The sound of the Buddha spread thousands of miles away, and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Daleiyin Temple came to their senses, showing signs of sudden enlightenment, and said loudly in the direction of Duobao Tathagata:

"We thank the World Honored One for clarifying the confusion!"

The common people near the Daleiyin Temple, after hearing the sound of Duobao Tathagata chanting sutras, suddenly woke up as if a new door had opened in front of them.

Although life is bitter, it is not a practice.

Self-exaltation because of pain, isn't it self-defeating?

"Ah, ah! You, you, how dare you..."

At this moment, Mo Sakyamuni trembled all over, lying on the ground, dripping with sweat, and the gate of hell behind him slowly disappeared.

"The Boundless Bodhisattva Daochang will gather in its place, so that the bright and inconceivable sounds of all Buddhas can appear. Mani Jewel King is his net, and all realms come out of it as if from the power of supernatural powers; all living beings live in houses, Its image is shown here. It is added by the divine power of all Buddhas, and within a single thought, it completely covers the Dharma Realm. Its teacher seat is high, wide and wonderful: the mani is the platform, the lotus is the net, and the pure and wonderful treasure is its wheel. The colors are variegated and made into necklaces."

Duobao Tathagata continued to recite aloud, and the scriptures were spread across thousands of miles.

The person who was bewitched by the magic sound before also woke up.

West Kunlun Mountains, Tiankeng.

Hearing the sound of chanting sutras, a strange beast let out a horrified howl, and its eyes showed frightened light: "The true Buddha in the west, after the fall of gods and demons, a true Buddha appeared in this world again... It seems that what the old man said good……"

"When the true Buddha appears, one must report to the Taoist immediately."

The strange beast turned back and dived into the sinkhole, and quickly headed towards the other world.


"The pavilions, pavilions, terraces, and households, all the objects and images are solemn and dignified; the branches and fruits of precious trees are arranged in circles. Mani lights and clouds shine on each other; the Buddhas of the ten directions are transformed into pearls and jade; all the bodhisattvas are wonderful. Treasures, all of which shine brightly and come to illuminate the candles. Hold by the power and gods of all the Buddhas, speak about the vast realm of the Tathagata, and the wonderful sound is smooth, and it is everywhere..."

Duobao Tathagata stopped at this point in his recitation.

He looked at Mo Sakyamuni, only to see that the other party was lying on the ground, his eyes were filled with tears, his whole body was trembling, and the devil energy on his body was constantly disappearing.

Duobao Tathagata said: "Amitre Buddha, come back, come back!"

The voice was old, but full of compassion and pity.

The next moment, I saw a Buddha's light gushing out from Mo Sakyamuni's body, which turned into a relic.

Among the relics, an old monk put his palms together, showed kindness, and said, "Thank you for saving."

Immediately afterwards, the relic was sent into the body of Duobao Tathagata and merged with it into one.

"Amitabha!" Duobao Tathagata closed his eyes, and the breath around him was as before, restrained and unpretentious.

"Congratulations to Tathagata for proving the Hunyuan Dao Fruit." In the distance, the voice of Master Tongtian sounded slowly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhunti Buddha and Yuanshi Tianzun also congratulated him.

"Congratulations to Tathagata for proving Hunyuan Daoguo."

Zishou also breathed a sigh of relief, the two Shakyas became one, and Duobao Tathagata successfully proved Hunyuan. It seems that his guess was correct.

When two Sakyas meet, it is not necessarily that the weak are absorbed by the strong.

At this moment, only a miserable roar was heard.

"Ah... who am I, who am I? Who am I?"

All the immortals looked sideways, only to see Mo Sakyamuni...or Zheng Wuyou stood up, scratched his head and shouted hysterically.

Just now when Zheng Wuyou swallowed Sakyamuni, all kinds of memories were mixed together. After all, Sakyamuni had the upper hand and forcibly suppressed other memories.

At this moment, Sakyamuni and Duobao Tathagata merged into one, leaving only Zheng Wuyou's body.

The memory in the body was chaotic, Zheng Wuyou roared hysterically, like a mad dog.

And the Hunyuan aura emanating from him is even more powerful.

Sakyamuni said: "Amitabha, love and hatred in the world are full of troubles and worries! No worries, no worries, how can you be no worries?"

Zheng Wuyou staggered and walked towards Sakyamuni, his face showed confusion at one moment, and another one at struggle, and a beast-like cry came from his throat.

"I'm in pain, I'm in pain...I want to eat you!"

Suddenly Zheng Wuyou jumped out!

Shakyamuni stretched out his hand and waved, the soft Buddha power protected his body, but Zheng Wuyou was bumped and fell out instead.

"Ho, ho!"

Zheng Wuyou roared like a beast, his face full of madness.

Zi Shou secretly said: "The current Zheng Wuyou is no longer Zheng Wuyou, but a combination of countless remnant souls and resentful spirits. It is said to be a beast, but it is actually even more devoid of spirituality than a beast. It is just a complete lunatic."

This is the defect of the roe owl's magic skill, Zishou knew it when he first practiced.

Devouring the souls of others, in the end, oneself will be devoured back.

"Painful, painful, so painful!" Zheng Wuyou yelled sharply: "I want to eat you, eat you all!"

With a glance, he rushed towards Zishou like a beast.

Zi Shou frowned, and at this moment, a man in white jumped out, between them, stretched out his hand and clasped Zheng Wuyou's neck like lightning, and said in a cold voice: "Since it is painful, then I will replace it for you." You solved it!"

The man stretched out his left hand and slapped Zheng Wuyou's forehead violently, a black light flooded into his altar, sucking all kinds of messy remnants into his palm.

Immediately afterwards, a small mouth grew out of the man's palm, which devoured all kinds of remnant souls.

With all kinds of remnant souls and resentment absorbed into his body, the man's body also became more evil!

And Zheng Wuyou also fell to the ground and died after being sucked dry of his remnant soul.

After all, his main soul has long been lost among the souls, and the remnant soul was left after fighting with Sakyamuni just now. At this moment, the remnant soul is swallowed up, and naturally it does not exist at all.

The man in white turned around and said to Zishou, "My lord, I have absorbed him completely."

It was none other than Li Fengge.

Zi Shou pondered slightly, the evil corpse devoured all the remnant souls in Zheng Wuyou's body, his own strength should be improved, but is this good or bad?

After all, Zheng Wuyou became insane because of devouring living beings.

Li Fengge saw Zishou's doubts, smiled and said: "I am different from this lunatic, I am the embodiment of malice, how can this mere remnant soul affect me!"

Zishou said, "Where is Garuda?"

Li Fengge smiled slightly and said: "That Routuo bird can't beat me and flew away, it disappeared in the blink of an eye, and I can't catch up."

Zishou said: "If you can't catch up, forget it."

Zishou turned his head, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Nu Wa, Nu Wa! I know you are here! Come out and see you!"

His voice spread far away, but no one responded after a while.

Zishou shouted, "Nuwa, are you here? Come out and see you!"

Still no response.

Zishou frowned, the map of Shanheshe was owned by Nuwa, who else could have done it besides her?

But why didn't she come out to see him?

Is it because I hate myself?

At this time, Shakyamuni suddenly said, "Emperor, maybe Empress Nuwa is no longer here."

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