Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 606 Brahma: I've Never Seen Such a Funny Thing

Durga leaned against a large rock on the seabed, his face was full of pity and fear, and his body trembled slightly.

At this moment, Durga seemed to be a different person, without the aura of the goddess of revenge just now.

Li Fengge was taken aback for a moment, and then thought that Durga is the revenge side of the concubine, while the other side is Uma.

When the concubine is transformed into Durga, she is a demon god wrapped in the fire of revenge, and when the concubine is transformed into Uma, she is a gentle and pitiful young woman.

Now the concubine of the gods has shown another side, turning into Uma.

The concubine Uma looked at the man in front of her and couldn't help but tremble.

He beat himself back with his bare hands, what kind of god is this man?

Li Fengge approached slowly, and said, "Have you become Uma? Hmph, one person has two faces, interesting."

Uma trembled all over, like a poor little sheep, and she no longer had the shocking momentum just now.

"Uma offended the emperor, please spare my life and let me go back. Uma swears that she will live in peace and guard the Demon Kingdom, and never invade the big merchants again!" Uma knelt down and looked at Li Fengge pitifully.

Li Fengge said: "You are the concubine of the Peacock Demon Capital, just now you burned the people of our Dashang County with poisonous fire, and almost wiped out countless living people, how can I spare you!"

With a finger of the killing gun in his hand, the murderous aura suddenly radiated from the whole body!

Uma said: "I...I..."

She bit her lip and said, "Uma is willing to make amends to you..."

Li Fengge showed arrogance on his face, stepped forward, and looked down at her, "Atonement? How do you want to atone for your sin?"

Uma raised her head and looked at Li Fengge pitifully, with water in her eyes fluctuating. This pitiful expression would turn into tender fingers if King Kong saw him.

After all, the concubine is a goddess of the snow mountain, with a first-class appearance. Although she is a thousand years old, her appearance is even more charming.

Especially when transformed into Uma, she is charming and graceful, like a gentle wife.

Uma bit her lip and said, "This is all Uma's fault. I shouldn't violate Dashang and set fire to the city. Emperor please let me atone for your sin..."

Li Fengge looked at Uma, with the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and walked towards her slowly, saying coldly:

"I'm not the emperor, I'm Li Fengge."


At this moment, a sudden change occurred!Uma suddenly made a sneak attack on Li Fengge!I saw the concubine transformed into Uma, with spotless white clothes on her body, exuding a noble and pitiful aura, jumping on her body!

Li Fengge snorted lightly, as if he had been prepared for a long time, so that's all he said?Not afraid at all.Rubbing his body, the God-killing Spear saw its sharpness again, and suddenly stabbed out.

Of course Uma knew the power of the God Killing Spear, but she had just transformed into Durga and had already exhausted her magic energy, so it was difficult to avoid this fierce and inextricable spear.

After all, who in the world can resist the power of the God-killing Spear?

When the God-killing Spear viciously pierced Uma's body, Uma's body shook, as if her whole body was about to split apart, and even her three souls and seven souls seemed to be dissipating.

If an ordinary person was stabbed by Li Fengge's God-killing Spear, he would be powerless to resist, and even be paralyzed and unable to move.

However, Uma is a Snow Mountain Goddess after all, with a rank seven cultivation base, although the gun was inserted into her body, it failed to paralyze her.

Uma snorted, stretched out her hands and claws, and grabbed Li Fengge's back, as if she wanted to move the magic element and tear it apart.

An ordinary person would not be able to withstand Uma's blow, but Li Fengge is the incarnation of an evil corpse, although the evil thoughts in his heart are not strong, but they are extremely pure.

With the blessing of such evil thoughts, how could Uma's blow hurt him?

Li Fengge let out a low growl, knowing that if he didn't use his housekeeping skills, he would fall into Wuma's hands today!

He lifted his true energy, and all the muscles in his body rallied, and the God-killing Spear exuded an extremely hot breath, and pierced Uma's body again!

Such a powerful blow directly shook Uma's whole body, and she couldn't help screaming, her soul was almost dissipated by the shock!

"Ah~!" Uma screamed, but still tried her best to fight back, as if she was going to fight back when she was dying!

Seeing that Uma was so crazy, Li Fengge also went crazy, directly injecting all the true energy into the God Killing Spear!


The God-killing Spear exuded a terrifying aura that was a hundred times stronger than before, and once again pierced Uma's lower abdomen, the terrifying force seemed to shatter it into pieces.

Since the first shot was fired, Li Fengge had no reason to stop!

The second shot, the third shot, the fourth shot... The seventh shot came out one after another!

Is the power of the God-killing Spear extraordinary?If an ordinary person had received the first three shots, the magic energy would have been vented, the magic flame would have been dissipated, and he would have suffered a crushing defeat.

However, the concubine Uma was shot several times in a row. Although she screamed and trembled from the beating, she still struggled to support herself.

Li Fengge really didn't expect that she would be stubborn like this, and she would no longer show mercy at the moment, her true energy encouraged her!Pike stab!

Blood is flowing out.

Uma's blood gradually dyed the sea red, and she was seriously injured, almost dying.

However, he hasn't lost yet!

Li Fengge slammed fiercely, roared fiercely, all the true energy and strength in his body were poured into the God Killing Spear, turning it into the last shot!


When the gun pierced Uma's body again, she couldn't hold on any longer, the magic flames all over her body dissipated, and the magic energy collapsed, like water bursting out of a bank!

And Li Fengge suddenly let out a tiger roar, and endless murderous energy gushed out from the God Killing Spear, all of which poured into Uma's body!

These killing auras are no small matter, forged in the God Killing Spear, how lethal it is!

At this time, all of them were poured into Uma's body, and Uma felt a scalding hot current destroying everywhere in her body, and the true energy in her body collapsed!The whole person seemed to be about to explode, and with a scream, there was no strength left to fight back, and he collapsed directly on the bottom of the sea, motionless.

And after Li Fengge used that spear, he also exhausted his true energy and stood up panting.

He didn't expect Uma to be so powerful that even he was almost defeated by her.

Fortunately, he still won in the end.


When Uma came out from the bottom of the sea, it was already seven days later.

As a demon saint, he is immortal.

However, during these seven days, there were also several experiences of disintegration.

The Heavenly King Chiguo and the Great Sage Jialuo followed to the North Sea, but they dared not go deep. Suddenly, accompanied by Li Fengge, Uma came out of the bottom of the sea with a flushed face. They looked at each other and already guessed something.

Li Fengge said: "After this time, if you dare to invade Da Shang again, you will definitely not be spared!" He still spared her.

Uma whispered: "I don't dare to be a concubine... You have to be careful, the Demon Kingdom may not give up..."

At the moment, Uma also bid farewell to Li Fengge and returned to the Demon Kingdom all the way.

As for the Heavenly King Chiguo, the Great Sage Kali returned to the Demon Kingdom and hurried to report to the Great Brahma King.

The first Zen day of the color world.

Da Brahma King suddenly heard the news, couldn't help standing up and laughing wildly!

"Hahaha! Shiva is really funny, so far away, he gave his wife to others to make himself green! There is such a person in the world, I, Brahma, have never seen such a ridiculous thing!"


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