At this moment, a Taoist stepped on the clouds and said with a long smile, "Is that person in front of you Yang Sen from the Four Sages of Jiulong Island?"

"That's right, I'm Yang Sen from Kowloon Island, how dare you ask who you are?" Yang Sen said.

The Taoist smiled slightly: "I am Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and I am here to send you to the list of gods."

After hearing this, Yang Sen was shocked and turned around to run.

Unexpectedly, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun directly sacrificed the dragon escape pile to escape him, and with a wave of his hand, Yang Sen's head rolled to the ground.

So far, the entire army of the Four Saints of Kowloon Island has been wiped out.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun bowed in the direction of Kunlun Mountain: "The disciple is killing here today!"


When the emergency document was sent to Chaoge, Manchu was shocked.

It was fine before, why was it defeated all of a sudden?

Hearing that the grand master turned pale with shock, his heart ached: "Brother Dao came down the mountain for me, but unexpectedly he died here! The entire army of the four fellow Taoists on Kowloon Island was wiped out, Feng Lin was killed in battle, and Zhang Guifang was defeated..."

Zishou's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was filled with joy.

Wouldn't it be okay if the army was defeated early?

Unfortunately, the system tasks are all over.

Leaning back against the chair, Zishou felt a little melancholy. It would be nice if Zhang Guifang's defeat was only a few days sooner.

"Zhang Guifang asked for reinforcements, who is willing to go out now to help Zhang Guifang break Xiqi?" Wen Taishi looked at the generals in the hall.

Huang Feihu took a step forward: "The final general is willing to go!"

Lu Xiong, the general of the left army, also stepped forward and said: "The last general is willing to go!"

Wen Zhong frowned slightly and said: "The old general is getting old, why don't you let Huang Feihu..."

Lu Xiong laughed and said: "I heard that the grand master should not underestimate the general! I think that little Xiqi has some alchemists to help, but that's all. Let the general go forward, and order two more to join the army, and he will surely succeed!"

"In that case, let the old general go." Wen Zhong nodded.

Zishou's eyes lit up, and he leaned forward slightly.

Lu Xiong?

Isn't this the one who was frozen to death?

Zishou still remembers that in the original book, after Zhang Guifang was defeated, Lu Xiong went to war. As a result, Jiang Ziya froze Qishan Mountain, which directly froze Lu Xiong to death.

At this time, Grand Master Wen said: "Now that Zhang Guifang is defeated and Feng Lin is dead, the old general still has two less soldiers to join the army, why not..."

"Since there are two less soldiers joining the army, let Fei Zhong and You Hun go." Zi Shou said suddenly.

Hehe, these two bastards, the time has come to sanction you!

"Fei Zhongyouhun?" Wen Zhong was stunned for a moment and said: "In this case, let's make Fei Zhongyouhun a general according to what the king said."

If there was no interference from Zi Shou, Grand Master Wen would not order the two of them.

But Zishou's recent series of operations have surprised and admired Grand Master Wen, and the quota has been confirmed at the moment.

Fei Zhong was fine, after all he had led troops to fight King Pingling of Donghai, Yuan Futong of Beihai, and You Hunke had never gone out to battle, and his face was pale with fright.

"Great... Great King, I... I don't know the art of war... I'm afraid it will delay the important affairs of the country..." You Hun cried and felt that the king was messing around!

I am a civil servant myself!

"You can't even join the army? How can you be a doctor?" Zi Shou immediately became unhappy when he heard this.

Hurry up and let me go, and you don't need to fight, just go through the motions and die once.

You Hun was dumbfounded, what does joining the army have to do with being a doctor?

King, listen to me, I really don't know how to fight!

Zishoukutou said earnestly: "Fei Zhongyouhun's two lovers have the talent of adapting to the situation, and they are deeply loved by the lonely king. You must know that Jingwa can't talk about the sea, and summer insects can't talk about ice. If You Aiqing has never gone to war, Always staying in Chaoge, isn’t it a child at the bottom of the well? In short, this expedition, we must not let the lonely king down!”

"Okay, that's it. After winning the battle, Gu still has important tasks for you!"

In order to coax the two of them to go to die, Zishou also moved his feelings with reason, and even wrote a bad check, which can be described as painstaking.

Fei Zhong:! ! !

You Hun:! ! !

Your Majesty, you value us too much!

In an instant, tears filled the eyes of the two, and they were very moved.

It is simply the greatest honor to praise them so much in the court, Your Majesty, you really value them!

You Hun swept away the decadence in his heart, and replaced it with boiling blood.

He wished he could go to Qishan immediately to make contributions and kill Xiqi.

Of course, if Zishou knew what he was thinking, he would laugh wildly.

You, a poor courtier, also want to make meritorious deeds?Do your blue sky daydream!

I will definitely kill you two bastards this time!

"Okay, okay, let's retreat!" Zishou waved his hand, turned and left the Jiujian Hall, leaving a stalwart figure for the ministers.


After leaving the Jiujian Hall, Lu Xiong chose an auspicious day to sacrifice the flag and set up troops, while Fei Zhongyouhun and Fei Zhongyouhun gathered together to discuss important matters.

"Your Majesty asked us to join the army, but what should we do?" Arriving at Fei Zhong's mansion, You Hun said with a sad face, "Brother Fei, you have led soldiers to fight, but I have never gone to war."

"Your Majesty's vision is vicious, and you will never misjudge someone." Fei Zhong patted You Hun on the shoulder to express his comfort, "We must win Xiqi this time, so that we can live up to Your Majesty's love!"

For Zishou's every word, Fei Zhong now regards it as a standard.

Xiangzi was instructed several times before to send Yuan Hong to the North Sea, and he also made preparations before going to the East China Sea, asking himself to ask Dong Bohou for help.

Every time I prepared to go out, I thought that I would die without a doubt, but in the end, under the arrangement of the king, I won the victory easily.

Let them go out this time, the king must have arranged something!

But let them take care of themselves.

Just like fighting King Pingling of the East China Sea, if you didn't understand what the king asked him to borrow troops from Dong Bohou, how could you win the victory without a single soldier?

However, what did the king arrange this time?

At that moment, Fei Zhong also told You Hun his conjecture.

"You mean, His Majesty has actually made arrangements for this expedition? As long as we understand His Majesty's arrangements, we will definitely win this battle?" You Hun said with his eyes widened.

Fei Zhong nodded and said, "Well, think about it quickly, will your majesty make any arrangements? Every word your majesty says must have a deep meaning."

You Hun frowned and thought bitterly: "What is the deep meaning of what the king said?"


"You can't even join the army? How can you be a doctor?"

"The two lovers, Fei Zhongyouhun, have the talent to adapt to changing situations, and they are deeply loved by the lonely king."

"You must know that Jingwa can't talk about the sea, and Xia Chong can't talk about ice."

"In short, this expedition, we must not disappoint the lonely king!"

"When the battle is won, I still have a heavy responsibility for you!"

Every word Zishou said came to You Hun's mind, and he murmured to himself: "Your Majesty must have some deep meaning...but what exactly is the deep meaning?"

"Wait, Jingwa Buyuhai said that you can't be like the baby at the bottom of the well and can't see the sea, so what does Xia Chong Wuyubing mean?"

"Summer worm? Bing... It's summer now, Bing... Bing!" You Hun's eyes lit up suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he shouted excitedly: "I see, Bing! Bing! What the king means is, Xia Chong Will be afraid of ice, he told us to be careful of ice!"

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