The owner of this corpse is arrogant, evil, and lustful. It is the worm in Zishou's belly, and it is also the so-called evil corpse in today's prehistoric times.

After Zishou swung the Qinglian sword to chop off the corpse, the corpse stared at Zishou with wide eyes like an abandoned child, with a pitiful look.

And after Zishou gave the corpse the god-killing gun, the corpse seemed to be influenced by the demon energy, and the pitiful expression on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by an arrogant and crazy expression.

Qingyan chanted leisurely: "You evil corpse is arrogant and evil...well, I am a madman from Chu, Feng Ge laughed at Kong Qiu. The evil corpse was cut out by Qinglian sword, let's call him Li Fengge from now on!"

Zi Shou nodded, and stretched out his hand to point at the evil corpse clone: ​​"From now on, you are my evil corpse clone Li Fengge."

The evil corpse said loudly: "Li Fengge pays homage to this deity."


Seeing that Zishou suddenly tore open the primordial world and fled, Durga was furious, and the poisonous fire from his mouth spewed out into the sky, burning away in all directions.

This fire really has the power to burn mountains and seas.

Once the North Sea encountered this fire, the glaciers melted, the seawater dried up, and in a short while, the sea level dropped by more than a hundred feet!

I'm afraid that after a while, the entire North Sea will be burned dry by poisonous fire.

"Di Xin, if you don't come out, I'll destroy Chaoge City!" Durga screamed with resentment on his face.

At this moment, time and space were torn apart suddenly, and a long spear was swept out of it, turning into a dazzling black light and stabbing at Durga!

The magic flames around Durga swelled and turned into a barrier.

The God Killing Spear was so sharp that it directly penetrated the barrier and pierced Durga's body.

This god-killing spear is enough to crucify all saints, not even Daozu Hongjun dared to take the lead.

At this moment, the spear was nailed to Durga's body. Durga's body was burning with poisonous fire, but he did not see being nailed to death. Instead, he opened his mouth, and the poisonous fire burned towards the person holding the gun.

"Di Xin, you finally dare to come out!"

The person in front of him pulled out his god-killing spear, waved his palm to resist the poisonous fire, and laughed wildly.

He laughed heartily, but with a hint of arrogance.

"Durga, do you really know that no one in the world can kill you!"

"Di Xin?!" Durga only felt that although the person who appeared was exactly the same as Di Xin, he seemed to be a different person. This Di Xin's face was full of arrogance, conceit, publicity, and evil emanating from his whole body. Although the breath is not strong, it is extremely pure.

"I am a madman from Chu, Feng Ge laughed at Kong Qiu. My name is Li Fengge, haha, haha!"

Li Fengge really lived up to the word "crazy", he exuded arrogance all over his body, he suddenly stepped forward with a gun in his hand, and stabbed away quickly.

Durga did not dodge or evade, and directly received the killing gun.

This battle has been a thousand times more tragic than before.

Although Li Fengge is the avatar of Zishou's evil corpse, the combat power erupted by holding the god-killing gun in his hand is even higher than the previous Zishou's!

Li Fengge, as Zishou's evil corpse avatar, he will do what the deity knows, and he will do it more ruthlessly and violently than the deity.

His marksmanship is wide open and wide, unparalleled in both vertical and horizontal directions, and a single shot blasted out, causing a huge earthquake in the North Sea, and the bottom of the sea cracked!

Flipping a palm, the sky was cracked, and countless black lightning flashed in it.

Opening his eyes and staring, the golden knife flickered in his eyes, and the surrounding time and space were smashed to pieces.

As the goddess of revenge, Durga's strength was originally above that of Zishou, and coupled with the fire of revenge, almost no Lingbao could target her.

However, at this moment, under Li Fengge's violent and suffocating style of play, he was at a loss and was hit hard one after another.

Suddenly, the god-killing spear pierced Durga's chest again, and Durga roared violently, clapping his palms forward together: "I am an indelible body, you can take as many spirit treasures as you like, and see if you can hurt me!" !"

Li Fengge drew his gun and backed away, with a look of evil pride on his face, he said with a smile, "An indelible body? Can't the God-killing gun hurt you? Then the uncle will beat you to death with his fist!"

He tossed the God-killing Spear casually, and threw it into the void space, and immediately in front of him, he punched out with his right hand!

This punch was wrapped in berserk and killing spirit, and it hit Durga's chest heavily, causing Durga to spurt out a mouthful of blood.

Just as Durga was about to fight back, Li Fengge dodged, stretched out his left hand, grabbed her neck, and laughed wildly: "Indelible? I will make you indelible!"

The second punch suddenly swung out and landed heavily on Durga's face. Although Durga covered his face with poisonous fire in time, the poisonous fire collapsed and the magic element collapsed when the punch fell.

The third punch continued to hit Durga's neck heavily.Durga let out a sharp cry, and stretched out his hand to pat Li Fengge's chest.

However, Li Fengge had been on guard for a long time, grabbed her neck with his left hand and slammed it on the ground!


Durga was directly smashed into the bottom of the sea, and hit the bottom of the sea heavily.

In the scalding sea water, the poisonous flames around Durga were still burning!

However, compared to before, it is not so blazing.

Li Fengge laughed wildly, plunged into the sea, and said: "In the eyes of me, Li Fengge, there is nothing that cannot be destroyed, and there is no enemy that cannot be killed! Come and kill me!"

Stretch out your left hand, grab the key point on Durga's chest, and punch out your right fist again.

This was already a crushing trend, Li Fengge gave up the killing gun, and swung his fists. Every punch made Durga scream, and the poisonous fire all over his body seemed to be extinguished like paper.

Suddenly Durga opened his mouth and spat out, and the poisonous fire burned towards Li Fengge.

Li Fengge said: "How can this mere fire hurt me!"

His eyes opened suddenly, the golden thread flickered, and two golden knives cut out!He even chopped off all the poisonous fire and dissipated it.

Then he waved his fists again and hit Durga suddenly.

This battle was clearly seen by Zi Shou, who was in the Primordial Realm, and he was a little surprised.

He couldn't beat Durga himself, but it was just an evil corpse that crushed her?

Qingyan's voice resounded in his mind: "When the three corpses are together, it is inevitable that they will suppress each other, which will damage their strength. Now that the evil corpse is cut out, his power will no longer be suppressed. The evil corpse displayed , is the pinnacle of your malicious side."

Zishou stroked his chin and said thoughtfully: "So that's the case, for example, among the three corpses of Hongjun, the evil corpse is the strongest... Now I cut off the evil corpse, if I cut up the good corpse and hold the corpse, what will happen? "

"You will become the incarnation of Dao." Qingyan said slowly.

Zishou was stunned.

The incarnation of Dao?


At this moment, Durga had been beaten by the evil corpse Li Fengge on the bottom of the sea. Although Durga was burning with revenge fire, he was also beaten by Li Fengge until the flames were extinguished.

Suddenly Li Fengge grabbed Durga's neck and slammed it deep into the ground. With his right hand out of thin air, he took out the god-killing gun again, and said, "This time, I'll see if you can survive!"

He walked slowly towards Durga with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the poisonous fire on Durga's body disappeared, and his long black dress was transformed into white clothes in an instant, and the expression of resentment on his face turned into a look of pity.

"You...don't kill me..."

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