Zishou never expected that someone would use the Mieshi Heilian as bait to catch exotic animals in the Kunlun Mountain Tiankeng, let alone that there would be singing snakes in the Tiankeng.

This also made him even more confused about what kind of place the other side of the tiankeng led to.

After returning to the small courtyard, he let Su Mei leave, and went back to the room to rest by himself.


late at night.

Gu Qingluo meditated in the Taoist temple to nourish his energy, the four female disciples had already rested, and the temple was extremely quiet.

Although she was a monk halfway, she was extremely talented. In just a few hundred years, she had shed her mortal womb, gathered three flowers, and became a Da Luo Jinxian.

This cultivation base is not weak even in the Conferred God period.

However, at this moment, Gu Qingluo's heart was full of worries. Ever since Zishou and Su Mei lived in the temple, she had always had this kind of worry.

"She Tianjun was killed. The Wanjun Sect has not made any major moves so far, and those two people don't know if it is the devil's way. On the same day, it was reported that the Seven Stars of the Demon Family were killed. I don't know if it has anything to do with them. The time for the saint to accept disciples is getting closer and closer. The shorter it is, the more I feel like I'm afraid something will happen during this period..."

Gu Qingluo knew that this was not an unreasonable premonition, but Da Luo Jinxian's prediction of the crisis in the dark.

At this moment, she stood up suddenly, took out the long sword from the storage bag, walked out of the house, and scanned the yard vigilantly.

"Who is it? Get out of here!"

Gu Qingluo shouted sharply.

"Master, what's wrong?"

The four female apprentices living in the temple were all woken up by her yelling, and walked out of the room one by one rubbing their eyes.

The four female apprentices looked exactly the same, they were Bai Yunqi, Bai Yundong, Bai Yunshen, and Bai Yunmian.

"There are enemies coming!" Gu Qingluo said coldly, without the slightest slack.

When the four of them heard this, they looked at each other, and their expressions changed drastically.

Bai Yunqi was the elder sister, and immediately went back to the room and took out the long sword, looking around vigilantly, while Bai Yundong and Bai Yunshen also reacted immediately, and took the sword in their hands.

Gu Qingluo said: "Aren't you coming out yet?"

As soon as the voice fell, the space in the courtyard squirmed, and three black cracks were slowly torn open. The cracks gradually spread, and three black holes slowly appeared. Three figures stepped forward in the black hole, and the black air surged around them, and a powerful wave The sense of deterrence is overwhelming!

Gu Qingluo was startled, secretly thinking that it was not good.

These three people turned out to be members of the Demonic Way.

Since the defeat of the Daoist Controversy, the strength of the Daoist Sect has been declining day by day, and there are only five members of the Yuqing Sect who inherited the Taoist lineage.

Because of this, the Taoist sect hides and hides, and rarely goes out in public. Even Yuqingjiao was established in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains.

Now three demons came suddenly, and they obviously had their eyes on Yuqingjiao.

The three demons were all dressed in Tsing Yi, with stiff muscles on their faces, showing no signs of joy or anger. They turned out to be wearing hideous ghost masks, with black energy surging from their bodies, and they were faintly Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base!

Gu Qingluo let out a long breath, his whole body surged with true energy, and with a swipe sound, the long sword in his hand was straightened up, stabbing at the person on the left.

She saw that these three people all showed the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, and she knew that if she didn't kill one of them first, she would be defeated when the three surrounded her.

This sword was infused with true energy, pierced through his right arm, and stabbed away. The man slid half a step back, and the weapon in his hand made a loud clang. pain.

It turned out that the man was holding a copper hammer.

Gu Qing fell to one side, and quickly turned his long sword to attack.

The people in the interpretation and education love to use the sword very much. In the past, besides the powerful magic weapon, all the twelve golden immortals also liked to use the sword.

Although Yuqingjiao is only a branch of the Interpretation of Teaching, it has also inherited its orthodoxy after all. Gu Qingluo's swordsmanship is elegant, and he follows wherever he goes. Every time he swings his sword, the qi penetrates the tip of the sword and can break the qi shield.

The other two demons sneered and shot together.

One of them drew out his long sword, his swordsmanship was unpredictable, like a poisonous snake sticking out its tongue, emitting blue and purple light under the moonlight.

The more Lu Qingluo fought, the more frightened he became. The cultivation base of each of the three opponents was not as good as his own, but the magic weapon in his hand was extremely powerful.

The man who made the hammer seemed to have a mighty force, and every time he swung it, the ground shook for a while.

And the long sword in the man's hand is even more weird, like lightning, every stab of the sword is hard to guard against.

Bai Yunqi and the other four took their swords and stepped forward to help the teacher fight the enemy.

The other man stretched out his hand and threw his hand, his whole body was agitated with true energy, and he waved his palms.

The cultivation of the four Bai Yunqi sisters was not comparable to that of a god. Wherever he was an opponent, they all screamed in the blink of an eye and fell to the ground injured.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Gu Qingluo was horrified in his heart: "Why did the devil suddenly focus on the Yuqing sect? Come to the door?"

At this moment, a magician let out a low shout, stretched out his hand and waved it, and a hairpin suddenly shot out!

This hairpin seemed to be made of pure jade, when it came out it was faster than stone fire, Gu Qingluo couldn't even block it, his chest hurt, he let out a scream of "ah", and fell to the ground clutching his heart.

"Hey, hey! I, the Kshatriya, will clear the Yuqing religion here today!" The sword wielder raised his long sword and approached slowly. The eyes under the mask of the evil ghost radiated light like a wolf.

"Kshatriya!" Gu Qing collapsed on the ground, panting continuously, his face was bloodless, and the light in his eyes was dim.

There are four major powers in the Demon Kingdom, Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudra. According to legend, Brahman was created by Brahma with his mouth, Kshatriya was created by Brahma with his hands, Vaishya was created by Brahma with his legs, and Sudra Luo was created by Brahma with his feet.

But the Kshatriya ranks second among the four major forces, with countless strong men and tyrannical strength. It is said that there are quasi-sage peaks in the sect.

Gu Qingluo never thought that Yu Qingjiao would be targeted by Kshatriya.

"Forget it, I cannot escape Gu Qingluo's death today. Instead of being humiliated by the Demon Dao, I would rather end it myself." Gu Qingluo sighed, raised her pink right hand, and wanted to pat her smooth forehead.

At this moment, a sneer suddenly came from outside the yard: "The way of the devil? Are they also considered the way of the devil?"

Gu Qingluo looked up, but sighed in disappointment.

The person who came was that young man with mediocre cultivation.

If the woman from Daluo Jinxian came, there was still a chance of life, and this man didn't even have the cultivation base of a human immortal, so what's the use of coming?

Zishou approached the courtyard slowly, and said: "Three spiritual treasures, the Heart-Piercing Sword, the Hunyuan Hairpin, and the Zijin Hammer, used to belong to the Lord Tongtian, but you have the cultivation base of the Daluo Jinxian, but you don't know how to use them at all. If the Hunyuan hairpin alone can do it, now that Gu Qingluo has died, how can he still be alive?"

The man holding the sword at the head narrowed his eyes and said sharply, "Who are you?"

"No matter who he is, kill him first!" The man with the hammer was afraid that the matter would be exposed, and stepped forward with the hammer.

Gu Qingluo sighed secretly in his heart, Mr. Yin was afraid that he would die here.

Zishou said: "Mo Dao, hmph, let me show you the real big devil."

Behind him, a magic banner suddenly unfolded!

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