In a flash, more than a month has passed, and Zishou has nothing to do in this month, he can only refine weapons all day long.

The system gave him alchemy and weapon refining techniques, but he has never been short of spiritual treasures, so he has never made weapons by himself.

After coming to the third parallel prehistoric world, suppressed by the heaven and earth in this world, his cultivation base can only recover slowly, but he has a lot of free time on the contrary.

However, with the increase in the number of refining tools, and tempering the true energy in his body over and over again, Zishou also gradually discovered that the suppression of heaven in the Peacock Continent seemed to be loosening.

There was a very repulsive situation before, but now it has loosened a lot, and it is much easier for him to absorb the Qi in the air.

In the end, the nine-tailed fox stayed in the yard chopping firewood and watering the flowers. This vixen was quite peaceful, and he didn't even dare to look at Zishou.

But Zi Shou knew that she was not afraid of herself, but that Su Mei would eat her.

Su Mei treats herself softly, charmingly and submissively, but she is not so polite to others.


After refining a flying sword, Zishou also yawned, retracted the flame to his dantian, and suddenly raised his head to look out the window: "It's been a peaceful month."

Putting away the flying sword, he suddenly thought of something.Zishou walked out of the yard, and raised his voice to Su Mei who was lazily basking in the sun, "Su Mei!"

"Master, what's the matter?" Su Mei came over, she was wearing a black palace dress today, although the clothes were a little loose, but her face was fair and delicate, but it gave people a sense of coquettish and charming.

"Come with me to the West Kunlun Mountains, I want to see if the tiankeng is there."

The Tiankeng in the West Kunlun Mountains has always been a mysterious and unknown place. Even if Zishou became a seventh-rank saint, he still couldn't get a glimpse of its secrets.

Although this world is the third parallel prehistoric world, there should also be a tiankeng.

Su Mei smiled and said, "Then let's go!"

She walked over with a smile, raised her right hand and said, "Come, take my hand."

Zishou: "..."

Su Mei narrowed her eyes slightly, with a faint smile still on her face: "If you don't hold my hand, how can I take you there? Or should I carry you behind my back?"

Helplessly, Zishou reached out and took her hand.

Her hands are small and very warm to the touch.

It's like touching a piece of precious jade, it's hard to put it down.

Su Mei was overjoyed in her heart, she couldn't help showing a smile on her face, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons: "Master, let's go then!"

At the moment Su Mei is also taking Zi Shou to drive the Five Elements Escape Technique and head towards the West Kunlun Mountains.

The Five Elements Escape Technique is just the most common spell, and basically everyone in the practice can use it, but the disadvantage is that it is not fast enough.

After entering the West Kunlun Mountains, Zishou headed towards the West Kunlun Tiankeng relying on the terrain in his memory.

"I have seen some powerful alien beasts in the Tiankeng, but those alien beasts are like puppets, and even their memories are incomplete. I guess that the West Kunlun Tiankeng may lead to another world. "

Zishou said as he walked.

"Is it like hell?" Su Mei asked.

"Maybe, the tiankeng is bottomless. I used to be unable to fully understand the truth. Even after I was certified as a Hunyuan, that tiankeng still gave me a sense of threat. This time, let's go and see if there is such a place." .”

Zishou didn't intend to enter the Tiankeng, but wanted to check something.

Just when he was about to reach the Tiankeng, an extremely powerful aura suddenly erupted from the deep mountain.

This aura is full of a sense of supremacy in heaven and earth, and it is pushed out in all directions in a mighty way!

Su Mei immediately stood in front of Zi Shou, and the magic energy surged all over her body to protect the two of them.

However, when this breath was pushed out, Su Mei's body shook slightly, her face flushed, as if she was injured by that breath in an instant.

Zishou's face changed slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Is there a saint in the mountain?"

Su Mei whispered: "We should not be targeting us, but this person seems to have a higher level of cultivation than me."

Zishou was startled. Although Su Mei was not a high-level Hunyuan, her cultivation was not low.

Those who are higher than her are probably high-level Hunyuan.

It stands to reason that he should leave now, but Zi Shou was curious about who was in the sinkhole, and whispered: "Look closer."

Su Mei nodded.

The two proceeded cautiously, walked thirty or forty zhang, passed the valley, and saw a huge tiankeng in front of them.

The tiankeng is really too big, too big to imagine.

The inside of the tiankeng is dark, and I don't know if there is an end.

At this moment, above the tiankeng, there was actually a black lotus suspended in the air, which was slowly turning. The black lotus was burning with a gray-black magic flame, emitting a scorching temperature.

"The Black Lotus of Extermination...only rank nine." Zi Shou instantly recognized the lotus seat, and said in a low voice, "Is there a magic way here?"

The terrifying aura just now had disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

But even if the Mieshi Heilian is only ninth grade, it is not something that ordinary cultivators can get.

The two looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes.

"The Mieshi Heilian stays here, and the Demon Dao should also be here, which one is it from the Demon Kingdom?" Zi Shou pondered.

At this moment, I saw a roar of a beast suddenly came from the tiankeng, and then the earth rumbled violently, an ancient giant beast leaped out of the tiankeng, opened its mouth and swallowed the black lotus. middle.

The giant beast has a huge body, hundreds of feet in length, looks like a snake, but it has two pairs of wings, if it is a dragon, but it has no dragon horns, its appearance is very strange.

After the giant beast swallowed the black lotus, it wanted to jump into the deep pit.

Unexpectedly, a black line appeared above the black lotus, holding the giant beast tightly.


The giant beast turned around suddenly, trying to break the black thread, but the black thread was flexible and indestructible, and it was still holding on tightly.

"Knock the stars to make the crescent moon and make the hook, throw it into the tiankeng to catch the snake, haha."

Suddenly there was a laugh from above.

Zi Shou looked up, and saw that a hole had been torn open in the sky above, curled up and wriggling in space, and a silk thread protruded from the hole.

The other end of the silk line caught the huge monster in the sinkhole.

Apparently someone was fishing in the Tiankeng with the Mie Shi Hei Lian.

The huge monster kept struggling, suddenly spread its four wings and flew out, and suddenly retracted its wings and burrowed into the ground, but it still couldn't break free from the black line.

Finally, half an hour later, the snake was exhausted and was dragged into the black hole in the sky. After a while, another black lotus was thrown out of the hole.

Obviously, the people in the black hole used this method to catch the monsters in the tiankeng.

Zishou and Su Mei looked at each other, and they both saw the vigilance in each other's eyes.

"There are many powerful people in the Demon Kingdom. This should be another high-ranking saint. In my current state, I shouldn't provoke him. Let's go!" Zishou said.

Su Mei nodded, and the two left quietly.

Just after the two left, there was movement again in the tiankeng behind them, as if some giant beast was once again attracted by Mie Shi Hei Lian.

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