Zishou never thought that even if he used the Zhuxian Sword Formation, he would not be able to kill Durga.

Durga's body was full of vengeful flames, and Xiang Zishou pounced on him, and slapped him face-to-face, countless magic flames swept towards him like poisonous snakes.

Zishou hurriedly dodged to dodge, and at the same time swung the long sword in his hand to resist with all his strength.

At this moment, Durga is not much more crazy than Shicai, and the magic energy in his whole body is spinning rapidly, as if he is going to destroy the whole world.

At the beginning, Zishou had both offense and defense, but now he has less offense and more defense.Durga on the opposite side is like a fearless revenge machine. No matter how he is attacked, the fire of revenge on his body will not show any signs of extinguishing.

"The Zhuxian Formation is useless, so the God Killing Spear probably won't be able to pin her down. This woman is the embodiment of hatred. Rather than saying that she has no soul, it is better to say that her soul is burning with the fire of hatred. If you want to kill her, you must first extinguish the fire of hatred." Otherwise, the fire of hatred will keep burning, and she will not die. But the strength of the poisonous fire on her body depends on the hatred in her heart, and if you want to extinguish it, you must contact her soul."

Zishou finally knew why Durga dared to kill Chaoge City by himself. Durga, the incarnation of hatred, was not afraid of any magic weapon or formation against the true spirit. As long as the fire of hatred was not extinguished, he would never die.

And as the two fought fiercely, the glaciers in the North Sea gradually melted, and the water in the North Sea was also evaporating rapidly.

If this continues, the North Sea will probably dry up.

Zi Shou swung his sword and fled, his mind turned quickly, thinking about countermeasures.

"If the Immortal Execution Sword Formation and God Killing Spear can't kill Durga, then the Sky Suppressing Coffin is useless. What else in the world can kill her?"

At this moment, a gentle voice suddenly rang in his mind: "Who said that the sword array of Zhuxian can't kill Durga with the god-killing gun?"

Zi Shou thought: "Qingyan? Are you finally willing to come out? How do you kill her?"

Hearing Qingyan's voice, Zishou finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The gentle voice smiled slightly, as if a little shy, which made Zishou's mind a shy big sister in white.

"The concubine is Parvati, the goddess of the snow mountain. She has dual personalities of survival and destruction."

Qingyan didn't know where she was, but her voice rang in Zishou's ears: "If you turn into a charming and gentle young woman, you will be a living personality Uma, if you turn into a beautiful and bloodthirsty Nemesis, you will be a personality of destruction Erga."

"Durga was engulfed in flames...well, let's barely call it the fire of vengeance. It is not easy to kill her wrapped in the fire of vengeance, but it is not impossible to be killed."

Zishou hurriedly asked: "How to kill her? My cultivation base and hers are both rank seven, why is the Zhuxian Sword Formation useless?"

The gentle voice said: "It's not that the Sword Formation of Jade Immortals is useless, but that your attachment to good and evil has not been separated, and you cannot fully activate the power of the Sword Formation of Jade Immortals. Your three corpses have not been killed. In my eyes, you have not yet reached the Golden Immortal."

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched slightly, while he dodged Durga, he quickly thought about Qingyan's meaning.

In the current prehistoric times, the method of beheading the three corpses is the method of proving the holiness created by Taoist ancestor Hongjun.

One must cut off the good corpses, the evil corpses, and hold the corpses in order to attain consummation.

But in orthodox Taoism, the "three corpses" represent the three "evil desires" inside the human body, and their prototypes are three kinds of worms.That is the so-called three corpses: Peng Hou, Peng Zhi, Peng Jiao.

The corpse insect Penghou, inside the human head, makes people stupid and ignorant.

The dead body is full of worms, in the human chest, causing troubles and delusions, and making people unable to be quiet.

The lower corpse insect Pengjiao, in the belly of a person, makes people covet the desire of men and women to eat and drink.

Among them, the orthodox Taoism has a saying that "killing the three corpses will prove the golden immortal", which means that Taoists must eradicate the three corpses and eliminate obsessions before they can prove the Tao and become immortals.

"Qingyan said that in her eyes, if my three corpses have not been cut, she is not even a golden fairy... She is not a person of this world. Could it be that she is from my world? Only the ancients in my world have the certificate of killing three corpses." Get what the Golden Immortal said."

Zishou thought to himself, each parallel prehistoric has different combat power, the first parallel prehistoric has saints, and the mythical prehistoric Daluo Jinxian means the golden immortal who lives in Da Luotian, and his strength may not be higher than Taiyi Jinxian.

If this is the case, maybe in the world where Qingyan lives, Jinxian is the pinnacle.

"You want me to cut off the evil corpse? With Hongjun's method?" Zishou asked.

Qingyan said: "Hongjun's method of beheading corpses is indeed possible, but what I want to teach you is different. Listen, and write down this method."

"The Dao has no form, and it takes shape because of what he has. The Dao has no name, and it is named because of what he has. The heaven and the earth get it, and it is called the Dao of Qiankun. The sun and the moon get it, and it is called the Dao of Yin and Yang. If people get it, they will It is called the way of water and fire."

Zishou nodded and said, "These sentences are very simple and easy to understand, even elementary school students can understand them, what else?"

Qingyan continued: "True qi connects with real water, heart fire intersects with kidney water. The heaven and the earth follow the way, and the universe and the earth intertwine to give birth to three brights and three yangs. The real qi is yang, and the real water is yin. Yang is stored in the water, and yin is stored in the qi. Qi dominates ascent, and there is true water in it. Water governs descent, and there is true qi in the water. True water is true yin, and true qi is true yang. Yuan yang is in the kidney, and true qi is generated by Yuan yang. True qi is directed toward the heart. , the real liquid is produced by the real qi..."

Sub-shou: @#$%...

Qingyan laughed, and the laughter was very sweet: "You enter the Primordial Realm first, and I will teach you later."

With a wave of his hand, Zishou tore open the Primordial Realm and rushed in.

Durga wanted to follow up, knowing that the Primordial Realm was closed immediately.

She was full of anger, and said sharply: "Dijun, get out! Do you think it will be useful to hide? If I don't kill you today, I, Durga, will not be a god!"

Zishou didn't bother to pay attention to Durga's yelling. After returning to the Primordial Realm, he got into the void and sat cross-legged.

Qingyan said slowly: "Peng Jiao's corpse is in the belly. The owner of this corpse has evil desires and evil desires. Hong Huang is called an evil corpse. If you want to cut it off, you must first...you do this first, take the fire from your heart, and drink the water from your kidneys." Coitus..."

Qingyan explained it in detail this time, and Zishou followed his words to implement the formula right now.

As his true energy slowly circulated, a villain slowly appeared in Zishou's lower abdomen.

Suddenly, a villain came out from his navel, and his appearance was exactly the same as Zishou's.

But there was a line of blood between the two.

This kid's face was full of ferociousness, and endless evil thoughts emanated from his body.

"The difference is that the jade sword is cold and sharp, but the green lotus and green leaves are heavy. The Qinglian sword is the most pure, wonderful, godly, and holy sword. Swing the green lotus and chop it off!" Qingyan said.

Zishou reached out and took out the Qinglian Sword, and with a single wave, he cut off the bloodline!

But after the blood line was cut off, the boy Shou actually showed a look of grievance.

"Give him the God Killing Spear, and he will become your evil corpse clone." Qingyan said.


To popularize science, the Daluo Jinxian in Taoism is the Jinxian living in Daluotian, and it does not say that the Daluo Jinxian is stronger than the Taiyi Jinxian.In fact, the emergence of mythology is more for the popularization of some Taoist knowledge. Although as a cool article author, I also have the responsibility to popularize science and promote Chinese Taoist culture.

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