Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 593 All-out war, founding a country and conferring immortals

One person walked out slowly, the three relics above his head were shining with golden light, and the wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand was dazzling, who is it not Zhunti Buddha?

Shiva's face changed color, and another saint came. If it was one against one, he would not be afraid at all. If it was one against two, he would be at a disadvantage. Now that the three saints gathered together, he would be defeated.

Immediately Shiva's demonic energy stirred, and with a fierce tiger roar, he rushed towards Taoist Zhunti, clapping his palms together.

He saw that Zhun Ti was the weakest among the three saints, so he wanted to kill Zhun Ti first to break the siege.

However, Zhun had resisted in advance, and the three relics on his head quickly rotated, and at the same time waved the Qibao wonderful tree to resist.

At the same time, the leader of Tongtian Sect stepped forward on a bull, swiped Qingping sword, and the ten thousand zhang sword energy suddenly struck out!

Shiva didn't dare to meet the fierce sword, so he had to turn around and dodge.

There were only two sages making a move in front of him, and Shiva felt the pressure suddenly. He knew that if Yuanshi Tianzun also made a move, then he might not really be here today!

However, at this time, he wanted to escape from the light, but it was already a step too late!

Tongtian Jiaozhu said: "I'll give you another chance, I will cut off my arms, and let you go. If you wait until Di Xin comes here, you will have no way out!"

Shiva laughed back in anger, and said sharply: "I, Shiva, am not afraid of anyone in my life! Kill me if I have the ability!"

The Ganges River appeared behind him, and the river was surging, exuding a suffocating pressure!

The Master of Tongtian said: "You will seek your own death!"

At the same time, in the primordial world, Zishou suddenly opened his eyes, with a layer of anger covering his face.

He stood up suddenly, and said sharply: "Yuan Hong, carry the Tiantian coffin on your back!"

Yuan Hongdao: "Emperor, what happened?"

Zishou said coldly: "Something happened to Chaoge!"

Immediately, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and he grabbed Tiantian Coffin from a distant mountain and threw it to Yuan Hong.

Yuan Hong stretched out his hand to grab it, and carried it on his back.

And Zishou also tore open the primordial world and jumped out!


In the sky above Chaoge City, Shiva's incarnation relied on the Ganges River to be undefeated for a while, but he was also at a loss, and the downwind settled down.

The more he fought, the more frightened he became. He thought that his cultivation had surpassed Tongtian and Yuanshi, and it shouldn't be difficult to deal with them.

Who would have thought that the combat power erupted by the leader of the Tongtian sect would not be inferior to him in the slightest.

In fact, at this time, the strength of the Master Tongtian is still weakened. If he has the Four Swords of Zhuxian in his hand, let alone Hunyuan at the sixth rank, he will dare to face the toughest at the seventh rank.

All of a sudden, Qing Ping, the leader of Tongtian Cult, cut off an arm of Shiva with a slash of his sword.

"I am the incarnation of Shiva in the Peacock Realm. How dare you offend me. If I am angry, you will all be submerged in the Ganges!" the incarnation of Shiva roared sharply.

At this moment, a stern voice suddenly sounded in the sky: "So what about Shiva's incarnation? Destroy my big business, and pay with your life!"

The leader of Tongtian didn't need to look up, he also knew that Zishou was rushing, he knew that Zishou's temper was extreme, Shiva would never survive this time, so he turned his long sword, retracted the sheath and retreated.

At the same time, Taoist Zhunti also stepped back, and Yuanshi Tianzun watched and sneered.

"Zhuxian sword formation, now!" Zishou stretched out his hand to grab it, and Kunwu's eight swords suddenly formed a sword formation, directly piercing Shiva's incarnation.

The incarnation of Shiva screamed sharply: "I am the incarnation of Shiva, who dares to kill me? Who dares to kill me!"

"Yuan Hong, open the coffin!" Zi Shou sternly said.

Yuan Hong put down the Tiantian coffin, opened the coffin lid, countless black air gushed out from the coffin, entangled Shiva, and turned into a quagmire at his feet in an instant.

In less than a moment, Shiva was dragged into the town's coffin.

The coffin lid was closed, and Shiva was completely silent.

The sky-suppressing coffin could have suppressed a saint, let alone just an incarnation of Shiva!

When Yuan Hong opened the lid of the coffin again, a burst of blood gushed out, and then a remnant soul flew towards the sky.

Zi Shou frowned slightly, and said to himself: "If the Great Desolate Saint is suppressed by the Tiantian Coffin, it is extremely difficult to wake up, but he still has a remnant soul that can leave. Could it be the deity's traction?"

"If you offend me, you will be punished even if you are far away! Even if you are a remnant soul, how can I let you go back!"

Zi Shou yelled sharply, pointed with his right hand, and the soul-destroying bowl appeared on his fingertips, flick it lightly!

The remnant soul of Shiva was pulled by a huge force and was pulled into the soul-absorbing bowl.

Zishou snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to pat, and sent Shiva's remnant soul directly to the list of immortals.

An incarnation of Hunyuan at Rank [-], even though there is only a remnant soul left, the strength is not weak, this time Zishou did not choose to kill it completely.

"Once the incarnation of Shiva dies, the Demon Kingdom will definitely attack the prehistoric world in an all-round way, and the prehistoric catastrophe is approaching, hum!"

Yuanshi Tianzun turned and left expressionlessly.

Although he hated Zishou, he had to admire his strength.

If there is a catastrophe in the future, this person's help will still be needed.

Zishou looked at Chaoge with a heavy heart.

Although Chaoge was not destroyed, the casualties were heavy this time.

"Yuanshi Tianzun is right. Once Shiva's incarnation dies, the Demon Kingdom will attack the prehistoric world in an all-round way. At that time, it will be the real battle of the Demon Dao." Master Tongtian said slowly: "Next, we must make preparations."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Zishou's mind.

"Congratulations to the host, you have collected all the immortal positions on the list of immortals. You can proceed to immortalization!"

"Get the reward: Da Shang has become a dynasty of cultivating immortals! All the people of Da Shang have the qualifications to cultivate immortals."

Zishou was taken aback for a moment, the Immortal Seal List, finally all collected?

After so many years, it was possible to gather all of them today because the incarnation of Shiva overwhelmed the big businessman, resulting in the death of many gods.

Looking in the direction of Chaoge City, Zishou stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of jade list in his palm, muttering: "This time, some of the gods died on the list, and some of them returned to the underworld. With the incarnation of Shiva, the list The number of people above is already complete, find Yun Zhongzi, and seal the immortal."

At the moment, on the one hand, he asked people to prepare for the enshrining of immortals, and on the other hand, he was thinking about how to arrange the positions of each god.


On this day, the sheng reeds are loud, the cigarettes are dense, and the banners, feathers, and yellow scarves come in crowds.

Yun Zhongzi entered Fengxiantai with the talisman book in his hand, put the talisman book in it, and then ordered Lei Zhenzi to set up the eight trigrams paper, hold the direction, and the ten numbers, and now they line up in five directions.

Lei Zhenzi and Yun Zhongzi went back to the cave to practice, but they also avoided Chaoge's calamity!

After Yun Zhongzi ordered to stop, he took a bath and changed clothes, held incense and a golden tripod, drank wine and presented flowers, and walked around the platform three times.

After paying homage to the letter, Yun Zhongzi first ordered Lei Zhenzi to wait under the altar.

Yun Zhongzi stood in front of the stage and said loudly: "The Taishang Wuji Hunyuan Immortal Great Shang Emperor said: Woo hoo! Immortals and mortals go back and forth, not thick bacon, how can they be divided into gods and ghosts, how can they flatter treacherous people? ?Conditioning energy and refining form on the island, never beheaded the three corpses, and it will end in 500 years of calamity. Always keep the truth in a porch. , have not realized Bodhi, have the heart to practice daily, and have not escaped from greed and ignorance; have a body to enter and exit the holy place, and anger is hard to get rid of, but they have to accumulate in the past, and luck will be found, or they will serve the country loyally with an ordinary body, or they will cause disasters because of anger You. The reincarnation of life and death, the cycle is endless, the souls of wronged people chase each other, and the end is endless. I am very sympathetic! Lier and others are suffering from sharp blades, sinking into the sea of ​​​​suffering every day, although their hearts are loyal, they wander without support. According to the severity of the catastrophe, according to the qualifications, you will be named as the eight immortals, and you will be in charge of each department. Today, detachment, on the day of meritorious deeds, move in order. You wait for it to abide by the rules, not to be selfish, to make yourself wrong, to make you happy; to treasure forever, and always hold silk, so Zier, Er Qiqin Ya!"

After Yun Zhongzi finished reading, he slowly put the talisman on the desk, looked in front of the Fengxian Terrace, and said in his heart that after today, Dashang will completely become a fairy dynasty!The Great Shang Xian Dynasty fought against the Heavenly Court, I am afraid that the Jade Emperor is sulking somewhere at this time.

Zishou sat in the Hongmeng Mountain, staring at the front of the Fengxian Terrace, beside Deng Chanyu, the goddess Ba and all the daughters were there.

When it finally came to Fengxian, he had been waiting for this day for hundreds of years.

It's just a pity that Nu Wa is not here.

On the Immortal Conferred Terrace, Yun Zhongzi stood in the center of the Immortal Conferred Terrace and said loudly: "Lei Zhenzi, hang up the list of Immortal Conferred Immortals under the platform! All immortals should proceed in an orderly manner, and they must not take the blame."

Lei Zhenzi followed his orders, and at that moment, the spirits of the afterlife flocked to him.

Among them are the disciples of Chanjiao, and there are also disciples of Jiejiao, demons, and soldiers. There are also many generals!

Countless souls came together, and suddenly there was a gust of wind!

But in the end, the incarnation of Shiva is the most eye-catching!

Yun Zhongzi opened the fairy book, and the person at the top of the list was Ji Fa!

Ji Fa was originally the son of destiny, the future emperor.Even though he was an enemy of Shang and was enshrined in the list of immortals after his death, because of his fate, after thinking about it, Zi Shou still put him at the top of the list.

Yun Zhongzi also said loudly at the moment: "Ji Fa listened last time!"

Ji Fa walked under the altar, but he was originally the emperor appointed by the sage, but he stood instead of kneeling!

Yun Zhongzi picked up the magic whip and shouted: "Ji Fa knelt down to listen to the reading of the title of Emperor Hongmeng!"

Only then did Ji Fa kneel down.

Yun Zhongzi said: "Today, under the order of the emperor Wuji Hunyuan sage, Er Ji Fa used to be the monarch of the Western Zhou Dynasty to protect the Western Zhou Dynasty. You were granted the post of five Qingfu immortals in the eight divisions 360, the leader of the Immortal Dynasty. Er Qiqin Ya!"

Only then did Ji Fa kowtow to thank him contentedly.

Although the Qingfu immortal family has no real power, it ranks first among all immortals.

Yun Zhongzi said: "Huang Tianhua stepped forward to accept the seal!"

"Under the emperor's order, you, Huang Tianhua, serve the country loyally as a young man, and don't enjoy the honor, but sacrifice your life for the horse leather. How painful is it? You should be rewarded for your merits, and you should be generous. You are specially appointed to manage the Sanshan fairy family Bing Linggong Your position, Er Qiqin!"

Huang Tianhua kowtowed his thanks.

Yun Zhongzi said again: "Huang Feihu stepped forward to accept the seal!"

"I am ordered by the emperor, Huang Feihu, to serve the country and serve the country. He died in the battlefield, and his loyal soul survived! It was ordered that Huang Feihu be the head of the five mountains, and he was also ordered to control the eighteen hells of the nether world. Immortals and ghosts are all surveyed from Dongyue before they are allowed to carry out. I am specially appointed as Dongyue Taishan Daqi Rensheng Great Emperor, in charge of good and bad fortune in the world, you are my dear, I will not give you Juedian!"

Huang Feihu's heart was shocked, and he hurriedly kowtowed to thank him.

This fairy has great power in his hands, it can't be said that he is not big!

Since then, Huang Feihu has another layer of identity.


Yin Tianzi!

Yun Zhongzi turned over the talisman and shouted sharply: "Wen Zhong stepped forward to listen to the seal!"

A gust of dark wind blew by, and Jian Wenzhong led 24 righteous gods to the audience.

Wen Zhong lived until the Jiuyi period before he was listed as an immortal.

Yun Zhongzi said: "The righteous God of Leibu knelt down to listen to the reading of the emperor's title. Now he is ordered by the emperor. I heard that Zhong once entered a famous mountain and proved to cultivate the Dao. No fate, the best of the people and ministers. Supplementing the two dynasties, devoted to loyalty and love, although the catastrophe caused it, his chastity is pitiable. Today Telinger, the governor leads the Leibu, Xingyun City rains, and all things are entrusted with long-term support ;Punish rebels and eliminate traitors, good and evil are caused by misfortunes and blessings. Special decree granted you the post of Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun, and still led 24 members of the Thunder Department to urge the clouds to help the rain, protect the law, and let you implement it. Qinzai!"

Wen Zhong also kowtowed his head to thank him immediately, and all his disciples were also conferred the title of God of Thunder, and he followed him to lead the Ministry of Thunder.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Zhongzi announced to the Ministry of Fire, the Ministry of Plague and other gods to listen to the conferment. Some of them died in the calamity of conferring the gods, and some died in the calamity later.

Afterwards, all the stars came forward to listen to the letter.

Yun Zhongzi said again: "Yin Jiao stepped forward to listen to the seal."

A gust of wind blew by, and Yin Jiao floated forward.

Seeing it, Yun Zhongzi felt very sad, and said in a loud voice: "Now, by the order of the emperor, Er Yinjiao is specially appointed as Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole."

He was ordered to become an immortal, and he followed his words.

A golden light shrouded Yin Jiao's body, shaping his physical body instantly, and his cultivation base skyrocketed all the way.

Yin Jiao also let out a long sigh, and said, "If I, Yin Jiao, practice hard for a few years, I might be able to become a quasi-sage, but now I can become a quasi-sage directly, and I really lose a lot of fun in cultivation."

Cloud Neutron: "..."

Yun Zhongzi then ordered Shiva's incarnation to come to the stage to listen to the seal.

Shiva has ten incarnations, earth, water, fire, wind, space, sun, moon, sacrifice, creation, and destruction.

This Shiva is the most powerful body of destruction among the ten incarnations.

Destroying Shiva stood in front of the stage, holding his head proudly, refusing to kneel down.

Yun Zhongzi snorted coldly, raised the magic whip in his hand, and bursts of golden light bloomed, destroying Shiva so that he could not kneel down.

After all, he has already entered the list, so he will be controlled by the list of immortals.

And Zishou gave Yun Zhongzi the right to be a fairy, and he has the power to follow the law, even if it is to destroy Shiva, he has to obey.

Yun Zhongzi also said at the moment: "Today, under the order of the emperor, you will destroy Shiva, secretly repair the tower, work hard day and night, get the way to the other world, and climb the shore of Hunyuan. Because of the urgent enmity, you invaded the big merchants. There are many casualties under the palm of your hand. The crime is serious, and your life is at the same time! From the lenient ceremony, I will grant you a honorary seal. Special seals will destroy you in the palm of your hand, and you will fight for the emperor! You should read this honorary seal, and conquer your position!"

Of course he was unwilling to destroy Shiva, but after Yun Zhongzi finished reading, he was also on the list of immortals, completely cut off contact with the deity Shiva, and must obey the emperor's call from now on.

This is Fengxiantai's domineering power, even if it is to destroy Shiva, he must obey it obediently.

In Hongmeng Mountain, Zi Shou sighed slightly, today's conferred immortality is finally coming to an end, since then, he has 360 five immortals and three saints under his palm!

Yuan Hong, Zhunti, and the destruction of Shiva.

After the last fairy house was sealed off, Yun Zhongzi also breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to step down and leave.

However, at this moment, Xiniu Hezhou, thousands of miles away, squirmed in mid-air, and demon energy emerged, and then time and space were torn apart!

Step out of the eight shadows!

Every phantom exudes the terrifying aura of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

Ganesha jumped forward and shouted loudly: "We welcome the arrival of the incarnation of Shiva!"

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