Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 698 Slaying the Good Corpse!

After fighting with several wives in Hongmeng Realm for a month, Zishou staggered towards Jinque with his old waist in his hands.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, too many wives hurt my kidneys!

The saint who is at the peak of Rank [-] even has low back pain.

The golden palace is the residence of the great emperor, that is, his residence.

This time, Zishou went to the Golden Palace in Hongmeng Tian, ​​which was built in the highest layer of the sky. The Golden Palace is full of various Tsinghua trees, and the scenery is beautiful.Raising one's hand seems to be able to touch the stars, the sun and the moon. Practicing here, there is protection from heaven, so that you will not be disturbed by foreign objects, and you can practice without distraction.

Zishou came to the palace, found a place to sit cross-legged, and looked up at the top of his head.

There seemed to be a pair of childish eyes looking at him above his head, full of curiosity and agility.

Zishou knew that this was the way of heaven in the Primordial Realm.

When Tiandao was born, he was like a seven or eight-year-old child, and Zishou was like his father to Tiandao.

As soon as Zishou came to the Golden Tower, Tiandao was also a little happy and sent an excited emotion: Are you here to play with me?

Zishou nodded slightly, and said: "I am going to kill the good corpse here this time. You protect me and don't let foreign things disturb me."

"Oh!" Hongmeng Tiandao obediently released the power of heaven to protect the Golden Palace.

Zishou allowed himself to calm down slowly, and a method of beheading the corpse gradually became clear in his mind.

After becoming a sage, knowing the changes of the world and being able to stay young in the passage of time, the knowledge stored in the mind will become wider and wider.

With the experience of beheading corpses last time, this time he doesn't even need Qingyan to know how to behead good corpses.

"Law overcomes desire and then survives, desire to overcome reason leads to death! Good corpses are also a kind of desire. If you want to kill good corpses, you need to have an empty mind..."

Zishou took a deep breath, and the whole person fell silent.

People can always be quiet, and the world will return.

Only when it is completely quiet can things come to fruition.

"The upper corpse is called Peng Hou, and it lives in the human head, making people stupid and ignorant. The middle corpse is called Peng Zhi, and it lives in the human chest, causing troubles and delusions, making people unable to be quiet. The lower corpse is called Peng Jiao, In the womb of a man, one desires the food and drink of men and women."

"I've already chopped off Peng Jiao's corpse, which is the lower corpse Li Fengge, and the second one to be chopped off is Peng Zhi's corpse, the middle corpse..."

A formula for beheading corpses slowly appeared in Zishou's mind, and the true energy in his body circulated accordingly.

"The avenue has no form, and it gives birth to the world. The avenue has no name, and it runs the sun and the moon. Things come and go, to divide day and night. North and south travel, to determine the cold and heat. Day and night, cold and heat urge each other, and the soul lives in the soul. Advances and retreats sometimes without losing the balance of heaven and earth. Counting, there is a degree of communication, there is no difference in the period of heaven and earth..."

"At the beginning of the division of Hunwan, Xuanhuang is positioned. The shape of heaven and earth is like an egg. In Liuhe, it is round like a ball. The sun and moon come and go, running above the sky and below the ground. Up and down things, circles like a wheel. Every day When the east goes out to the west, it is day before it disappears; when the west goes out to the east, it is night before it goes out. This is the day that comes and goes to divide day and night..."

White smoke was billowing from Zishou's forehead, and there seemed to be a small person wriggling in the middle of his chest, gradually rising up, which made people feel uneasy.

He silently recited the principles to overcome his desires, and he survived, and if he wanted to overcome the principles, he died. He controlled his thoughts flying around and continued to practice his magic skills.

Finally a small person appeared from his chest, stretched out his hand and tore open his skin, and burrowed out desperately.

Zishou frowned, but continued to practice the exercises.

This villain looks very similar to Zi Shou, after getting out of Zi Shou's chest, he showed a fearful and troubled expression, he looked at Zi Shou pitifully, as if he was afraid that the other party would cut him off.

"This corpse will be chopped with the Shadow Bearing Sword!"

With a thought in his mind, Zishou immediately took out the invisible sword, swung it lightly, and cut off the place where the good corpse was connected to it.

After the corpse was cut out, it grew rapidly, and in an instant it grew into a tall young man.

The young man didn't show half of his cultivation, but was miserable, with a look of sorrow and desolation on his face.

He opened his mouth and said: "Please give me a name!"

Why does this good corpse look like a person who is full of sorrow and self-injury...Zi Shou thought quickly in his heart, and said: "The evil corpse was cut out by the Qinglian Sword, and your name is Li Fengge. You were cut out by the Chengying Sword , I will call you... Li Ergou, right?"

The sorrowful look on the young man's face became more intense.

Zishou said with a smile on his face, "Isn't it good? Chengying Chengying, Jiang Chengyueying...then let's call it Jiang Yue, how about Chu Jiangyue?"

The young man bowed and said, "Thank you for your name."

"You stand by and watch, I'm going to break through the rank eight saint."

Feeling the surge of true qi in his body, as if something was about to burst out, he hastily sat cross-legged in meditation.

Chu Jiangyue nodded, stood aside with self-pity and regret, and looked up at the sky: "Why are there always tears in my eyes..."

Zishou: "..."

The good corpse has been cut, and it is a matter of course to break through the rank eight saint.

But it still takes a while.


Early in the morning, Taoist Zhunti saw Yin Jiao, and after learning that Master Hunyuan was going to kill all the saints, he rushed to Zixiao Palace anxiously. When he came to Zixiao Palace, he said loudly: "I have something to tell the teacher. !"

An old sigh came from Zixiao Palace: "You are no longer my disciple, what are you doing here?"

The real Zhunti died long ago. This Zhunti is just a copy of the Kunlun mirror, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a clone.

Taoist Zhunti lowered his head and said, "Teacher, Zhunti is still your disciple, and I will never forget the teacher's gift!"

Hongjun was silent for a long time before saying: "Come in!"

Taoist Zhunti walked slowly into Zixiao Palace, only to see Hongjun sitting under a Gongsun tree with his back to him.

Zhunti said: "Teacher, I have learned something. The Peacock Realm has been destroyed."

"What?" Hongjun didn't turn his head, but his voice trembled a little more.

Although his back was turned to Zhunti, Zhunti still guessed that his face must be full of shock at this time.

"There are three supreme gods in the Peacock Realm, who can destroy them?" Hong Jun pinched his fingers and murmured.

Zhunti continued: "As far as my disciples know, it was the Daoist Hunyuan who destroyed the Peacock Realm... The Daoist Hunyuan wanted to achieve eternity, thinking that eternity is balance, and the immortality of a saint violates the balance. Suppress all the saints, so that the saints will not live forever..."

Although Zhunti had already heard these words through Yin Jiao's mouth, when he said them at this time, he was still shocked and his hands and feet were cold.

Saints are immortal, Hunyuan Dao mainly saints are not allowed to live forever, how crazy is this person?

Hongjun's tone was excited: "What?! Hunyuan Daoist?"

Zhunti said: "That's right! The Peacock Realm was destroyed by Taoist Hunyuan. According to my disciples, the three supreme gods in the Peacock Realm have been suppressed..."

Hongjun suddenly asked, "Where's Luo Hu?"

Zhunti was slightly taken aback, why did the teacher ask about Luo Hu?

He thought for a while and said, "According to Yin Jiao, Luo Hu slaughtered the world in the Peacock Realm and was nailed to death by the Great Shang Emperor with a god-killing spear. He has already been suppressed."


Hongjun's eyes suddenly became sharp, and the clothes on his body were windless: "What did you say?"

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