Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 53 9 Dragon Island 4 Saints Destroyed

"Zhang Guifang leads the army to victory!"

"Xiqi Nangong Shi and Xin Jia were both captured by Zhang Guifang."

"It seems that Ji Fa's child is nothing more than that, and Zhang Guifang will attack Xiqi soon."

"Jiang Ziya hangs up his exemption card, no matter how provocative Zhang Guifang is, he dare not leave the city."

The news was sent back to Chaoge, Shang Rong, Bigan, Jizi, Weizi and other ministers were happy and worried, and some were happy. After all, some ministers were close to the people of Zhou.

As for the two dogs Fei Zhong and You Hun, they lick Zishou all day long.

After finishing the morning court, Zishou waved his hand and left Jiujian Hall depressed.

What went wrong?

Why would a mere Zhang Guifang plus the Four Sages of Kowloon Island beat Xiqi like this?

Should not be!

The original should be dead now, right?

If he goes on like this, he won't really destroy Xiqi, right?

"Hey, what should I do next..."

Back on the Lutai, Zishou touched his chin. According to the plot in the original book, Zhang Guifang should not be able to beat Xiqi, even if he added the Four Sages of Kowloon Island, he would still be giving away food!

"Change coaches?"

Zishou shook his head, this method had already been tried and it didn't work at all.

"What if Zhang Guifang really destroys Xiqi... Hey, if he really destroys Xiqi, then why should I worry about it? Wouldn't it be nice to just stay here?"

Zishou then shook his head again, and slapped himself viciously!

Sober up!This kind of life is not what I want at all!

What's more, standing behind Xiqi is Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Laozi, and the second sage of the West. Now these four saints have not appeared yet, how could Zhang Guifang destroy Xiqi!

"I don't believe that I can keep winning, as long as I lose once, I can go back!"

Immediately, Shou didn't think about it anymore, but looked at a woman next to him.

Jade Face Pipa Essence—Jade Nobleman!

Originally, the jade-faced pipa essence was burned by Jiang Ziya with the real fire of samadhi to reveal its original shape, and it would take five years for it to return to its human form.

Now being rewarded by the system, it is naturally revived in advance.

Yugui was wearing a long white dress, fluttering like a fairy.It doesn't look like a monster, but gives people a fairy feeling.

If Queen Jiang is that kind of noble and dignified, then Su Daji is that kind of charming and sexy, Hu Ximei is that kind of cold and sad, and Yugui is that kind of gentle and well-behaved.

Compared with the first three, Yu Guiren is even more irresistible to hold her in his arms and gently stroke her back with his hands.

Zi Shou glanced at it, and several numbers appeared in his mind: "92, 58, 85."

"My lord, did you save me?" Yugui looked at Zishou tenderly with his big watery eyes.

"Probably." Zi Shou nodded, and then said, "Go to Shouxian Palace and live with Su Daji!"

Yugui blinked and nodded obediently. Although she was still a little puzzled, when she woke up, there seemed to be a voice telling her that from now on, she would be Zishou's person.


After the nobleman left, Zishou sighed with some headaches, now the Millennium Fox Spirit, the Jade Pipa Spirit, and the Nine-Headed Pheasant Spirit are all gathered, and the three monsters from the Xuanyuan Grave are all here!

If someone else might say that the spring night is bitter and the day is high, the king will not go to court early.

But Zishou didn't have those thoughts. You must know that he is still being watched by Nuwa!

"Nuwa's favorability +1."

Zishou: "..."

Look, is this a human?Why did I brush it up again!


At the same time, Nu Wa, who was dressing up in the Imperial Palace, looked at a mirror in front of her, with a rare intoxicating smile on her face.

"Has Yin Shou never slept with the Three Demons?"

Caiyun boy next to him inadvertently saw the flashing smile on Nuwa's face, and lost his mind for a moment.

Empress, are you laughing?


Besides, Wang Mo and others continued to go to Xiqi City to fight, and Jiang Ziya went out of the city to form a square formation.

"Jiang Ziya! Do you finally dare to come out, you little turtle?" Wang Mo said loudly.

"Wang Daoyou, today is your death day!" Jiang Ziya sneered slightly.

Wang Mo was furious and urged Bi An to fetch Jiang Ziya.

A Taoist next to him floated out, and said coldly: "Wangmo, as a member of the sect, you have disobeyed the will of heaven and helped the evildoers. Today I am here to get rid of you!"

But it is Puxian real person.

After finishing speaking, Master Pu Xian sacrificed the two swords of Wu hook, and the male sword was sharpened in the sky, and Wang Mo's head fell to the ground immediately.

Seeing the death of his elder brother, Yang Sen roared angrily, "How dare Pu Xian harm my Taoist brother!" He immediately took out the Pidizhu and shot it out.

Master Puxian sneered and said, "It's a small trick!"

Stretching out a finger, the Pidizhu turned into a puff of white smoke and drifted away.

Seeing that his Lingbao had been broken, Yang Sen knew that he was no match for Master Puxian, and if he continued to fight, he would die.

At that moment, he turned around and fled while riding Suan Ni.

When Jiang Ziya saw that the four sages of Kowloon Island were killed and one escaped, he immediately ordered people to beat the drums, and the soldiers of Xiqi came to the Shang army to kill them!

Zhang Guifang, Feng Lin, Chao Lei, and Chao Tian hurriedly resisted, but with the great killer Puxian present, how could these people be his opponents?

Soon, Immortal Puxian raised the two swords of Wu hook again, and Feng Lin's head fell to the ground as soon as the male sword was sharpened.

Zhang Guifang rode his horse and wanted to leave, but dozens of horsemen rushed out from the Zhou camp. Bo Da, Shu Xia, Mao Gongsui, Zhou Gongdan, Lu Gongwang, Tai Dian and others surrounded him and fought.

Soon Zhang Guifang lost the enemy and was injured repeatedly.He shouted, jumped out of the circle, and wanted to kill himself.

However, at this moment, Taoist Minghe raised a gust of blood and swept Zhang Guifang away.

General Zhou was terrified to see Zhang Guifang blown away by the strange wind.

But Chao Tian Chao Lei saw that the situation was over, so he could only lead the disabled soldiers to escape.

So far, none of the 10 people led by Zhang Guifang have died, surrendered or fled.

"Huh! What a real Puxian, he is so domineering!" Taoist Minghe brought Zhang Guifang back to the merchant army, sneering again and again.

If he had tried to stop Master Puxian just now, maybe it wouldn't have been so bad.

But one is that this person is cruel by nature, bloodthirsty and easy to kill, and the other is that this time he went down the mountain only with a playful attitude, whether he makes a shot or not depends on his mood, and he is not as loyal to Chaoge as Zhang Guifang.

"Zhang Guifang was rescued by the Taoist priest, but it's a pity that there are less than [-] left in the [-] army. I am ashamed of the king!"

Zhang Guifang felt extremely guilty.

"General Zhang, let's send emergency documents back to Chaoge for help!" Chao Lei said.


"I have practiced on Jiulong Island for many years. Unexpectedly, Xiqi made a mistake, and all three fellow Taoists lost their lives! Now we have to go to Chaoge City first and discuss with Brother Wen before we can avenge today's hatred."

The escaped Yang Sen let out a long sigh on the suanni.

Their brothers came out of the mountain to make contributions to Grand Master Wen, but they didn't expect Master Pu Xian to shamelessly attack them, and now he is the only one left.

As the Daluo Jinxian, Master Puxian was already far superior in strength to them, and in addition to having such a terrifying spiritual treasure as the Wu hook double sword, they were not wronged.

"Where is this place?"

As he walked, Yang Sen raised his head with a dazed look on his face.

This doesn't seem to be the way back to Chaoge?Did I go wrong?

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