Slowly pulling out the magic gun from his chest, Zishou let out a breath, looked up and looked around, thinking that it was Nuwa who saved me just now, but where is she?

He was absolutely sure that it was Nuwa who pulled out the murderous aura from his body just now, but why didn't she show up?

"Perhaps it's not that she refuses to show up, but that she can't show up for some reason. The reason why I can see her is because I am facing the danger of death, almost wiped out by the killing spirit. I saw her... and the last time, after Sakyamuni became a demon, I saw her attack when I was also in danger. Qingyan once said that she was by my side, this is not aimless..."

Zishou raised his head, a look of shock suddenly appeared on his face, his eyes narrowed, reflecting the light of astonishment, and then he concealed the expression of astonishment, thinking to himself: "Could it be so... only this way Only then can it make it is so, so it is so..."

At this moment, he heard Luo Hu let out a scream, and hurriedly put away his scattered thoughts and looked up.

I saw that Luo Hu's two arms had been broken by Ping Xin, and a black spear had pierced through his chest.

It is the God Killing Spear!

It's a pity that Pingxin doesn't know how to use the God-killing Spear. Although Luo Hu was stabbed in the heart, he didn't stimulate the killing spirit, and he was not suppressed.

On the contrary, it was Luo Hu who roared wildly, and the demonic flames all over his body were violently blown out, shaking Ping Xin and Concubine Su so that they flew out.

Countless wind knives twisted outwards, and cuts appeared on the clothes of the person on the pillar, followed by a pain, and wounds appeared on the skin.

"If you dare to hurt me, you will all die today!" Luo Hu raised his head and yelled, reaching out to grab the God-killing Spear and trying to pull it out.

Zishou knew that if the dragon-killing gun fell into the hands of Luo Hu, then the most terrifying Luo Hu would be the one who greeted them!

Stimulating his true energy to the extreme, he jumped out suddenly, rushed towards Luohu, and threw the Linga Extinguishing Holy Spear in his hand directly!

The Linga Holy Extinguishing Spear was infused with the true energy of the saint, and the most masculine and majestic energy in it was stimulated, and with a bang, it instantly penetrated into Luo Hu's lower dantian!Straight through the air!

Immediately afterwards, Zi Shouzhen went straight up, and the second god-killing spear was sent out directly. Before Luo Hu could break free from the dragon-killing god-killing spear, the Longinus spear was nailed into the top of his head, piercing through the mud!

He held the dragon-killing god spear with both hands, and directly mobilized the endless murderous energy in the gun, passing through the heart and penetrating the crimson palace!


These three vital points were nailed by the three magic guns, and Luo Hu was not silent yet, but staggered towards Zishou, and said sharply, "Di Xin, Di Xin!"

Zi Shou hurriedly stepped back, the tiger's dying blow would be the most fatal, he almost died in Luo Hu's hand just now, even if Luo Hu had three guns nailed to his body at this time, he dared not face its might.

"Ordinary saints will be instantly suppressed as soon as they are nailed by the God-killing Spear. Luohu Qihai, Niwan, and Jianggong are all nailed, and the three dantians have been abolished by me, and they have not yet fallen silent..."

Zishou was horrified, the sea of ​​qi in the lower dantian stored true qi, the Jianggong in the middle dantian stored true blood, and the Niwan in the upper dantian stored the primordial spirit. For a normal saint, as long as one of these three places is nailed by the god-killing gun, the primordial spirit There will be an instant silence.

And Luo Hu is worthy of being the ancestor of the devil, and he can still run towards Zishou after being nailed.

"If that's the case, let's do it again!"

Without saying a word, Zishou directly activated the Zhuxian sword array, the Kunjian sword in his body turned into eight mouths, and the four swords of Zhuxian rotated around, Abi Yuantu, and general Mo Xie cooperated with each other.

A large cloud of lead rumbled above the head, and densely packed sword shadows appeared in the cloud of lead, making a chi-chi sound.

The people around felt their scalps go numb and sweated profusely just looking at this lead cloud.

If this terrifying sword formation hadn't been activated for too long, it would be even more terrifying than the God Killing Spear!

"All swords are fired at once!"

Zishou yelled coldly, and the shadow of the sword swished down like an arrow, piercing the stumbling Luohu into a hedgehog.

Luo Hu rushed towards Zishou for a few steps, with unwillingness and resentment written all over his face, he said sharply, "Di Xin, Di Xin, you will repent in the cave of the Thousand Corpses!!!"

He finally fell to the ground, and Yuanshen fell into complete silence.

Zishou heaved a sigh of relief and finally killed him.

This person's strength is too strong, if Zi is selected, he would rather face two Brahmas than one Rahu.

Ping Xin ran towards him and asked earnestly, "How is your injury?"

Zi Shou smiled wryly: "I can't die."

He said calmly, "He stabbed you just now, are you really all right?"

She frowned slightly, that magic spear was not inferior to the god-killing spear, even if a saint was shot, he would be suppressed.

Stretching out his hand to touch Zishou's chest, he found a bloody hole in his chest, bloody and bloody.

This kind of injury is nothing to a saint. As long as the soul is still there, the saint can be resurrected even if his body is twisted into a pulp.

Seeing that he was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Yuan Hong, Yin Jiao, and Su Mei also teamed up to take down Su Mo's body. From this side, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Mei said: "Zi Shou, what should Luo Hu do?"

Zi Shou pondered and said: "The three god-killing spears can't be pulled out, so just nail them like this. I'll put him in the Sumeru Ring, and I'll find a way to seal him up completely."

He raised his right hand, wiped the Xumi ring, and put Luo Hu in it.

He smiled wryly in his heart, the sky-suppressing coffin suppressed Brahma, and the three god-killing spears nailed Rahu, and he was full of demon bosses in the Sumeru Ring, if he accidentally let them escape, he would be completely chilled.

Yuan Hong said: "How to deal with these people?"

Zishou looked up at the gods on the pillar, most of whom he didn't recognize, "Let's let them go! We'll go back to Honghuang after we've dealt with it."

Yuan Hong nodded, and put down the people on the pillar one by one. These people came up one by one to thank Zishou, and Zishou also nodded his head in response.

Ping Xin looked at the demon body in the altar again, and pondered: "This demon body has not yet been refined, Zi Shou, you take it into the Sumeru Precepts."

"it is good."

Just as the group was dealing with the last matter, there was a muffled sound in the sky, and then, it seemed that a golden light tore the sky apart!

The sky turned into two pieces, slowly split to the left and right, and countless divine lights splashed out from it, swaying towards all directions, and the whole world was shrouded in an orange light.

Then a divine thunder tore down from the sky, and the pillar-thick divine thunder suddenly struck towards Zishou. It was so fast and powerful that it was astonishing.

The stone door in the cave opened in a loud voice.There is a lack of thunderbolt, and the hills and mountains collapse.

A strong sense of crisis surged in Zishou's heart, and he shouted, "Go!"

The Xiantian sixteen swords gushed out automatically and turned into a circle of swords to protect the master.

And the divine thunder struck in an instant, just hitting Zishou.

The dense electric snakes instantly swam all over Zishou's body.


Zishou was hit hard, and his whole body flew out, feeling as if his soul had split open!

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