


Gods and demons gathered on Shenhun Mountain, and the sound of bells and chimes resounded through the sky.

On a large square on the top of Shensoul Mountain that can accommodate thousands of people, ghostly shadows appeared one after another, bowing their heads in the direction of the residence of Lord Shiva in Shensoul Mountain.

The Peacock Realm is also called the Demon Realm. There are people, demons, gods, demons, Taos, and Buddhas in the realm. It is called the Demon Realm only because it is ruled by the Demonic Dao.

And under the rule of the three great demon gods, there are also many human races and monster races living. At this moment, many gods, demons, monsters and Buddhas in the peacock world have gathered on the big platform on the top of the soul mountain.

Among them, there are many quasi-sage powerhouses, Hunyuan powers, and some powers are even more famous in the peacock world.

For example, the leading Buddha of the Buddha Kingdom, Wei Tuo Bodhisattva, the head of the Brahman, Yashe Yunming, Qu Liuzhi, Fengzhu Tianwang of the Xingli School, Wuqi of the Linga School, etc.

As flowers fell from the sky and the vision of golden lotus gushing from the ground appeared, the gods and demons in the Shenhun Mountain Square also calmed down and looked towards the west.

I saw a man in yellow, stepping on a lotus, flying slowly from the west.

The man is wearing a king's crown of yellow silk, his complexion is blue, and his face is like a full moon.There are four arms stretched out behind him, holding the conch shell, the divine wheel of Miaojian, the divine hammer of Gatuo, and the divine bow respectively.

On the left stands the great roc bird Garuda, and on the right stands the thousand-headed snake Gashesha.

The whole body is shrouded in dazzling brilliance, and the gods and demons cannot look directly at it.

"God Vishnu is here!"

Yashe Yunming, the head of the Brahmin gate, cupped his hands slightly and said, "I have seen Vishnu before."

Vishnu walked slowly, the lotus flower under his feet disappeared automatically, and said kindly: "Okay, okay."

On the top of the mountain, the two sons of Shiva, Sakanda and Ganesha, rushed up to greet them with solemn faces: "Please take your seat, the Supreme God."

On the left and right sides of the platform, seats for saints have been prepared.

At that moment, Vishnu nodded slightly and walked to the right.

At this moment, a stern voice suddenly came from the sky: "The Great Brahma King has descended!"

As soon as the gods and demons raised their heads, they saw the Great Sage Kali, the Heavenly King Chiguo coming from Yukong with a middle-aged man in his arms.

The middle-aged man is dressed in royal clothes and has a majestic face. He is Brahma.

Brahma took a step forward and appeared on the right, and Da Ma sat down firmly.

Vishnu, who was just about to sit down, froze, his smile froze slightly, and then he walked to the left throne and sat down without changing his expression.

Brahma turned his head and said with a slight sneer, "God Vishnu, long time no see, he has grown in cultivation recently!"

"Don't dare, it can't be compared to the Great Brahma King." Vishnu smiled slightly, although he was very gentle, but there was a sharp knife in his words: "I heard that the Great Brahma King is preparing to marry the goddess Miaoyin recently, but I don't know what happened. This time, we must catch the real murderer."

Brahma's face was ugly, and he snorted heavily: "Where's the murderer? Why didn't you bring it to me!"

Sakanda and Ganesha looked at each other, Ganesha the Ganesha also said: "The murderer is still being imprisoned on the Shenhun Mountain, and will be brought up after the trial. Please wait for the Supreme God."

Both of them have Hunyuan cultivation and are the sons of Shiva. The former is Shiva's own son and serves by Shiva's side, and the latter is an important commander of the Demon Kingdom.

Brahma snorted, but did not embarrass them.

At this moment, the celestial music played on the Shensoul Mountain, and then a man came down to the square accompanied by a peerless beauty.

Shiva looks like a young man, handsome and beautiful, yet masculine.

And the concubine Uma next to her is enchanting and charming, tender like water, and she is dressed in a spotless white dress, making people unable to resist the urge to tear this white dress to pieces.

Shiva walked with the concubine, with a smile on his face, and the two seemed like a perfect couple.

Brahma glanced at Uma, his eyes couldn't help flickering, and he sneered slightly in his heart: "Shiva, feel free to be proud, but it's a pity you don't know what your wife has done behind your back. She is a virtuous wife on the surface, but behind her back she is Kinky, slutty, slut! Hey, that's really funny!"


At this moment, the other side of the peacock world.

Yin Jiao looked at Concubine Su who was squatting on the ground, hesitating, and couldn't help but gasped: "What did you say? You still want to see Brahma?"

Concubine Su raised her head, wiped the cream on her lips with her fingers, sucked it in the small mouth of her cherry lips, and said: "When I return to the Peacock Realm, I will gradually be exposed to the surveillance of heaven. Brahma is the supreme god. , you will find me sooner or later.”

Yin Jiao frowned, and reached out to stroke her head, as if stroking a kitten: "Indeed, under your guidance these days, my cultivation has not only returned to its original state, but also faintly breaks through that layer. But at the same time, I can feel the eyes of heaven in this world, as if someone is watching me from above the sky."

Concubine Su smiled slightly: "So I have to go to see Brahma, otherwise he will find me soon, don't worry, I will go back and take back my things, and after killing Rahu, I will leave with you. Rahu also returned This world is over, and I'm about to see through his plot."

Yin Jiao murmured, "Alright then."

Concubine Su suddenly threw herself into his arms, hugged him and kissed him.

"Wait, you haven't rinsed your mouth..."

"I don't even dislike you, what do you dislike?"

"Well, wait a minute..."


At this moment, Shiva is already seated.

Brahma looked at Shiva, sneered in his heart, and said that this person is really funny, but he doesn't know that he has a green hat on his head, and a majestic supreme god is green by his wife, ridiculous, ridiculous.

Vishnu on one side looked at Brahma, then at Shiva, and finally at his right hand, with a weird smile on his face.

Shiva's eyes swept around, and those who were caught by his eyes immediately felt as if they had seen through everything.

"The peacock is a divine bird in our world. The killing of the peacock is related to the Three Realms. We, the three gods, will interrogate the real culprit! Come, bring Guanyin up first!"

The voice was low, but full of majesty.

Ganesh and Sakanda nodded, and immediately went down to lead the people.

After a while, Guanyin was brought up.

At this time, Guanyin was more or less haggard, but remembering Fei Zhong's order, she took a deep breath and showed an innocent and frightened look.

"Avalokitesvara, is the death of the peacock related to you?" Ganesh immediately shouted to Avalokitesvara with Shiva's consent.

Guanyin said: "It's irrelevant! The poor monk has been practicing on Luojia Mountain for a long time, so he has no reason to kill peacocks, nor does he have the strength to do it."

"Lie!" Ganesh shouted, "There is a causal line on the peacock pointing to Mount Luojia. How dare you say that it has nothing to do with you?"

Avalokitesvara was startled, but still calmly said: "Only by this causal line, I can't say that I killed the peacock, can it? What's more, King Peacock Ming is several times stronger than me. Even if I do it, how can I pose a threat to him?"

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