Ever since Destroying Shiva said that, Zishou knew that Taoist Hunyuan would come to the flood sooner or later, so he asked Yin Jiao to tell Taoist Zhunti about it, and Taoist Zhunti to tell Hongjun.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun, Zishou had a deep grudge against him, so naturally he would not let anyone go to Yuxu Palace to inform him of this matter.

Anyway, Hongjun knew, and would definitely tell Yuanshi.

As for the rest of the Master Tongtian, he wanted to go there in person.

In Zixiao Palace, Taoist Zhunti looked at Patriarch Hongjun whose expression had changed drastically, thinking that even Daozu didn't expect that his great enemy would be crucified to death.

"Teacher, Hunyuan Daoist will come to Honghuang sooner or later, bringing an immeasurable calamity to Honghuang. Teacher, please make plans early." Zhunti Taoist said in a deep voice.

Hongjun calmed down slowly, and said: "I know about this, I have my own plan, you go away!"

Taoist Zhunti had no choice but to nod his head and leave respectfully.

After Zhunti Taoist left, after Zixiao Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun walked out slowly, sat down in front of Hongjun, and said in a deep voice: "Teacher, is what he said true or false?"

"He didn't lie." Hongjun said flatly.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face changed slightly, and he said, "Then what should the disciple do next?"

Hongjun didn't answer, his eyes drooped slightly, and he stretched out his fingers to lightly draw a pattern on the ground, which seemed to be a bird.

"A long time ago, I predicted that there would be such a catastrophe in Honghuang. This catastrophe would sweep the entire Honghuang. At that time, I thought it was the trouble caused by the souls of foreign lands. Now it seems that I guessed wrong..."

Yuanshi Tianzun remained silent.

Hongjun continued: "Demons and Dao are born together, shaped like yin and yang. Luohu was nailed to death, Dao and demons tilted, life and death are the same..."

He muttered to himself, "Life and death are the same..."


Hongmeng Realm, Golden Palace.


Zishou's air pocket surged with air, and the surrounding true energy poured in one after another, injecting all of it into his air pocket.

Suddenly, many divine swords in his body left his body one after another, turning into a ring of swords and spinning continuously!

Kong Zhou took the sword to bear the shadow, practiced at night, with light.

The Four Swords of Zhuxian: Zhu, Absolute, Trapped, and Killed!

Kun's eight swords cover the sun, cut off the water, turn the soul, suspend the sword, startle the salamander, destroy the soul, suppress evil, and be true!

In addition to Abi Yuantu, general Moxie, Qinglian Longquan, Yiqi Xiewang, a total of 23 swords (the original number was 24, Zunwangjian was given to Duobao) turned into a sword array, spinning around him continuously, it seems extremely happy .

And the ghost fire of destroying the world on Zishou's body also suddenly ignited, and black flames covered his whole body.

Chu Jiangyue stood lonely on the side, seeing the changes in Zishou's body, she breathed a sigh of relief: "This deity has entered the eighth rank!"

Rank eight saint!

In the wild, it is only inferior to Hongjun.

If you add the Zhuxian Sword Formation, even Hongjun may have just made it to the top.

Chu Jiangyue secretly said: "I am not the most perfect Zhuxian sword formation. The most perfect Zhuxian sword formation must be composed of ninety-nine and 81 swords. If it is the most perfect Zhuxian sword formation, can it kill Hongjun?"

Thinking of this, Chu Jiangyue smiled wryly again.

Although Hongjun is a ninth-rank saint, he is the manifestation of the way of heaven.

Maybe you will lose, but you will definitely not die.

Even those spiritual treasures that can target saints may not be useful to him.

The god-killing gun can nail a saint, but how can it nail the manifestation of heaven?

To some extent, Hongjun is invincible and insurmountable.

While thinking about it, Zishou stretched out his hand and with a wave, retracted all the swords into his body, scattered the ghost fire of destroying the world, and walked out.

"Congratulations to this deity for becoming a rank-eight saint." Although Chu Jiangyue was congratulating, her expression was extremely lonely, like a sad and haggard middle-aged man.

That's right, if Li Fengge is an image of a rebellious, arrogant and conceited young man, then Chu Jiangyue is a middle-aged image of self-sorrow and self-injury, sad and lonely.

Zishou showed a smile on his face, but when he saw Chu Jiangyue's miserable appearance, his smile froze. Why did his good corpse look like a middle-aged man who had lost his love?

No, not lovelorn!

It's the kind of down-and-out middle-aged man who failed in starting a business in the middle-aged, his wife ran away with the old Wang next door, and finally found out that his son was not him.

"Other good corpses don't seem to be so sentimental... Is my other side full of sentimentality?" Zi Shou's mouth twitched slightly.

Li Fengge's personality is flamboyant and bohemian, he can still understand, after all, it's not justifiable for an evil corpse to be quiet, but as a good corpse, isn't Chu Jiangyue a bit too sad?

While thinking about it, Chu Jiangyue was dejected and muttered to herself: "Why do I always have tears in my eyes?"

Zishou: "..."

"Pack up your things and follow me to Biyou Palace to meet Master Tongtian."

Zishou patted Shanshi on the shoulder, greeted Hongmeng Tiandao, and opened the gate on Zizhi Cliff in the East China Sea.

Hongmeng Tiandao conveyed a trace of dissatisfaction, but obediently opened the door.


The scenery of Zizhi Cliff is very quiet and full of aura.

Zishou stepped into Zizhi Cliff again, and saw the same scenery, but the only pity was that many disciples of Biyou Palace were on the list, and the population was greatly reduced.

The saint came to Zizhi Cliff, and soon the three major disciples discovered the vision in the sky, and led all the immortals to welcome him.

The leader is the Holy Mother of Jinling, Wudang, Guiling, Bixiao, and Qiongxiao are also among them.

"It turns out that the emperor of the Great Shang Dynasty arrived, and the golden spirit was far away to welcome him. Please forgive me!" The Holy Mother of Jinling stepped forward and said respectfully.

Zishou nodded: "Take me to meet your leader."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked distressed, and said: "Teacher has been retreating in the palace recently, preparing to break through the sixth rank of the saint, and has not seen anyone for many days."

Zishou raised his head and looked towards Biyou Palace, only to see that there were layers of magic circles in Biyou Palace, it was obvious that the master of Tongtian had reached a critical moment.

At this time, he was promoted to rank eight saint, his eyes have the ability to see through all illusions, and he quickly saw everything, and smiled: "Your leader is about to break through, I am waiting here."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was overjoyed and said, "The leader has made a breakthrough?"

"Well, it's almost there." Zishou nodded for confirmation, and sighed: "Tongtian is worthy of being Tongtian. He is about to break through the sixth rank so soon. I think someone in my son has been at the seventh rank for so long before breaking through the eighth rank."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit: "..."

If I remember correctly, when I first met Zi Shou, his cultivation base was still lower than my own, right?

Many disciples in Jiejiao knew Zishou very well, so they came up to say hello out of nowhere.

Zishou also chatted with them peacefully.

"Hey, Qiong Xiao, Bi Xiao, where's your eldest sister? Why didn't you see it?"

Zishou notices that Yunxiao doesn't seem to be there.

Qiong Xiao said lightly: "The eldest sister has gone back to Sanxian Island for retreat."

Zishou suddenly realized: "Yunxiao is going to break through Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

He couldn't help being happy for Yunxiao. The last time he saw Yunxiao was still in hell, Yunxiao was already a quasi-sage at that time, and now he should be about to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Fairy Bixiao, the youngest, sneered, with a cold expression: "It's not because of you!"

Zishou was slightly taken aback: "What?"

Bi Xiao said: "You put my eldest sister..."

Fairy Qiong Xiao scolded: "Bi Xiao, stop talking nonsense!"

Bi Xiao lowered her head sullenly, and didn't speak anymore.

Zi Shouxin said when did I offend Bi Xiao?It feels like I have a grudge against me.

At this time, a disciple of Jiejiao noticed Chu Jiangyue, and saw him standing lonely in the distance, extremely sad.

"Who is this? He looks like Dijun!"

"Is it the emperor's avatar?"

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit asked, "Zi Shou, is that your avatar?"

"Well, the good corpse clone, the good corpse has some problems, so don't bother with him." Zi Shou felt that it was too embarrassing for him to bring this sentimental uncle out.

However, this is still the concretization of one's own side.

The Heart of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said that there is nothing wrong with looking at it!

At this time, Chu Jiangyue looked up melancholy and said, "Why do I often have tears in my eyes?"

The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit asked tentatively, "Because of deep love?"

Chu Jiangyue had a serious face and did not speak.

The Holy Mother of Wudang also probed: "Because you are sad?"

Chu Jiangyue remained indifferent and did not respond.

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit said: "Because the eyes are blown by the wind?"

Chu Jiangyue continued to remain silent.

At this moment, Bi Xiao sneered and said, "Because you can't poop?"

Chu Jiangyue: @#$%...

Chu Jiangyue became more melancholy, and silently took a few steps away from this woman.

This is also a fairy, how can she speak so vulgarly!

Pooh!vulgar woman!

Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit: "Hahahaha."

Qiong Xiao: "Puchi."

Our Lady of Wudang frowned slightly, "Bi Xiao, don't swear!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit did not change her face, but there was still a smile in her eyes.

The corner of Zishou's mouth twitched fiercely, this vulgar Bi Xiao.


At this moment, an astonishing aura suddenly erupted from Biyou Palace, and the formations arranged outside were shaken away!

Immediately afterwards, only the sound of sword whistles was heard, and a long sword pierced through the air, blooming lotus flowers in the air.

A Taoist rushed out of Biyou Palace with such a speed that it was difficult to see clearly.

That Taoist stood tall in the void, his whole body swelled with true energy, his whole body was filled with sword energy soaring sharply into the sky, the Qingping sword flew to his side, making a slight tremor!

It is none other than the leader of the Tongtian sect!

Then Master Tongtian stretched out his hand and waved Qingping Sword back into its sheath, and the sharp sword intent on him disappeared instantly, and he became unpretentious, like an ordinary young man.

A smile appeared on Zishou's face, the Master of Tongtian, broke through rank six and became a rank six saint.

A rank six saint, although he still can't compare with a rank nine, his cultivation is considered top-notch.

"Master Tongtian, congratulations!" Zishou said loudly.

Master Tongtian descended from the sky, walked slowly to Zishou, and said with a smile, "Di Xin, long time no see."

The disciples of Jiejiao knelt on the ground and saluted: "Disciple pays homage to the teacher, may the teacher live forever!"

"Get up!"

Master Tongtian stretched out his hand in vain, and all the disciples got up one after another.

"Di Xin, where did you come back from? Why come to me when you have time?"

Zishou said, "I've come to you and I have something important to tell you."

Master Tongtian saw Zishou's serious expression, nodded his head immediately, and said, "Follow me into the palace."

The two walked into Biyou Palace side by side, Master Tongtian stretched out his hand, and the Qingping sword flew out automatically, suppressing Biyou Palace.

"Zi Shou, tell me!" Tongtian Jiaozhu said.

Zishou nodded and said, "I went to the Peacock Realm..."

He focused on what happened in the Peacock Realm. When he talked about the Hunyuan Taoist Master, the face of the Master Tongtian changed drastically. Where is the Supreme God? Where is Brahma? Where is Shiva? Where is Vishnu?"

Zishou said: "Brahma was suppressed by me with the sky-suppressing coffin. As for the other two, they have been sealed by Taoist Hunyuan. According to my guess, Taoist Hunyuan is already an existence above rank nine."

Master Tongtian Sect sat on the ground, grabbed a jar of immortal wine and took a big sip. After being shocked in his heart, he was shocked again: "Above the ninth revolution, what kind of realm is that?"

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt, as if there was an invisible abyss in front of him, and once he deliberately pryed into it, he would be swallowed by this abyss.

Zishou also took out an altar of fairy wine from the wine shelf next to him, opened the lid, and gulped it up, saying, "Only Hongjun will know about Nine Turns. This time Yuan Hong died in the Peacock Realm. , I am incompatible with the master of Hunyuan Dao, and I will not rest until I die!"

Although he has always said that he would kill Yuan Hong, in fact, he has become friends with Yuan Hong during the process of getting along, even brothers.

Yuan Hong's death was definitely not something that could be easily avoided for him.

"Shiva told Destruction Shiva something about Hunyuan Taoist..." Zishou said the words of Destruction Shiva in full, "Besides, I also learned the Hunyuan Tao from the Vaishya Sutra. The Lord wanted to destroy the Peacock Realm many times before the Yuanhui, and with the fact that Taiqing Laozi seems to have taken refuge in the Hunyuan Daoist, the catastrophe of the flood will come soon."

Master Tongtian drank the wine from the altar, then threw the altar into the ditch, his expression fluctuated, these words were too much information for him, and he needed time to digest them slowly.

"Master Hunyuan, a strange beast in the Tiankeng, the senior brother disappeared in the Tiankeng, and he should have gone to the world under the Tiankeng, but what kind of prehistoric world is there?" Tongtian Jiaozhu said.

Zishou thought for a while and said: "When Taoist Hunyuan appeared, all kinds of strange beasts appeared around him. I have seen those strange beasts in a book called "Shan Hai Jing". 》, the world under the tiankeng should be the world described in the Shan Hai Jing——Mountains, seas, wilds!"

In addition to the four evil spirits, he even saw strange beasts such as chirping snakes, owls, human-faced owls, and bulls, plus Lei Ze and Taoist masters. He was [-]% sure that the world of Shan Hai Jing was under the Tiankeng.

But if it is true that mountains and seas are prehistoric, then a more cruel problem will arise.

Zishou could only hope that that question would not arise: "Since there is Lei Ze who is full of enthusiasm, then there should be..."

Master Tongtian murmured: "Mountains and seas are flooded..."

"In addition to telling you this, I have come here to ask you for help." Zishou put away the complicated thoughts in his mind, and got to the point.

Master Tongtian looked at him and said, "What's the matter?"

Zishou took a deep breath and said, "I want you to help me see Nuwa."

Master Tongtian was stunned: "What?"

"Nuwa was exiled to endless time and space by the incarnation of Dao. I always thought it was another parallel flood. It wasn't until recently that I discovered that Nuwa was not in another parallel flood, but by my side. Qingyan told me before , It’s just that I never figured it out, and now I finally know.”

Zishou said slowly: "I need you to do me a favor, strip me of my origin."

Who dares to say short of four thousand words!Please write Ye Tianchi in the comment section.

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