Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 678 I am a madman from Chu, Feng Ge laughs at Kong Qiu

The void was torn open, and an old man rode out on a bull, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Who is that person? What a powerful coercion!"

"This breath is too terrifying, even scarier than what Brahma gave me!"

"Who is this person? Why did he come to the Peacock Realm?"

Even Yashe Yunming, Qu Liuzhi and others looked sideways slightly, and their expressions changed.

The timing of the old man's appearance was too abrupt, and his aura was dark, but it gave them a thrilling feeling.

"Who is that person? Could it be that he is also a ninth-rank saint?" Concubine Su thought to herself.

Just after everyone's eyes were attracted by the old man riding the bull, the old man suddenly dispersed, like quicksand, drifting away with the wind in an instant, leaving only a crack in the sky, as if he had never appeared Pass.


"what happened?"

"Who is that person? Is it a hallucination?"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces changed drastically.


The top of Mount Sumeru.

Vishnu stands with his hands behind his back, and Garuda stands behind him.

He stared at the sky, with a rare look of worry on his face.

"Is that event finally coming? Hong Huang's layout has not yet been successful, can he escape this time?"

"Master, Rahu appeared. When he arrived in the south, the south was covered in blood, and I couldn't see what happened inside." Garuda Luo said in a heavy voice, "Should we take action?"

"Rahu!" Vishnu looked towards the south, with divine eyes shining on the world, he could see through all falsehoods and see through the essence of things, but at this moment, he could only see a thick piece of blood covering the south.

Cold, weird, twisted, vain, and spiteful, this is how the blood color gave him.

Vishnu's hands trembling slightly, his expression moved, and after a moment of stunned, he said angrily: "Beast!"

Garuda said: "Master, what happened?"

"Rahu...is offering sacrifices to the cities in the south."

Jialou Luo's expression changed drastically, and his eyes reflected a horrified light: "Sacrificing the southern cities? How dare he!"

"What exactly does he want to practice..." Vishnu's face was gloomy.


On Shenhun Mountain, Shiva had already returned, and then he heard some gossip about his wife, which made him furious, subconsciously thinking that Brahma deliberately slandered his wife Uma.

When doubts arose in his heart, and he tried to communicate with the heavenly way to pry into the truth, he found that the heavenly secrets were blinding him, and the heavenly eyes were shrouded in blood.

Shiva's heart sank, and he had sensed that something bad might happen. He looked in the direction of West Kunlun Mountain. After a while, his face changed suddenly, and his voice trembled slightly: "Here, is he here?"

Uma came to her husband, frowned lightly, and asked, "What's here? Who's here?"

Shiva said: "The Taoist Lord is here." There was a trace of panic in his expression.

Uma was taken aback: "Taozu? Hongjun, he dared to come to the Peacock Realm? What is he doing here?"

"It's not the Taoist ancestor, it's the Taoist master..." Shiva looked towards the south, and saw that the blood was covering the sky and the sun, and it was so thick that it was terrifying: "Thousands of miles were slaughtered, and the Kunlun Cave was opened. The world was sacrificed, and all beasts came out. That's right, I am 3000 The prophecy of ten thousand years is not wrong..."

Uma frowned, she couldn't understand what her husband said: "What Taoist? What are you talking about?"

At the next moment, the fog that blocked certain truths in her mind seemed to dissipate suddenly. Uma's face changed drastically, and she lost her voice: "He...he is here? Dao, Taoist...he really came..."


At this moment, in nothingness and chaos.

Ping Xin has gradually exhausted.

She is not Brahma's opponent, let alone fight against him in this world, she is only relying on the immortal body of a saint to support her invincibility.

However, over time, failure is still inevitable.

Brahma waved his arms with four arms, and his body was burning with demon flames. He was so powerful that he looked like a great demon god.

"Pingxin, I'll give you one last chance, surrender to me, marry me, and still have a chance to survive. If you give up this opportunity, don't blame me for killing the saint myself!" Brahma made no secret of his greedy gaze, coldly said coldly.

A saint possesses the true source of the Dao of Heaven, and if he can cultivate both, it is like multiplying life, and his cultivation level can be greatly improved.

Ping Xin frowned, thinking about how to defeat the enemy, he spat coldly: "Disgusting!"

Brahma grinned and said, "Disgusting? Do you think I can't deal with a saint?"

With a wave of his right palm, a flag flag appeared in the palm of his hand. The flag flag was five feet high, with many skulls hanging on it, and there was an indescribable aura.

"Pin you under this soul-destroying banner, let me see if you dare to say that this seat is disgusting!"

Sequences of bloody and cruel scenes that were not suitable for children had already appeared in his mind, with a lewd light in his eyes, he suddenly jumped forward, and the flag was swept away!

Pingxin's face changed, and he kept backing away.

This banner is really not inferior to the Pangu banner. With a wave of the knife in Pingxin's heart, the Hunyuan Purple Qi knife, which has always been invincible, was instantly rolled into pieces, and turned into pieces scattered in the void, flickering a little bit. bright.

"Nail her, and then ravage her whole body. If you can take her Yin Yuan, the effect will be hundreds of times stronger than the double cultivation of Miaoyin." Brahma's eyes are lustful. Will marry his own daughter.

What's more, his wife was snatched away by Yin Jiao, and she had just been cuckolded, and her mind was already twisted. Seeing Pingxin now, she wished to take her away even more.


The banner suddenly rolled out, and the endless killing energy turned into sharp knives!

Ping Xin couldn't hide, he raised his arms to resist, and his arms were crushed by this banner in an instant!

Her face became bloodless, and she stepped back while urging her true energy to recover her arms.

"Pingxin, stay here!" Brahma roared wildly, and the four huge demonic hands held the soul-killing banner and rolled it out again.

The range of the soul-destroying flag is huge, and there is no way to retreat calmly, and it is about to be caught again.

At this moment, a crack was torn open behind Pingxin, revealing a world, sending Pingxin into the world!

When the murderous intent of Mie Hun Banner swept into the small world, a man in white rushed out of the small world, swinging his long sword, the sword's aura spanned thirty thousand miles!


The sword energy collided with the killing intent, and waves rolled up in the endless void, pushing across all directions, and a huge sound suddenly sounded.

Brahma's complexion changed, he fixed the soul-killing banner, and took a closer look, only to see a man slowly walking out of the small world, with sword shadows appearing around him.

One mouthful, two mouthfuls, three mouthfuls, four mouthfuls, five mouthfuls, six mouthfuls, seven mouthfuls, eight mouthfuls...

The eight long swords hovered around the man.

The man's white clothes were spotless, he was as graceful as the snow, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, he was handsome and flawless.The appearance is [-]% similar to Zishou, but [-]% more handsome and [-]% evil.

"Who are you?!" Brahma's expression changed.

"I am a madman from Chu, Feng Ge laughs at Kong Qiu!" The man laughed long and loudly, stretched out his hand, and squinted his eyes: "Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

Chi Chi!

The eight swords sounded together, and the sword array was completed.

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