Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 622 All Heavens and Myriad Creatures Treat Me as King!

"The map of Shanhe Sheji belongs to Nuwa. She appeared suddenly just now, so she must be here, but why didn't she come out to see me? Could it be just an illusion?" Zi Shou frowned, but if it was Nuwa's hand, he felt Can't find any trace of shooting.

Duobao Tathagata said: "Emperor, just now I also heard Empress Nuwa call me, let me uphold the Dharma so far, so as to subdue the demon Sakyamuni."

"Nuwa called you here just now? But why didn't she tell me?" Zishou asked.

Duobao Tathagata said: "Perhaps Empress Nuwa has some unspeakable secrets and I don't know."

He pondered for a while and said: "I became one with Sakyamuni, and I learned that in parallel time and space, the same person cannot meet each other. Once we meet, one of them will disappear. Or merge, or disappear, or be in the same time and space Among them, they cannot touch each other, hear or see each other. The emperor might as well go to the Peacock Demon City to have a look, maybe he can find the answer."

Zishou said: "When she and I traveled through the prehistoric times, she was caught by the incarnation of the Dao, and I don't know where she was exiled... The Peacock Demon City... It's time to go and see."

The Demon Kingdom's several attacks on the prehistoric land all ended in the loss of troops, but now that Duobao Tathagata has been certified as Hunyuan, after thinking about it, it is time for Zi Shou to go to the Demon Kingdom.

It's just that how to get to the Demon Kingdom still needs to be figured out.

After all, Zishou didn't have Milou Mountain and Hanging Coffin Cliff, and he couldn't open the gate to the Demon Kingdom.


At this moment, beyond the 33rd layer of heaven, in the void and chaos, Luo Hu flew back wildly, spitting blood wildly in his mouth, but still had an unruly smile on his face.

"This Hongjun is even stronger than usual. I have lost the God-killing Spear and the World-Destroying Black Lotus. I am no match for him. Where can I find a suitable weapon for me?"

Seeing Hongjun chasing after him with the Three Thousand Dao in his hand, Luo Hu gave a strange laugh, opened his hands, and with a slight shock, his body shattered automatically, turning into countless wisps of black smoke and flying away in all directions of the universe.

In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

Standing in the void, Hongjun murmured: "The demon disintegrated and turned into hundreds of billions. It is really too difficult to kill this person."

Yuanshi Tianzun came in a chariot and said, "Teacher, do you want to invite two more saints to deal with Rahu together?"

Hongjun shook his head and said: "Unless there are three more Taoists with my level of strength, even if they can be defeated, their evil thoughts cannot be completely eliminated. This is definitely not because of strength or weakness, but because this person represents Demons are not benevolent in the way of heaven, and they have never favored the side of demons and Tao. It is like Taiji Yin and Yang, black and white intertwined. Therefore, no matter what, he can always survive."

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly realized that Luo Hu's immortality was not because of his strength, but because this person represented the side of yin and yang, black and white.

If Rahu really disappeared, the balance would be lost.

"Unless something happens..." Hongjun said.

"What?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

Hongjun shook his head and remained silent.


Zishou took Yin Jiao back to Dashang. He had already decided in his heart to go to the Peacock Continent, but before that, he had to find someone.

Only she can take herself to the Peacock Continent.

"Su Mei... where will she be now? Hell? I almost have to go to hell." Zi Shou thought to himself.

At this moment, the long-lost voice from the system suddenly sounded.

"Trigger mission: Journey to the Demon Kingdom."

"Mission details: There is a girl waiting for you in the distance, go to the Demon Kingdom and look for that girl."

"Mission Reward: Compass of the Heavens."

Zishou: ...

Zishou touched his chin, feeling that this task was a bit misleading.

Is there a girl waiting for him in the Demon Kingdom?

Who is the girl?

Is it Nuwa?

"The compass of the heavens? What kind of spiritual treasure is this? Regardless of whether there is this task or not, I have to go to the Demon Kingdom anyway. I don't know if the demons of hell are still in hell."

three days later.

Zishou was ready and went to the underworld alone.

After entering the underworld, go all the way down to the depths of the earth.

There are other laws deep in the heart of the earth, forming a world of its own, inhabited by demons.

Although there are demon heads in the Demon Kingdom, they are different from hell demons.

The former belongs to the way of magic, and also belongs to one of the infinite ways, while the latter is a real magic, which belongs to another kind completely different from human beings.

At the beginning, Zishou came to hell, but at that time his cultivation base was still shallow, and he had never gone deep.

But at this time, he is already a rank seven saint. Although there are people in the world who can seriously injure him, but there is no one who can kill him, not to mention that Duma, the monarch of hell, is only a rank five Hunyuan. Break into the magic city.

The huge Castlevania stood in front of it, and billowing black air was shrouded above it.

When he arrived in the magic city, he discovered some strange places. The whole magic city was lifeless, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt corpses.

Among the broken walls, there are some charred corpses, and the smell is naturally emitted from the corpses.

"Strange, why does it look like a big war happened here?"

Zishou went straight to the center of the demon city and entered the demon temple. He saw more limbs and broken arms in the temple, most of which were burnt and gave off a foul smell.

At this moment, Zishou heard the sound of flames burning inside, and thought to himself: "It seems that a strong enemy is coming. After all, Duma is a fifth-rank Hunyuan. What kind of strong enemy would it be?"

When Zishou entered the palace all the way, he came to the underground palace through a dark corridor.

The devil lives deep underground, but the underground palace is also decorated with all kinds of treasures, which are shining brightly and are incomparably gorgeous.

But at this time, Zishou noticed that there were scorched marks in the underground palace.

Suddenly, an arrogant voice came from the underground palace: "My lord gave me the sword array back then to deal with such a powerful enemy as you. You have to pay a price for coercing people!"

"We went shoulder to shoulder and snatched the magic flame from him. This kind of magic flame should belong to us, haha, haha!"

"If you are seriously injured today, we will fight you too!"

Several different voices sounded, and then another dull voice said: "Luo Hu, you come here to burn the hell and snatch my treasure, you may not be too disrespectful to us!"

Zishou's heart moved, and he immediately cast a spell and chanted the formula, and entered the underground palace incognito.

I saw that the four corners of the huge underground palace were lit with merman lamps, the lamp flames were black and yellow, emitting a scorching heat.

In the underground palace, seven people marched with swords and surrounded a man in the middle.

The middle-aged man in the middle is wearing a black robe sewn from the feathers of a demon bird. His hands are drooping, and his fingers are spread like sharp knives.With an unruly expression on his face and squinting eyes, it seems that he doesn't pay attention to the seven people who besieged him at all.

Zishou took a closer look and found that the middle-aged man in black robe was none other than the Demon Ancestor.

And the seven people who besieged the Demon Ancestor were also the digital demons of hell.

Duma, the lord of hell, is carrying a spear on his back, holding a bone sword in his right hand, the arrogant lord Xiao Can is holding a magic sword as a sword, the greedy lord Mamen is holding a huge sword, and the lazy look on the face of the sensual lord Su Mei has disappeared, replaced by incomparable Dignified, she held a long sword with a narrow blade, and the tip of the sword trembled slightly.

The angry monarch, the jealous monarch, and the lazy monarch are also holding a long sword.

The seven people surrounded the demon ancestor with their swords, forming a sword array, and the sword energy was so strong that they cut the surrounding time and space into fragments.

Zishou was greatly puzzled, why is Luo Hu here?Why do you want to be enemies with the Lord of Hell?

Zishou remembered that the Hell Demon and the Demon Kingdom were in an alliance. Before the two sides broke their faces, they should not work hard.

Luo Hu sneered slightly, and said: "Under the Putian, is it the land of the king; on the shore of the land, is it the subject of the king. As the ancestor of the demons, all the demons in the world are under the control of this seat! How dare you not fight with just one gun?" pay?"

Du Ma said: "We have never admitted that you are the ancestor of the devil, not to mention that you want to refine the hell, is it really for just a gun?"

Luo Hu's eyelids drooped slightly, he slowly raised his palms, and said, "You are looking for death, don't blame me!"

"Kill him!" Duma yelled sharply, and the seven of them swung their long swords at the same time.

Suddenly, sword shadows condensed out of thin air on the ground, above the head, and even in mid-air!


The sword shadows shot densely, and amidst the swishing sound, it was like ten thousand arrows firing together!

The whole underground palace seems to have turned into a pool of swords!

Luo Hu was in the midst of it, but he didn't even dare to block the front directly, so he could only dodge with his body.

Zishou's eyes widened, showing a look of horror.

He saw the shadow of Zhu Xian's sword formation from the sword formation formed by seven demons.

Although it is different from the Zhuxian Sword Formation that he activated with the Sixteen Innate Swords, the sword formation created by the Seven Great Demons is also similar in purpose.


The seven demon heads walked with their swords, and the shadow of the sword pierced through the air. Luo Hu jumped to dodge, and the magic flames around him turned into two magic knives.

This kind of battle is dazzling, even Zishou is shocked.

"The strength of each of the seven demons is far inferior to Luo Hu. Even if they join forces, they are probably not his opponents. Although this sword formation is different from the Zhuxian sword formation, it is clearly from the Zhuxian sword formation. It just changes the method of luck. What's going on? How did they know this sword array?"

Du Ma shouted: "Luo Hu, you would never have thought that you would die here today!"

There was a horrified light in Luohu's eyes, and he said, "This is the Zhuxian Formation of Master Tongtian, no, this is Zishou's Zhuxian Formation, what relationship do you have with Zishou?"

Master Tongtian's Zhuxian formation is not the same as Zishou's Zhuxian formation. The latter evolved from the former, but its power is even stronger.

Du Ma said: "In this world, Di Xin is not the only one who can use the Immortal Execution Formation."

There was a strange light in his eyes.

The seven swords came out together, and the blades flew out randomly.

Suddenly, there were several swishing sounds, and Luo Hu's chest was bleeding, and he was directly pierced by seven or eight sword shadows.

"He's dead!" Xiao Can said excitedly.

At this moment, Luo Hu said in a serious voice: "Is there someone missing in this sword formation? Di Xin's Zhuxian Sword Formation is not a seven-mouthed sword."

But seeing his body flickering suddenly, the two magic knives in his hands suddenly cut out in an extremely strange direction.

Duma and the others' expressions changed drastically, and they fell backwards at the same time.

Luohu said: "Heaven and earth are furnaces, good fortune is work; yin and yang are charcoal, and all things are copper. The heavens and all things are turned into utensils, and I am the king!"

Demonic flames swept out from his body!

Update problem: One update per day this week, because the editor wants me to participate in a burst update week, maybe next week, and then there will be more than 8000 words every day. In the later stage, it is even more difficult to write, so I can only save the manuscript first.

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