!" Wang Mo stepped forward and shouted.

Jiang Ziya finally rode Sixiang, and took Nezha and others out of the city to line up.

Wang Mo was furious: "What a Jiang Ziya, it turned out that after you promised me that day, you went to Yuxu Palace to ask for four different images! Today I will definitely let your Xiqi corpses lie all over the field!"

"Haha, Brother Dao, don't you know that soldiers are not tired of deceit?" Jiang Ziya came back that day, not only got the magic whip, four different images, apricot yellow flag, but also subdued the dragon beard and tiger in Beihai, and he straightened his back at this time.

"Damn it! Jiang Shang is to die!" Wang Mo was so angry that he rode Bi An to kill Jiang Ziya with his sword straightened out.

"Wang Moxiu hurt my uncle!" Nezha next to him snorted coldly, and shot out with a flaming gun.

Wang Mo catches it with his sword, and the two of them can kill each other easily!

At this time, both of them were true immortals, their strengths were matched, and they fought inextricably.

Seeing this, Yang Sen took out a blessing bead from the leopard skin pouch and sacrificed it, hitting Nezha in the face, knocking him off Hot Wheels.

"Nezha suffers!" Wang Mo stepped forward and swung his sword.

"Hey! Don't hurt Nezha!" But the dragon-bearded tiger stepped forward, waved a huge stone, and hit Wang Mo.

"What monster?" Wang Mo turned pale with shock, with his eyesight he couldn't see the roots of the dragon's beard and tiger's.

"Hmph, don't let the monster hurt my Taoist brother!" Gao Yougan rode out on the spotted leopard, sacrificed the Hunyuan orb, and hit the dragon's beard and tiger's neck, causing the dragon's beard and tiger to turn over.

"It hurts! What kind of bead is this!" Longxuhu turned his head and ran away immediately.

If it weren't for his rough skin and thick flesh, this bead could kill him.

Seeing that Wang Mo was going to kill Nezha again, Nangong Shi fought out with a big knife, but Yang Sen sacrificed Kai Dzi again and knocked him off the horse.

Wang Mofu fell with his sword, and directly chopped off Nezha's head.

Jiang Ziya's eyes were tearing, and he shouted: "Retract the troops and return to the city! Retract the troops and return to the city!"

This time he lost Nezha, a general, and his heart ached like a knife. Knowing that he was no match for the Four Sages of Jiulong Island, he immediately rode the Four Sages to leave.

"Jiang Ziya, die!" Li Xingba galloped up to Jiang Ziya, and threw a ground-splitting bead, which hit Jiang Ziya's heart. Jiang Ziya screamed and dared not go back to the city. He rode Sixiang and flew towards Beihai. .

"Jiang Shang, stay here!" Seeing Jiang Ziya fleeing, Wang Mo chased after Bi An.

He completely forgot Zishou's advice not to chase Jiang Ziya.

Sixiang walked faster, and soon carried Jiang Ziya to Wulong Mountain. Wang Mo was so angry that he sacrificed Kai Tianzhu again, knocking Jiang Ziya down from Sixiang, and rolled down the hillside.

Jiang Ziya has seven deaths and three disasters, this is the first death.

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