The Great Brahma King couldn't help laughing out loud. He felt that there was nothing funnier in the world. Doesn't this mean giving away his wife?

Neither King Jiguo nor Kali Dasheng dared to speak. After all, Brahma King dared to laugh at Shiva because Brahma King was the supreme god, and their subordinates did not have such courage.

The top of Mount Sumeru.

Vishnu stands on the top of the mountain, accompanied by Garuda.

"Uma returned to the Demon Kingdom, it seems that going to the Primordial Realm must have been greatly hindered."

Looking at the clouds around the mountain, Vishnu smiled slightly and said, "Garuda, how do you think Shiva will react next?"

The Garuda next to him said, "God Shiva is the god of destruction, and Uma returned after being frustrated. Next, Shiva may destroy the prehistoric world with divine fire."

This man is half man, half bird, with the head of an eagle and sharp claws, but his body and limbs are no different from human beings.It is Vishnu's mount Garuda.

This mount has sarcoma on its head, and its wings are majestic and precious. It is a Hunyuan mount.

Garuda eats one Naga king and five hundred dragons every day. He is so powerful that only Vishnu can train him and accept him as a mount.

In the legends of later generations, there is also a saying that Garuda is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"That's not necessarily..." Vishnu smiled.

Garuda asked, "What did your lord say?"

With a smile on his face and wisdom shining in his eyes, Vishnu said, "You go to the prehistoric world."

Jialuluo said: "Does your lord want me to destroy the prehistoric world?"

There was a fierce light in Garuda's eyes. As Vishnu's mount, he was also Vishnu's retinue, possessing strength only weaker than Vishnu's.

Even on this continent, his strength is top notch.

"I'm different from the gods. I don't have the idea of ​​destroying the prehistoric world. On the contrary, the prehistoric world is a world worth preaching." Vishnu shook his head and said.

He does not have the lust of Brahma, nor is he as overbearing as Shiva, but he is precisely the most powerful god among the three gods.

"This time, my ninth incarnation, Sakyamuni, will accompany you to the prehistoric world to preach Buddhism. When you swallow the great merchant, Sakyamuni will break your back and take the great merchant out. In this way, All the spirits have received the favor of Sakyamuni, and they have gained a good reputation, which can also promote my prestige."

Garuda Luo said: "Okay, I will go to the prehistoric world now!"

Vishnu has ten incarnations. The first incarnation, the spirit fish Mocha, dragged the ark during the flood and saved Manu, the ancestor of humans in the Peacock Continent.

The second incarnation of the turtle, Gulimo, once used the back of the turtle to support the Mandala Mountain as a stirrer to stir the sea of ​​milk, so that the gods could regain the nectar of immortality.

The third incarnation of the wild boar, Raha, fought against demons for 1000 years, finally killed them, and rescued the drowned goddess of the earth Ximi from the flood abyss.

The fourth incarnation, Sinara Sinha, had torn Hiranyakaship to pieces who defied Vishnu.

The fifth incarnation is the dwarf Vamana, who once asked the demon king Bali for three steps, and finally crossed the three realms of sky, sky and earth in three steps.

The sixth incarnation is Axe Rama, who punished the arrogant Kshatriya in order to maintain the supremacy of Brahmin. He eliminated the arrogant Kshatriya from the world 21 times and maintained the dominance of Brahmin.

The seventh incarnation is Rama, who defeated Ravana, the ten-headed demon king of Langa Island, and regained his wife, Princess Siddharth, who was hijacked by the demon king.

And the eighth incarnation is called Krsna, who was a naughty boy who killed monsters when he was a child, and became a military adviser when he grew up to plan and win in the army.

The ninth incarnation is Gautama Siddhartha, the founder of Maurya Buddhism, Sakyamuni. This incarnation encourages demons and wicked people to despise Veda, abandon caste, deny gods, and lead them to self-destruction.

The last avatar is the white horse Kargi, who is also the mount of Vishnu himself.It is said that on the eve of the destruction of the world, Vishnu will come riding a white horse with a sword to restore the order of the universe.

Among the ten incarnations, Sakyamuni, the ninth incarnation, is the most famous.

At the moment, Garuda is also acting as ordered.

At the same time, on Mount Kailasa.

Shiva stood up suddenly, with a layer of anger on his face, and said sharply: "What did you say? Dixin is so powerful? Did you hit you hard?"

After the concubine Uma came back, she told Shiva the whole story, which only saved her from atonement to Li Fengge.

Although Shiva possesses infinite divine power, it cannot be extrapolated to the prehistoric realm after all.

Uma said: "Di Xin's Zhuxian Sword Formation is very powerful, even if I become the God of Vengeance, I am not his opponent."

Shiva's face softened a little, and he reached out and patted his wife's shoulder: "It's good that you are fine. This Dixin, I will definitely kill you in the prehistoric world to avenge you!"

Uma shook her head, put her head on Shiva's chest, and said, "Dixin actually didn't intend to be against you, he didn't do anything to me..."

Thinking of Li Fengge's fierce battle with herself that day, Uma blushed and said, "Anyway, you don't intend to rule the prehistoric world, so why help the Great Brahma..."

Shiva snorted coldly: "You don't mean to be against me?"

Thinking of his incarnation being killed in the wild, Shiva felt angry.

"Ma'am, why are you blushing?" Shiva asked suddenly.

Uma said angrily: "You touch my back, I...I..."

Seeing Uma's charming and charming appearance, Shiva felt itchy, so he hugged her and turned to the palace.

He didn't realize the strangeness of his wife at all.


At this moment, in the Grandmist Realm.

Zishou was completely dumbfounded, and a big question mark slowly popped up in his mind.

It's not that he thinks there is a problem with himself, but that there is something wrong with this evil corpse clone.

Logically speaking, as his evil corpse avatar, he shouldn't be so hungry!

Although Uma is quite pretty, let alone not as good as Nuwa, to be honest, even Deng Chanyu is a bit inferior.

after all……

Although there are beautiful women in India, but with the aesthetics of Kyushu people, they are not so beautiful!

Although Uma is beautiful, she has the face of an Indian.

"Qingyan, what's going on? Why did my evil corpse clone do that to Uma?"

Zishou asked in his heart.

It's a pity that Qingyan doesn't seem to want to answer this kind of question, and the only answer is the cold voice of the dog system.

"There is no answer to this question in the system's database."

Zishou said, "This dog system."

He touched his chin and thought about it. The method of beheading the corpse he used was not the one widely rumored by Honghuang.

Although Hongjun's method of beheading corpses also cut off three corpses, it is definitely not as powerful as Qingyan's method of beheading corpses.

Qingyan's method of beheading a corpse seems to be closer to the Taoist method of beheading a corpse.

"The evil corpse is my Pengjiao worm. Pengjiao worm makes people greedy for the desire of men and women. I cut off this corpse, and this corpse loses its suppression. Although its strength is extremely powerful, but at the same time, its own desires will also be magnified. It is easy to be arrogant and unruly. It's the embodiment of it."

"Although Li Fengge is the incarnation of my evil corpse, he is not me. Maybe he has my appearance, part of my strength, and even memory, but his personality is completely different. A person's personality is composed of many aspects, and good and evil will interact with each other. When suppressed, good corpses, and evil corpses are all together, they will not make mistakes when suppressing each other. But now that the evil corpses are cut out alone, their own desires and malice will be infinitely magnified."

"It's just like the three corpses of Hongjun back then. When the suppression of the good and two corpses is lost, the evil corpses will completely lose control."

Zishou muttered to himself, he somewhat understood why Li Fengge did things he couldn't do, because although Li Fengge was his evil corpse, he was not Zishou, but another person with his own personality.

"Now I can still control the corpse clone, if one day I don't control him, what kind of existence will he evolve into?" Zishou rubbed his chin and said to himself.

"Now there are still good corpses, the corpses are still uncut, and Qingyan didn't tell me how to cut them off, isn't it the right time?"

While Zishou was thinking about it, Luohu stood on Milou Mountain in Beiju Luzhou, his face was ugly. His original good plan led Shiva and Hongjun to fight to the death, making their cranes and clams fight, and his fisherman Profit.

Who knew that Zishou actually let Uma go back.

Suddenly, the space above Milou Mountain squirmed, and there was a faint passage that was about to be torn apart.

Luo Hu said, "Who is here again this time?"

As the passage opened, a golden-winged bird flew out of it, with its neck raised and its long chirping, a huge coercion emanated from its body, shaking countless coffins on the coffin cliff!

Rahu frowned, and said, "Garuda, he is Vishnu's mount, what is he doing in Honghuang?"

Vishnu is the god who dislikes fighting the least among the three gods of the Peacock Continent. Rahu didn't expect him to attack Honghuang at all, even if he was calculating, he didn't count this god.

Garuda said: "Rahu, Sakyamuni is coming, come and greet him quickly!"

Luo Hu frowned, how many years he has been in the prehistoric world, who would dare to talk to himself like that?

But at this moment, he stepped forward respectfully and greeted him with salutes.

Suddenly the light of Buddha flickered in the black hole, and a big Buddha burst out of the sky!

Rahu said, "Rahu welcomes Sakyamuni!"

He knew that this Sakyamuni was actually the incarnation of Vishnu, who created Buddhism, and there are not many believers in the Demon Kingdom. This time he came to the prehistoric, I am afraid that one will use the incarnation to promote Buddhism, and the other will let the world know about Vishnu. kindness.

Sakyamuni said: "Go to Dashang now, and do what I say!"


Jialouluo responded, spread his wings, and flew out of Milou Mountain with all his strength, heading towards Dashang.

Luo Hu asked: "Do you need my help?"

"No need." Sakyamuni shook his head and said, "My heart is kind, and I don't want the big merchants to suffer. This time, I came here to help the prehistoric people."

Luo Hu laughed and said, "There are also Buddhist schools in the prehistoric world. I don't know how the Buddha crossed the Dharma?"

Sakyamuni said: "His Dharma may not be feasible. I have Theravada Dharma, which can be passed on to the wild."

Rahu smiled and said nothing, he didn't want to debate about Buddhism.

Seeing Shakyamuni came, he felt disappointed in his heart.

If Shiva or Brahma came, a great battle would be inevitable.

But it was the incarnation of Vishnu who came, can they fight?

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