Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 592 Tongtian Yuanshi, join forces against the enemy

The palm of Shiva's incarnation covers the sky and the sun, just looking at it makes people turn pale with astonishment!

Shicai Minghe, Kong Xuan, Yin Jiao and others just tried to resist, they were seriously injured and vomited blood, and almost fell, and the rest of the immortals who participated in the resistance were also shocked to death in an instant.

Seeing that if this palm fell completely, not to mention Ming He, Kong Xuan and others, even the entire Chaoge City would be reduced to ashes!

Yin Jiao sternly said, "Resist it!"

He rushed towards Shiva, pulled out the sky-shattering seal and threw it at Shiva.

However, this flip was ruthless, and he hit Shiva's body one by one, but was bounced back by a burst of magic light.

Shiva said: "It's just a big Luo, dare to make a mistake!"

He opened his eyes and stared, and suddenly two black lights shot towards Yin Jiao!

These two black lights are the infinite extinction light cultivated by Shiva's incarnation, which can destroy all things, and they are really insidious.

When Yin Jiao saw the black light and was eager to dodge, his body was turned into blood, and only the remnant soul escaped.

As that palm continued to press down a little, many gods vomited blood and died!

A stern look flashed in Shiva's eyes, and he continued to increase his divine power!

Minghe, Kunpeng, Kong Xuan and others vomited blood and fell to the ground one after another.

Countless civilians in Chaoge City looked at the huge palm that fell from the sky, they all turned pale with horror, and ran around, but they soon discovered that no matter where they fled, they couldn't escape the range of this palm!

After all, how could these ordinary people escape Shiva's palm!

Seeing that the palm is slowly pressed down, Chaoge City will definitely become a dead city!

In a space, a sigh suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, in mid-air, there was a map of mountains, rivers, and lands that slowly unfolded from the top of Chaoge City. On the map, mountains, rivers, and lands, the sun, the moon, and the stars appeared.

Shiva's palm was blocked and he couldn't take another step!

There was a look of surprise on his face, but at this moment the map of mountains, rivers and communities suddenly disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Even Shiva couldn't capture the traces of the map of mountains, rivers and society.

Shiva's face changed, and he felt surprised in his heart. Was it his own illusion?

If it was an illusion, what was blocking his palm just now?

If it's not an illusion, why can't even myself detect when that thing appeared and how it disappeared?

Shiva snorted coldly, raised his palm and wanted to take another shot, destroying Chaoge City.

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly came from midair: "The Demon Kingdom is so presumptuous!"

A beam of sword light came from outside the sky, and it was cut in front of Shiva in an instant.

Shiva hurriedly stretched out his hands, resisting with all his strength!

The sword energy was unparalleled, and Shiva took half a step back before stopping.

He looked up, but saw a man and a cow coming from the void, Qingping in black robe, and Kui Niu, a young man, just like walking out of a landscape painting.

Shiva secretly said in his heart: "Kui Niu, Qingping Sword, this person is Li Tongtian! I didn't expect the Tongtian leader in the prehistoric world to have such strength."

Master Tongtian's eyes were like lightning, and he looked around, but saw that many gods in Chaoge City had fallen, and among these gods, there were his own disciples of Jiejiao!

A surge of anger surged in the heart of Tongtian Sect Master. He was cultivating in Biyou Palace, but he suddenly felt a terrifying coercion coming from above Chaoge City. When he opened his eyes, he saw Shiva's hand to destroy Chaoge City. .

Then he came quickly, but fortunately he didn't come late, and the civilians in Chaoge City were not destroyed by Shiva.

"Break your arms, spare your life!" Tongtian Sect Master said coldly.

The incarnation of Shiva seemed to have heard some good joke, and couldn't help laughing wildly. The laughter shook the surrounding time and space.

"Tong Tian, ​​even if you are a Rank [-] saint, you dare to talk nonsense in front of me! I want to see how you cut off my arms, and I want to see who spares whose life!"

Shiva shook his hands, and the aura of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian on his body suddenly exploded, and it reached its peak in just an instant!

Its cultivation even faintly surpassed Tongtian!

And then, a long river buried in the ages appeared on his back!


In the middle of the Ganges River, the river is turbulent, and countless bones can be seen faintly in it. Among these bones, there is no shortage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This is Shiva's trump card.

He can communicate with the Ganges River in the Peacock Continent. The Ganges River has the power to bury the ages. Anyone who is submerged in the Ganges River will be suppressed immediately.

Even a saint, once drowned in the water of the Ganges, cannot be resurrected.

He thought to himself that although his incarnation is not a saint, but with the Ganges River, he also possesses the power of a saint. With the leader of Tongtian, he is definitely not his opponent!

The Master Tongtian also had a dignified expression, and he could feel the threat brought by the long river behind Shiva.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Master Tongtian: "Junior brother, your ability to speak big is not inferior to before!"

Master Tongtian turned his body slightly, and the person who came was none other than Yuanshi Tianzun in a white robe and a childlike face.

Master Tongtian's heart sank slightly, he and Yuanshi Tianzun had a deep grudge, wouldn't he do something to him at this time?

Although Master Tongtian believed that his cultivation was not inferior to either Shiva or Yuanshi, if the two attacked him at the same time, he would be completely invincible.

Shiva's eyes narrowed slightly, Yuanshi Tianzun, another powerful figure in the prehistoric world, is also a high-ranking saint of rank five.

Although he was not as good as himself at rank six, he was able to resurrect infinitely in the prehistoric world.

"Although the water of the Ganges River can drown a saint, it cannot drown two high-level saints at the same time, unless the deity takes action, but this world has an independent way of heaven, and the deity cannot directly intervene." Shiva secretly said in his heart.

Shiva said: "Yuanshi Tianzun, you also want to do something to me?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "What do you think?"

He held the jade ruyi in his hand, although he didn't exude any coercion, it gave Shiva a strong sense of deterrence.

Shiva secretly said in his heart: "Although Yuanshi Tianzun has a feud with the leader of Tongtian, if there is a third-party force that threatens him, they will join forces to fight against the enemy if they come from the same sect. If the deity is here, it is natural to deal with two high-ranking saints. It’s not a big deal, but with this incarnation, I’m afraid that even if I drown them with the Ganges River, I will definitely be severely injured!”

Thinking of this, Shiva took the Ganges, snorted coldly and said: "Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, I will remember this vendetta." He turned around and was about to leave.

At this moment, Master Tongtian took a step, and Qingping drew out his sword: "If you don't want to die, keep your arms."

Shiva was furious, and the magic elements all over his body were agitated.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun on the side didn't move, he suddenly released a strong killing intent.

Behind him, the Pangu banner unfolded quietly!

Yes, he has a grudge against Tong Tian, ​​and he has a grudge against Di Xin, but it doesn't mean that the evil ways of the outside world can come to the prehistoric world to kill people wantonly!

Shiva was frightened and angry, knowing that these two people would definitely join forces to keep him today, and said sharply: "Two saints, do you think I can't kill them?"

"What if you add Pindao?" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

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