As soon as the white-clothed man stopped speaking, the eight swords around his body had turned into a sword array, and in the air above the nothingness, sword shadows condensed out, pointing at Brahma.

Brahma looked up, and the dense sword shadows really made people feel scalp numb.

"I am a nine-turn demon saint, I don't believe that this sword array can hurt me!" Brahma sternly said, holding up the soul-killing banner and waving it upwards, the killing intent rolled up into the sky with the banner blade, trying to cut the sword cloud into pieces !

However, when this thousand-foot banner blade fell into Jianyun, it was like a stone thrown into the sea without causing any waves.

Brahma's face changed, and he finally realized the horror of this sword cloud.

Li Fengge laughed wildly all over his body, evil and arrogant laughter came out in the void, his expression was full of evil arrogance, and he said: "There are not many people who died under this sword array, and Taoist Zhunti counts as one. Today you Brahma is also one of them!"

He stretched out his right hand and suddenly urged it!

The eight swords were running, and the sword shadows shook together!

All of a sudden, the countless sword shadows shot towards Brahma like a thousand arrows!

"Arrogant child! I, Brahma and even a high sage, are immortal, can you kill me?!" Brahma shouted angrily, waving the soul-killing banner: "Kill me!"

The killing intent from the Miehun Banner erupted far better than before, and it slashed into the sky fiercely.

When the ten-thousand-foot banner blade cut into Jianyun, Jianyun was actually cut open, and a huge crack appeared rumbling!

The swords and shadows shot out together, reaching in front of him.

The crown above Brahma's head suddenly released streaks of golden light, which turned into a translucent glass cover, covering Brahma in it.

When the sword shadow hit the glass cover, it was already isolated!


Standing in the Primordial World, Pingxin still has lingering fears. Brahma's strength is far stronger than her. If the Primordial World hadn't been opened in time, she would have died in that banner blade.

Of course, saints can be resurrected even if they die, but if they are hit by this kind of spirit treasure that is specially aimed at saints, they don't know that it will take hundreds of years to successfully resurrect.

"Empress Pingxin!"

"I will pay homage to Empress Pingxin!"

"Miss Ping Xin, where is Zi Shou?"

Yingying Yanyan came out behind her, asking questions in a hurry.

Pingxin turned around, only to see Deng Chanyu, Princess Longji, Zhongli, Our Lady of Fire Spirit, Jiang Qian and others.

Naturally, after the last battle in Hell, the Hongmeng World was closed, so that they were all locked in the Hongmeng World.

It wasn't until Zishou and Su Mei's double cultivation restored their cultivation that they reopened the primordial world.

"Zi Shou is outside, you don't want to come out!" Ping Xin knew that when Zi Shou opened the Primordial World, firstly, it was to help him block the sword, and secondly, he took the opportunity to bring Li Fengge here. risky.

Feeling the way of heaven in the Hongmeng Realm, Pingxin's body glowed with vitality, and his arms grew back in an instant.

She looked at Hongmengtian, communicated with the way of heaven, and said, "After I go out, you close the Hongmeng Realm."

After receiving the response from Hongmeng Tiandao, Ping Xin walked out of the Hongmeng world with peace of mind.

In the midst of nothingness and chaos, Brahma was under the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but seeing sword shadows shooting at Brahma with a whizzing sound, the scene was terrifying.

Brahma, who was in the middle of the sword formation, had an ugly expression on his face, and while waving the soul-killing banner to defeat the sword cloud above his head, he held up his crown to resist the sword shadow.

Jian Yun was collapsing, and spider-like cracks appeared in the glass cover on his body, and even the crown on his head began to dim.

Li Fengge stood in the air with his hands behind his back, full of arrogance: "Shoot me! Shoot him to death!"

Brahma was incompetent and furious, and shouted sharply: "Di Xin, don't let me catch you! Otherwise, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Li Fengge smiled and said, "I'm not Di Xin, I'm Li Fengge! As for cutting me into pieces? Oh, come here!"

He stretched out his fingers arrogantly, with a contemptuous expression.

Brahma almost exploded in anger, and said furiously, "I must catch you and torture you ten thousand times!"

Li Fengge said: "Heh, first I will let my son torture your wife ten thousand times!"

"How dare you!" Brahma was so angry that he wanted to breathe out fire.

Li Fengge said: "Heh, after you die, I will marry your little wife Miao Yin, and my son will marry your eldest wife, well, after you die, I will take care of your wife and daughter!"

"Ahhh!! Li Fengge, I must kill you!" Brahma was furious and roared up to the sky.

Ping Xin looked a little dumbfounded.

Zi Shou came to her side, followed by Su Mei whose shy face had not faded.

Hearing Li Fengge's words, Zishou coughed twice to ease his embarrassment: "My evil corpse has a bit of arrogance."

Pingxin glanced at him faintly, and then fell on Su Mei, who was shy, excited, and satisfied, stared at the two of them coldly and said, "What did you two do just now?"

Zishou smiled awkwardly, as if being caught in bed by his wife, "No, I didn't do anything..."

Su Mei puffed out her chest proudly, took Zi Shou's hand and said, "We are already husband and wife."

"You..." Ping Xin frowned lightly, with a cold light on his face, he snorted, ignoring the arrogant Su Mei.

However, Su Mei didn't intend to let her go, she said provocatively: "Ping Xin Niang, you haven't had anything with Zi Shou, are you envious?"

Ping Xin sneered and said, "What am I envious of? Envy that you seduced a married man?"

Su Mei frowned, stared at her and said, "Ping Xin, you are just envious. You like Zi Shou, but he has never touched you!"

"Joke, I envy you?" Ping Xin snorted coldly, and didn't bother to respond, so as not to make people think that she was jealous.

Zishou felt embarrassed being caught in the middle, so he had to look at Li Fengge.

Brahma was trapped in the Immortal Execution Sword Formation, and the Soul Extinguishing Banner waved several times, smashing the sword cloud above his head to pieces, but the crown above his head also became dim, and the translucent glass cover was also announced by the sword shadow's attack. broken!


The three sword shadows pierced Brahma's body obliquely, and the pain pierced through the soul in an instant. Even Brahma couldn't help screaming. His heart was full of shock and anger. He knew that the Zhuxian sword formation was also aimed at saints. With the crown here, he is afraid that he will also be wiped out of his true spirit.

Fortunately, the sword cloud has collapsed and no longer gathers together!

"Li Fengge!"

Brahma let out a roar, his body shot towards Li Fengge like an arrow, and the soul-destroying banner in his hand suddenly cut out!

Li Fengge's face changed when he saw the soul-destroying flag slashing towards him, but he sneered and said, "Brahma, you are doomed!"


The soul-destroying banner swept over Li Fengge, and Li Fengge immediately spurted blood, flying out like a kite with a broken string.

Brahma laughed sharply: "I will torture you to death! Only then can I relieve my hatred!"

At this moment, he felt an astonishing murderous aura suddenly attacking from behind, he was startled and wanted to dodge with his body.

However, this murderous aura took advantage of the gap to attack, and it was so fast that Brahma just jumped, and the murderous aura penetrated his chest.

In an instant, negative emotions such as violence, rage, despair, pain, sorrow, etc. came one after another, engulfing Brahma's heart in an instant, and the endless killing spirit pierced his soul.


It is estimated that the book will be finished at the end of the month or early February, and then there will be a big plot, about the emperor, the Taoist, and Nuwa will appear one after another.

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