Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 680 Sealing the Great Brahma

Theoretically, the saint can live as long as the heaven and the earth, even if the world perishes, the saint can also live forever.

However, even if it is a rank nine saint, there is a spirit treasure array that can restrain it. Even if it cannot really kill the saint, it can achieve almost unsolvable suppression and make the saint fall into a deep sleep.

The God-killing Spear is also among the top spirit treasures for restraining saints. At this time, the Demon Dragon Killing God Spear is many times stronger than the God-killing Spear. The killing spirit contained in the gun body can even make ordinary saints fall into a deep sleep. Awake.

Brahma fought with Ping Xin and Li Feng's opera successively, and carried out a wave of Zhuxian Sword Formation. He had already suffered serious injuries, and then he was provoked by Li Fengge and was attacked from behind. Quickly fell into a deep sleep.

"Crucified." Zishou held the dragon-killing gun tightly, still not daring to be careless, lest Brahma would break free.

After a quarter of an hour, after confirming that Brahma was really crucified, Zi Shou dared to release the God-killing Spear slowly.

"Ahem... I almost died..." Li Fengge coughed violently and walked over clutching his chest. His face was pale, his breath was weak, and his white clothes were already soaked in blood.

Brahma's angry blow was definitely not easy to receive, not to mention that Li Fengge, in order to attract Brahma's attention, did not dodge or block, and forcibly received his fierce and merciless attack.

Being able to live is a strong vitality, and secondly, the evil corpse is involved with the deity. The deity is not dead, and the evil corpse is not so easily killed.

Empress Pingxin looked at Brahma, who was crucified under the God-killing gun, with a look of shock and anger on her face, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's fortunate that your cultivation recovered in time..."

Speaking of this, thinking that Zishou was able to recover his cultivation base because of his double cultivation with Su Mei, his face turned cold suddenly, and he felt inexplicably uncomfortable in his heart.

Zishou said: "The reason why Da Brahma was able to be crucified was because of his arrogance. If it were another saint, it would not be so easy."

Li Fengge nodded, deeply agreeing.

If it wasn't for Yin Jiao and Concubine Su's affair being discovered by Brahma, Brahma wouldn't be overwhelmed by anger. Carrying the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and if Li Fengge hadn't provoked Brahma on purpose, Zishou wouldn't have had the chance to sneak attack.

Brahma was crucified with the combined efforts of three people, part of which was due to luck, and partly due to Brahma's arrogance.

If what they were facing was not Brahma, but Hongjun, then the result would definitely not be like this.

Because it was impossible for Hongjun to carry the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and he would not be provoked into a rage just because of a few words.

"Go, go out first!" Zi Shou waved his hand, and led the three of them out of the void and chaos, back to the Great Brahma Heaven of the Color Realm.

At this moment, the great sage Kali, Yashe Yunming and others have already gained the upper hand. Concubine Su is struggling, but she has been hit by several swords one after another, relying on the saint's cultivation to support herself.

And Yin Jiao was already seriously injured, his legs were broken by the Heavenly King Jiguo, and he was lying in a pool of blood. Fortunately, Yizhuan Hunyuan's vitality was so strong that it prevented him from dying.

The Heavenly King Chiguo smiled and said, "Sumo! Do you still want your concubine? Look, I'll cut off his head and destroy his soul!"

Just now he almost died in Su Mo's hands, and the hatred in his heart turned, and he raised his long sword as if he was about to swing it.

Su Mo turned his head and saw Yin Jiao lying in a pool of blood, his expression changed.

Kali Dasheng and others looked at each other, and they all attacked fiercely.

Su Mo hurriedly dodged to resist, but still received a slap on the back and a sword cut to the stomach.

Her face was gradually pale, and she was almost unable to hold on.

At this moment, the huge crack in the void suddenly closed, and black will-o'-the-wisp spit out from it. A man shot out, stood upright, and shouted: "The Great Brahma King is dead! Who dares to do anything!"

Kali Dasheng and others took a subconscious look, and saw a man holding a spear, and a corpse was stuck obliquely on the spear.

The corpse was covered in blood, his face was pale, and there was no breath fluctuation on his body. Who is it but Brahma?

"Brahma King..."

"Brahma King lost?"

"how is this possible?"

The faces of Kali Dasheng and others changed drastically, and they were shocked.

Da Brahma is a ninth-rank saint, his cultivation reaches heaven and earth, and only a ninth-rank saint can do it if he can crucify him.

Zishou shouted, "Do it!"

Pingxin stretched out his hand, Yuan Hong spilled out of the small world, he was stunned for a moment, and then he heard Zishou shout: "Take them down!"

"Okay!" Yuan Hong glanced at him, he understood the situation, swung the water and fire stick, and threw himself to kill King Chiguo.

"Chiguo, eat me with Yuan Hong's stick!" Yuan Hong's stick came out like a dragon, each stick was fiercer than the last, and instantly knocked out the Heavenly King of Chiguo.

"No, it's her!" Seeing Ping Xin, Ye She Yunming's eyelids twitched wildly, and he turned and left.

He suffered a lot from Ping Xin's hands back then, but now he saw that the situation was not good, so he turned around and ran away.

Ping Xin moved her body, and she was in front of the Great Sage Kali, waving her white right palm upwards.

The great sage Kali didn't know how powerful Pingxin was, so he immediately raised his palm to catch it.

This time, he felt as if there was a mountain in front of him, and he couldn't breathe just because of the palm wind, and then his palms met, Kali Dasheng felt that his whole arm went numb in an instant, and he fell backwards. , smashed out more than ten miles, and hit a hill heavily.

"Not good! This woman can't handle it!" Qu Liuzhi's heart beat wildly, and he ran away.

However, he was not as fast as Yashe Yunming, and Ping Xin's palm had already hit his back.

In an instant, Qu Liuzhi felt that his body seemed to have been shattered, and even his soul was affected.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the primordial spirit broke away from his body and flew out wildly.

On the other side, Heavenly King Chiguo was frightened and angry. Originally, his cultivation base was still higher than Yuan Hong's, but he was seriously injured just now. When he encountered this situation again, he just wanted to escape for his life, and he didn't even fight back.

Li Fengge leaned forward, swinging the long sword, but saw a flash of blue light, and the two arms of King Chiguo had been cut off, and then the sword light flashed again, King Chiguo was cut in two, and the internal organs gushed out instantly.

A primordial spirit got out of the body and fled outside.

Li Fengge laughed and said, "Where are you going to escape to?"

Zishou said, "Don't chase after poor bandits!"

Li Fengge nodded, but did not chase out.

Zishou glanced at the gods and demons who were watching from a distance, and said coldly: "If you don't want to die, get out!"

With a cold shout, the Buddha and the others all dispersed.

"Yuan Hong, take out the Zhentian coffin and seal Brahma."

Seeing that the overall situation has been settled, Zishou stretched out his hand and opened the primordial world.

He still needs to use the Dragon Killing God Spear, he can't nail Brahma forever, that would be a waste of a weapon aimed at a saint.

The sky-suppressing coffin will not be wasted if it is used to suppress the saint.

Seeing the opened Primordial World, Yuan Hong's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Dijun, you also opened the Primordial World."

At that moment, he plunged into the world of Hongmeng to take the Tiantian coffin.

At this moment, I saw a ray of light flying from outside, taking the form of a human being, it was Yeshe Yunming who fled in a hurry.

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