When Fei Zhong and Yuan Hong Tengyun returned to Luojia Mountain, they keenly noticed that the surrounding conditions were not right.The island is full of oppressive atmosphere, filled with dark mist.

At this moment, a series of powerful breaths locked the two of them in an instant, and a terrifying coercion instantly overwhelmed them.

Yuan Hong's complexion changed drastically, his knees were slightly bent, and he was almost crushed to the ground.

But Fei Zhong had no self-cultivation, so he knelt on the ground in an instant, with his hands on the ground, sweat rolling from his body.

Immediately afterwards, the demons stepped out of the void one by one.

"Fei Zhong, hello! It turns out that you have come to the Demon Kingdom."

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

When Fei Zhong looked up, his heart was beating wildly with fright.

A tall and fierce god with an elephant-headed human body was walking towards him, his eyes shot out a fierce light, who is Ganesha who is not the elephant-headed god?

Look at the demons beside Ganesh, they are all the demon gods who attacked the prehistoric world.

"I said why I can't see the real murderer's face clearly even with the help of the way of heaven, so it's you!" The great sage Kali showed a fierce look on his face, and said solemnly: "Isn't this Yuan Daoren from Honghuang? Di Xin has also come to Honghuang?"

In an instant, Kali Dasheng thought of the third causal line of peacock's death. Although the people connected by this causal line before were unclear, but at this moment he thought of Zishou. After corresponding, the people connected by that causal line Zishou became more and more clear.

Fei Zhong smiled wryly and said: "So it was you, back then we worked under the concubine's command, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ganesh shouted: "Who is working with you under the imperial concubine's command! Fei Zhong, you bastard, I let you go in the prehistoric world, and you dare to come to the Peacock Realm!"

"Take them all to the color world!" Chiguo Heavenly King shouted.

Seeing this, Guanyin sighed in disappointment.

At present, it seems that everything is over, as long as Yuan Hong or Fei Zhong are brought to the color world, they will not be spared.

The Heavenly King Chiguo looked at Garuda at the side again, and said coldly: "Garuda, Guanyin and Dragon Girl are the real murderers named by Brahma to arrest, do you want to protect them?"

Jialuluo sneered and said: "Didn't I say it? The death of a peacock is a serious matter, and my master has to interrogate it himself. How about this? You take them to the color world, and I take them to Sumeru. You arrest you." people, we judge our people."

Heavenly King Jiguo looked ugly. Who doesn't know Brahma's character, if only two people are brought back, they will lose their temper. How will they bear the anger of King Brahma?

And if Garuda really took someone away, it must be Baoding Avalokitesvara Dragon Girl.

Great Sage Kali said coldly: "There are so many of us, at worst we go together and take people away. I understand that even Garuda can't stop us!"

Heavenly King Chiguo grinned and said, "That's right."

He slowly pulled out the long sword, the tip of the sword trembling slightly.

Calji moved slowly, stood beside Garuda, and said: "If you want to bully the few with more, then I have to do it with you."

This person is also the incarnation of Vishnu. This incarnation has independent emotions and usually does things for the demon kingdom, but at critical moments, he will still belong to Vishnu.

Ganesh, on the other hand, looked at the side of Kali Mahathir, then at Garuda's side, and silently chose to take a few steps back.

The Great Sage Kali's expression remained unchanged, but he secretly said in his heart: "Garuda's cultivation base is higher than ours, and I and the Heavenly King Jiguo can deal with it. Adidas can deal with Karji, but Ganesha is the son of Shiva. Who knows who he will help."

Garuda laughed wildly and said: "If you want to do it, come here! I, Garuda, are really afraid!"

Amidst the wild laughter, Garuda Luo raised his head to the sky, and the aura of the high-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian burst out suddenly, rushing towards the Great Sage Kali and the Heavenly King Chiguo like a mountain torrent.

The Great Sage Kali and the Heavenly King Jiguo looked at each other, and they both saw the fear in each other's eyes, and slowly raised their hands to resist with all their strength.

But at this moment, in the sky, there seemed to be a giant palm stretched out, which slammed down the coercion that Garuda had erupted.

The torrent-like coercion was forcibly suppressed, and Garuda's face suddenly changed drastically, his body shook, and he staggered back, horrified: "The Supreme God..."

But in the sky, a holy statue slowly appeared.

The holy elephant has four heads and four arms, sitting on top of a swan.A tuft of white beard hangs down under his chin, and he holds a token, a water bottle, a rosary, and a black lotus in four hands.

But it is the projection of Brahma, the supreme god!

Brahma Projection's eyebrows were benevolent and kind, but his voice was full of aggressiveness: "Garuda, don't think that you can be defiant if you can barely prove the seventh-rank Hunyuan. In the eyes of some people, the seventh-rank Hunyuan is just a slightly bigger mad dog. Sometimes, Even if there is a master standing behind him, it may not be able to keep this mad dog! People, I want it, I want to go back, call Vishnu!"

As soon as the words fell, a powerful force rushed towards Guanyin and Longnv, and turned into two black chains, binding them tightly.

Garuda narrowed his eyes, and said, "Sage Brahma..."

Great Sage Kali and Heavenly King Jiguo breathed a sigh of relief. Even though Brahma took action, although it was only a projection, it was enough to frighten Garuda.

But at this moment, there was a chuckle on the scene that was originally silent.

Immediately afterwards, a young man suddenly appeared behind Jia Luolou, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Brahma King, are you serious about what you said?"

This young man suddenly appeared, and everyone didn't even notice when he appeared, as if he had been standing there all this time and only spoke now.

As for the Great Sage Kali, the Heavenly King Jiguo saw that person's face, and their expressions changed drastically, and their hearts were shocked.

This person is wearing a moon-white robe, with a bare head, he looks like a young monk, but the aura around his body is mysterious and wonderful, as if there are stars, sun and moon flowing behind him, and his gestures give people a feeling that this person is protecting the world A sense of order in all things.


"No, it's the incarnation of Vishnu!"

Great Sage Kali, Heavenly King Jiguo felt a surge of horror in his heart.

The face of Brahma's projection in the sky also sank, and he said, "Vishnu, you must fight against this emperor, don't you?"

Vishnu chuckled, and said: "The death of the peacock is a serious matter, and this emperor is also eager to find out the real culprit. Behind this incident, there must be another powerful force covering it up. , I am afraid that the real culprit will be difficult to find, and instead kill innocent people by mistake!"

Brahma laughed, and there was no joy in the laughter, but full of anger: "You are accusing the emperor of killing innocent people! Vishnu, don't think who you are, you are also worthy of accusing the emperor! ?!"

With a smile on his face, Vishnu stretched out his hand slowly, and the iron chains on Avalokitesvara and Dragon Girl melted automatically, while Yuan Hong and Fei Zhong also flew towards him out of thin air, saying: "I didn't mean that. , The peacock is the mother of the Buddha, and its life and death are of great importance, why don't you let me take it to the summit of Sumeru and let me interrogate the real culprit."

Brahma frowned, his eyes were burning with anger, and he said sharply, "Are you joking with me?"

Vishnu said seriously: "I'm not joking. Doesn't Brahma God believe me?"

Seeing the two facing each other tit for tat, Fei Zhong finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I finally guessed it right.

There are many conflicts between the supreme gods in the peacock world. If only Brahma is involved in this matter, then I will definitely die, but if other supreme gods participate, then I have a chance to survive.

But the great sage Kali, the heavenly king of Jiguo, Adiedo, Ganesa and others looked at each other, their faces changed drastically.

If it continues like this, the two great gods may really fight.

If the Supreme God fights, I am afraid that the entire peacock world will also be implicated.

At this time, another soft voice sounded in the distance: "Why don't you let me take you to Kailasa Mountain, and let my husband find out the real culprit himself. Two great gods, may you believe my husband?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a beautiful woman in white clothes walking forward, her white clothes were spotless, her face was full of watery tenderness, like a gentle wife.

However, Great Sage Kali, Heavenly King Jiguo and others felt their hearts jump violently when they saw this person, not be moved, but frightened.

The Brahma projection in the sky and the incarnation of Vishnu on the ground also changed slightly.

Ganesh suddenly ran towards the woman in white, knelt down in front of her and said, "Mother, the child is visiting mother, how are you and my father?"

Concubine Uma gently reached out and stroked Ganesh's elephant head, with a look of heartache flashing across her face, "Boy, your father and I are doing well recently, and you haven't been back to Mount Kailasa for a long time, but teach me how to be good." miss."


Brahma's face was gloomy and he remained silent.

The concubine Uma's cultivation base is not high, but behind her stands Shiva, the god of destruction.

If you say who is the person Brahma fears the most in the peacock world, it is undoubtedly Shiva.

Brahma himself is a nine-turn demon saint, but Shiva's cultivation is still higher than him, and he once cut off his head with a single sword with ease.

Now that Uma shows up, it proves that Shiva is going to be involved.

"My husband already knows a little about the murderer who killed the peacock. He will investigate the matter. Are you willing to hand him over to me and take him to Kailasa Mountain?" Uma slowly raised her head and asked softly: "Of course, the two great gods are also welcome to descend to Kailasa Mountain together to check the real culprit."

"Hehe, that's fine too, Concubine Shen, take it with you!" Vishnu said with a smile without any objection.

Brahma was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Okay, let's go to Kailasa Mountain. Anyway, if the evidence is conclusive, will Lord Shiva tamper with the truth?"

As soon as the words fell, his body slowly disappeared into the void.

Concubine Wumo said: "Since this is the case, the concubine will invite the two great gods to go to Kailasa Mountain together at the time of tomorrow to try the case in person."

"Hehe, it's the best. I haven't been to Kailasa Mountain for a long time." Vishnu nodded, reached out and patted Garuda, and left slowly.

The concubine Umo looked at the Great Sage Kali, the Heavenly King Jiguo, with a smile on her face, and said, "In this case, everyone, everyone, I will take it away!"

The Great Sage Kali and the Heavenly King Chiguo might not even have time, so no matter what they dared to say, they all nodded their heads like a jade rabbit pounding medicine.


Mount Kailasa is Shiva's ashram and also the great mountain of the peacock world, commonly known as the mountain of the soul.

The mountain of Shenhun is surrounded by colorful clouds all the year round, and the fairy voice is loud and clear.The mountain is high and dangerous, majestic and beautiful.

As soon as you step into the trail of Shenhun Mountain, you can feel the rich aura contained in the air.

Shiva lived on this mountain, and therefore, gods and demons often come to worship at the foot of the mountain.

After Fei Zhong, Yuan Hong, Guanyin and Longnu came to Shenhun Mountain, they were taken to a side hall and locked up separately.

But fortunately, this is the Supreme God Dojo, even if it is imprisoned, the residence is also magnificent.

Fei Zhong knew that the reason the prisoners were separated was for interrogation, but luckily he had already made preparations and checked his statements with Guanyin and the others.

Lying on the soft couch, he thought to himself: "Whether you can live or not depends on tomorrow."

Although he has made sufficient preparations, his heart is actually full of worries.

After all, if you can't get rid of the crime, then there will be only one dead end.

Only by successfully getting rid of the crime can there be a chance of life.

Yes, there is only a silver lining.

Because even if they are exonerated, Brahma can kill them directly regardless of the evidence.

We can only see if the other two supreme gods want to deal with Brahma.

Soon, a piece of news quickly spread throughout the entire Demon Kingdom.

"Tomorrow morning, the three supreme gods will come to Shenhun Mountain to interrogate the death of the peacock!"

Countless quasi-sages and great powers were shocked by this news.

It is unprecedented for the three supreme gods to try a case together!

After all, in the demonic world where the weak prey on the strong, although the Supreme God has made the law, but under the strict class conditions, the Brahmins who kill the Vaishyas will lose money at most.

And if the Vaisyas killed the Brahmins, then the whole family would be killed by Elien.

After all, Sudra was created by Brahma with his mouth, Kshatriya was created by Brahma with his hands, Vaishya was created by Brahma with his legs, and Sudra was created by Brahma with his feet. Each class is strict and the law is biased towards Higher class personnel.

As for those slaves who don't even have a class, they have no human rights at all.

Therefore, in this world, the law is just a tool used by the superior to sanction the inferior.

But considering that the person who died this time was a peacock, and the murderer was related to the Buddhist Guanyin and the Dragon Girl of Shancai, it should be reasonable for the three gods to interrogate.


Child hour just arrived.

Countless demons on Shenhun Mountain began to wait, waiting for the start of the trial, everyone was full of excitement.

This is an unprecedented event in thousands of years. Not only will you be able to see the three supreme gods, but you will also be able to witness the first major case in thousands of years!

ugly time.

A cock crowed in the darkness.

It also shocked the hearts of many strangers.

This is the second hour of the twelve o'clock.

Fei Zhong didn't fall asleep, he sat in the hall, looking outside, his thoughts fluctuated.

He began to get nervous, nervous about tomorrow's trial.

Can I really get rid of the crime and survive?

Yin Shi.

The sky is opened at the time of Zi, the earth is opened at the time of ugliness, and everything happens at the time of Yin.

This is the hour when all things start to wake up, and it is also the time when the spiritual energy in the world is most abundant.

Everyone in the practice absorbs the aura of heaven and earth at this time.

But at this time, the practitioners on Shenhun Mountain did not choose to practice at this time, but looked forward to it, anxiously waiting for the arrival of the second day.

Mao Shi.

When a ray of golden light tore through the darkness, the rising sun finally came to the world.

At dawn, all the gods on the Shenhun Mountain came together, and the sound of bells and chimes rang softly.

at last.

Chen Shi!

The sky is full of hype, and golden lotus gushes out from the ground!

Saints arrive!

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