Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 638 This seat is the beast that devours the sky and devours the earth

From when Zishou approached the courtyard to when he pointed out the origins of the three magic weapons, the hearts of the three men wearing ghost masks all jumped.

These three spirit treasures are indeed from the Jiejiao, but when the Jiejiao was destroyed, the first, second and even third generation disciples almost died in Biyou Palace, and only some fourth-generation disciples were left to find the spirit treasures left by the past Tongtian leader. , recreate the Wanjun Sect.

But how can anyone in this world recognize these spiritual treasures?

As Zishou unfolded the demon-recruiting banner, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became extremely suppressed, and the demonic energy gushed out from the demon-recruiting banner, as if some terrifying existence was about to tear the demon-recruiting banner and come out!

Although the faces of the three of them couldn't be seen by wearing the devil's mask, their pupils shrank suddenly!

Gu Qingluo also changed color and said: "What an amazing devilish energy...is this person also a devil?"

Outside the courtyard, Su Daji was also peeking at what happened in the courtyard. She was surprised and surprised. She thought that Zishou was just an ordinary person who had just practiced, but this spiritual treasure revealed turned her mind upside down. cognition.

"Could it be that he is actually a senior who hides his strength?"


The magic energy rolled wildly, like boiling hot water, and the black light in the magic banner shrouded in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, a giant beast stepped out from the banner!

The giant beast landed on all fours, raised its head and shouted, "Aww!"

The three demons were stunned, and Gu Qingluo also opened his mouth with a question mark on his face.

Even Su Daji covered her face, what is this thing!

I saw a black and white, huge big cat lying on the ground licking the palm of his hand, with a naive look.

Even the devilish energy billowing around him couldn't make the big cat look more majestic.

After the three demons stayed for a while, they all laughed wildly:

"I thought some big monster appeared, but it turned out to be a big cat?"

"Interesting, interesting, just relying on this thing, you want to scare us?"

"I'm afraid it's a big cat tainted with devilish energy, right?"

At this moment, Zishou was expressionless, with his hands behind his back.

At the beginning, he got twelve banners for attracting demons, and nine of them destroyed the demon souls in the banners during the battle with Chanjiao.

In the last three sides, Xin Xijia didn't know where he went, only the Iron Eater and Chi You were left.

Afterwards, he entered the Kunlun Mirror, and took away Taoist Zhunti, Chanjiao Randeng and others from it, projecting Yin Lian.

Zhunti, Ran Deng and the others were all resurrected and became members of the Beginning Sect, but Yin Lian was in a special situation and still lived in the Banner of Zhaomo.

In the prehistoric world, Zishou is a sage of rank seven, so naturally he doesn't need to summon the demon banner, he has been throwing it in the Sumeru ring and ignored it, and at this moment he remembered and summoned the iron-eating beast.

As a result, the three false demons in front of them were dismissive.


This fat cat was neutered by someone for peeping at Pingxin, and became much more docile after neutering.

But no matter what, it was also the mount Chi You used to fight back then. After hundreds of years of training in the magic banner, nourished by the magic temperature, his cultivation level even surpassed that of Styx.

The giant panda also seemed to know that the three fake demons in front of him looked down on him, so he took two steps forward with his fat short legs, raised his neck, and said arrogantly: "This seat is the one who devours the sky and devours the earth." The Great Bear King of the Beast, oh~!"

It originally wanted to bark a bit more imposingly, but it stayed in the demon-calling banner for so long that it had long forgotten how to bark. Not only did it lose all vigor, but it was full of cuteness.

Gu Qingluo's heart sank slowly. He originally thought that this young man had summoned some kind of monster, but it turned out not only was it not a monster, but a naive big cat instead.

If it wasn't for the wrong situation, she would have wanted to reach out and stroke that fat cat's head.

The three demons couldn't help laughing wildly.

A magician pointed at the giant panda and said, "I'm going to die laughing, such a fat cat can swallow the beast of the sky and the earth...haha, haha, swallow the sky and the earth, you can swallow one for me...I... "

He smiled and found that his companions couldn't laugh out loud, not only couldn't laugh out loud, but their whole body was still shaking violently.

Looking up, I saw that the big cat's body was constantly expanding, and it turned into a height of hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye, collapsing the entire Taoist temple.

The whole body's devilish energy surged crazily, and the entire sky was also blackened by this devilish energy.

"Laugh? Your Lord Xiong made you laugh!"

Fat Cat pulled its paw, and slapped the laughing Mo Dao directly.

The Demon Dao let out a scream, and before he even had time to resist, he was patted into a pulp in an instant.

The other two were terrified and out of their wits, one sacrificed the Hunyuan hairpin and stabbed at the big cat's chest, the other turned and ran away!

When the Hunyuan hairpin, which hit Gu Qingluo hard, hit Sha Mao's chest, it was bounced away by the thick fur.

Immediately afterwards, the giant panda stretched out its two paws, pawed at both sides, grabbed the two people in the palm of its hand, and opened its mouth to growl: "Aw!"

This time, the sound was loud, like a loud bell, and the whole courtyard was completely shattered, and the trees in a radius of ten miles were directly broken!

Lu Qingluo's face changed drastically, and his expression was painful. The four Baiyun sisters also tightly covered their ears and buried their heads in their bosoms.

The two demons were hit so hard, their seven orifices bled, their faces were pale, and they were directly shocked to death.

The big cat opened its huge mouth, and threw the two demons into the mouth, and swallowed them directly without chewing.

Zishou also covered his ears, his brows were tightly frowned, he has no cultivation level now, the big cat almost killed him this time.


The big cat looked arrogantly at the people in the yard, and said, "Xiao Shou, which one do you want me to eat?"

Zishou: ...

"Okay, let's change back quickly, what have you ruined the Taoist temple?" Zishou said helplessly.

The big cat shrunk slowly, stood on the ground with its two hind feet, and raised its front paws. Its eyes swept towards Gu Qingluo and the others, and then fell on Su Daji, who was stunned, immediately showing a radiance of excitement.

Meow~!With so many beauties, isn't this more fragrant than that Pingxin?

It turned its head and looked at Zishou with a playful expression, as if to say, so you lost your cultivation.

At this moment, a voice sounded: "Master, why did you destroy the Taoist temple?"

It was Su Mei who came in and said softly, "Are you not injured?"

The fat cat looked back at Su Mei, its eyes turned into two red love hearts, and then the devilish energy in its body subsided, and it immediately turned into a naive look, and ran to Su Mei's side on its short legs.

First, he stretched his head and rubbed against her leg, then turned his back on all fours and rolled over on his stomach: "Meow."

Su Mei was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on her face: "What a cute cat!"

He knelt down and reached out to touch Fat Cat's stomach.

Gu Qingluo and the others swallowed, is this really the devil bear just now?

"Meow!" The giant panda threw itself into Su Mei's arms and rubbed and cuddled, acting coquettishly and cutely.

And Zishou's face turned dark.

This fat cat, castrate it again.

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