Luo Hu's combat power was extremely powerful, and he was injured with just one shot.Fortunately, seeing that the situation was not right, Ping Xin jumped forward and slapped Luo Hu on the back with his palm.

Concubine Su was also armed with a long spear, and stepped forward to attack.

Zishou took a deep breath, raised his Kunwu sword and slashed at Luohu's face.

These three people are either saints or Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. They join forces to fight against the enemy, and they are extremely powerful. If the enemy's cultivation base is even slightly worse, he will be killed on the spot.

However, Luo Hu held the long spear in both hands, retreated and dodged among the three of them, faster than the lightning, not only did not see the sign of defeat, but forced the three of them into danger.

The magic spear swung left and right, although the spear in Concubine Su's hand was not an ordinary spiritual treasure, it couldn't resist the power of the magic spear, and was broken in two in an instant.

Yashe Yunming was not dead from serious injuries, but also gritted his teeth, took out a copper hammer from the magic weapon of Nawu, stepped forward quietly, and attacked Luohu's left shoulder.

The more dangerous Luohu was, the more unyielding his chest was aroused. He raised his head and let out a roar when the fight was at its height. Demonic flames all over his body swept out in all directions. Immediately afterwards, two arms grew out of his left rib, and two arms grew out of his right rib. With a flick of the spear, one turned into three.

Anyone can use this kind of six-arm power, but Rahu's envoy is different from others. All six arms have the power to destroy mountains and fill seas.

Suddenly Rahu's left hand stretched out like a thorn, retreated like lightning, and grabbed Yashe Yunming.

Yeshe Yunming screamed suddenly, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and he rolled backwards, his feet fell to the ground, his head rolled off, and Yuanshen hurried out of his body, feeling lingering in fear.

Luo Hu's offensive was fierce and his spear was like a dragon, but after all, he was gradually injured in the face of many Hunyuan saints.

Zishou knew that as long as he was nailed by the god-killing spear, no matter how powerful he was, he would eventually be silent on the spot.

Immediately, he fully activated the killing spirit in the Dragon Killing God Spear, mobilized the countless negative emotions, and stabbed Luo Hu's vital parts.

But Luo Hu uses the law to hide his body at any time, his figure is ten thousand times more erratic than a ghost, and the tip of the killing gun can never pierce his body.

"Haha, I told you about the operation method of this god-killing gun. You want to use it to deal with me, it's wishful thinking!" Luo Hui faced the attack of the three Hunyuan sages, and even had a gap to laugh wildly.

Suddenly he moved his magic spear, followed by Concubine Su's scream, the waist had already been shot across the waist, and it was almost cut into two pieces.

Zishou protected his whole body with the Zhuxian sword formation, and the god-killing spear greeted Rahu's magic spear, but he was also injured, and he staggered back two steps.

Pingxin was originally a member of the witch clan, her physical body was extremely tyrannical, and she was certified as a saint, so she was almost indestructible. However, Luohu's cultivation level was still higher than hers, and the magic spear was cast by Shiva Linga, exuding an extremely masculine spirit. The breath, which also generates killing air, is also a spiritual treasure for saints.

Suddenly, Pingxin let out a muffled groan, and he took a blow from the God-killing Spear with both arms, breaking his bones.

Fortunately, Zishou turned the Zhuxian sword formation in time to protect Pingxin, otherwise the magic spear would have pierced Pingxin's body at this time.

On the other hand, Yuan Hong, Yin Jiao and others were also dangerous when dealing with Su Mo's body. Fortunately, Su Mo's body was strong, but he lacked intelligence after all. Simple moves such as sweeping.

Luo Hu fought faster and faster, the magic spear swept across the powerful enemy, and the space began to rupture.

The people on the pillar stared intently and were greatly shocked.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Di Xin, destroy his indestructible demon body first, and then consume him!"

Zi Shouxun looked around, but saw Kunpeng, an acquaintance.

At this time, Kunpeng's face was pale and trembling, obviously seriously injured.

In fact, fortunately, his cultivation base is not high. What Luo Hu wants is the cold fire in his body, which has allowed him to live until now. If his cultivation base was higher and he broke through the Hunyuan, then Luo Hu would have been thrown into the alchemy furnace for burning. died.

Cause of death: The cultivation base is too low.

Zishou's heart moved, and he found that a piece of iron was being smelted in the pill furnace formed by the cold fire. The iron gradually formed a human shape, and the facial features began to plump.

"This is the body that Luo Hu prepared for himself, so he gave up his original body and gave it to Ji Du." Zi Shou's thoughts turned sharply, he stepped back a few steps, and shouted: "Okay, since the Zhuxian Sword Formation can't deal with you, then I will destroy your demon body first!"

Stretching out his hand and grasping it, eight long swords pierced through the air, slashing towards the huge furnace.

Luo Hu's eyes were about to burst, and he said sharply, "Zi Shou, how dare you! If you dare to destroy my demon body, I will definitely kill your great merchant!"

The voice was angry and anxious again.

Zi Shouxin said that if I don't do this, you will kill me.

Immediately launch the Zhuxian Sword Formation with all its strength, twisting towards the pill furnace!


With the sound of an explosion, the Yin fire swept out, and the human figure of Kun in the middle fell directly to the ground.

Zishou took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and the ghost fire of destroying the world emerged from his fingertips: "I will burn this demon body first!"

This is the key to Rahu's attainment of becoming a saint. It is extremely important to Rahu, and it cannot be destroyed by others!

He was extremely frightened and angry, and said sharply: "Di Xin!" Turning into a black light, he swept towards Zishou.

Zishou secretly said: "Good time!"

Opening his mouth to spit out, a mouthful of old will-o'-the-wisp slashed at Luohu with the Zhuxian sword array.

As for Ping Xin, Concubine Su also rushed forward, punching and shooting directly at Luo Hu's vest.

Luo Hu was so angry that he ignored the attacks before and after, and directly ran into Zishou with a man and a gun, and the magic gun pierced into Zishou's chest!


For a moment, Zishou's whole body was numb, and the God-killing gun choked to the ground, and he fell backwards.

It seemed that suddenly, he felt that the soul sent out his physical body, and his emotions and memories were disappearing rapidly.

"It's not good... The murderous spirit is going to obliterate my memory..." A fear surged in Zishou's heart.

The soul of a saint is immortal, but once the memory and emotion are lost, it is no different from death.

It's like a person who lost all memory in a car accident. Although the body survived, the person is no longer that person.

"Qingyan... Qingyan..."

He felt his soul floating upwards, and looking down, he could see that Luo Hu was severely injured and was sent flying by Ping Xin, his body fell to the ground, and the magic gun was stuck in his body.

The magic gun is not the key, the key is that the killing spirit has penetrated his soul.

He subconsciously asked the system for help, but no one responded, and he lost consciousness even faster.

"Am I going to die?" Zishou fell into despair, and soon, the despair disappeared.

At this moment, without knowing why, he thought of that person, and couldn't help calling out in his heart: "Nuwa! Help me!"

At this moment, he seemed to see a young girl walking towards him from the air.

The girl was dressed in red, like a maple leaf, like a flame, her expression was cold, as cold as ice, but her eyes were like a pool of clear springs, reflecting tenderness like water.

The girl stretched out her hands and inserted them into her chest, and then pulled out something.

After the thing was pulled out, Zishou felt his memory and emotions come back quickly, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared, and the soul returned to the physical body.


He opened his eyes suddenly, and saw that the magic gun was still stuck in his chest, he reached out and grabbed the magic gun, and pulled it out suddenly!

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