Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 700 Walking in endless time and space, it turns out that you are by my side

If the person in front of him was not Zishou, Master Tongtian would definitely treat him as a lunatic. Even if he was Zishou, Master Tongtian would still be looking at him like an idiot.

What is the origin?

A person who has just come into this world is a completely blank person.

When this person has feelings for his relatives, has memories, and understands emotions, anger, sorrow, and fear, then he is a real person.

The combination of these emotions and memories is also called the origin, also known as the true spirit.

Human beings protect their origin with the spirit of Yin. As long as the spirit of Yin does not die, they can become ghosts or be reincarnated.

Practitioners, on the other hand, use the Yang God to protect the origin, and the Yang God can go to the sky and enter the earth, and it is ever-changing.

Great cultivators protect their origin with the primordial spirit, which can be transformed into tens of thousands and hide in the way of heaven.

If the primordial spirit is beheaded, there will still be the Yangshen, and if the yangshen will be beheaded, there will still be the Yinshen. Once the original source is wiped out, even if the primordial spirit exists, it will be considered dead.

The immortality of a saint also refers to the immortality of the primordial spirit.

Zishou's words made Master Tongtian very confused, and subconsciously thought he was joking.

"Strip the source? Do you want to listen to what you are talking about?" Tongtianjiao asked.

Zishou said with great certainty: "I'm sure, and I'm not joking. I've actually experienced this situation twice."

The first time was her first death, and Qingyan changed her origin to Zhunti's Yuanshen.

The second time, Haruhime allowed herself to return to a certain time and space in the past with an existence that could not be observed, touched, or heard. Later, Zishou figured it out. Do memories carry emotions?

Zishou thought for a long time, if his guess was right, as long as he entered that state again, he would be able to see Nuwa again.

It's just that he couldn't do it by himself, calling Qingyan and found that she hangs up every day.

After much deliberation, the only person who has this ability and can be trusted is the Master Tongtian.

Seeing Master Tongtian looking at the fool, Zishou immediately explained again: "...I need you to forcibly capture my origin with great supernatural powers, so that I can see the truth."

The other party's expression softened a little, but he did not refuse, nodded and said: "I will try to strip you of your origin."

"Then let's get started!"

Zishou sat down on the spot, and the primordial spirit came out of his body, meditating in the void.

Yuanshen felt a little nervous, took a deep breath, and said, "Come on!"

Master Tongtian looked at him, his whole body was surging with real energy, urging the law, he stretched out his right hand, and took a light shot.

In an instant, the law of the sage is activated instantly, penetrates into the subshou soul, and spreads rapidly until the Niwan Palace where the original source is preserved.

This is the most vulnerable place. Zishou Yuanshen wanted to resist subconsciously, and waves surged in the space. He hurriedly held back this rebellious emotion, allowing this sage's law to successfully invade his Niwan Palace.

There is no pain, nor any anxiety, the source of subconsciousness is directly taken out of the primordial spirit.

In an instant, he felt that the time around him seemed to have stopped, everything was still for an instant, but the whole person was constantly floating upwards.

At the same time, a soft divine power mixed with a trace of law power fell on his origin, protecting him from dissipating.

Master Tongtian looked at the primordial spirit of Zishou in front of him, knowing that he had succeeded, but he didn't know where his origin was, and said, "Di Xin, my power can only protect you for an hour, within an hour, you must return Go to the primordial spirit, otherwise the source will dissipate, and no one will be able to save you."

Zishou nodded to the leader of Tongtian, only to realize that in this state, he is invisible, unhearable, and untouchable, and the leader of Tongtian cannot see himself.

He walked out of Biyou Palace slowly, and he could see the Jiejiao disciples outside Biyou Palace, Jin Ling, Wudang, Gui Ling, Bi Xiao and others...

Walking among these people, he suddenly had a very strange feeling.

He is clearly in the same space and time as these people, but he seems to be in a different dimension from the world.

He seems to be a piece of memory wandering in the long river of time, without a carrier, it cannot be seen or heard by anyone, and it cannot even be touched.

In this state, he is so fragile that he will dissipate almost at any time.

"Qingyan once said that this is a state of nothingness, and now I have entered this state. Except that my body can be used as my medium, no other items will work."

Zishou glanced back at Biyou Palace, thoughtful, and looked around: "I guess Nuwa is not exiled to another time and space, but in the current time and space, but there is no medium to accommodate her existence, she cannot I was seen, but stayed by my side all the time. This is why Qingyan said that she was by my side."

"But it's just a guess. If you can't find her, you have to overturn this guess. I hope my guess is correct."

Zishou walked forward and looked at the Jiejiao disciples in Biyou Palace, some were practicing, some were refining weapons, and some were enjoying the beautiful scenery.

None of these people could see him, even if Zi Shou walked past them and waved his hand, they didn't notice.

Zishou walks in another dimension of the same time and space, like a tool to witness historical changes.

When he came to Chu Jiangyue's side, the other party seemed to look up and looked over, and then turned his head in a daze.

Chu Jiangyue couldn't see him either.

"Even if it's my good corpse, it can't see me, is it just aware of it?" Zishou thought thoughtfully, "But it's normal. Although the good corpse is my other side, it's not the other side of me after all." The real me, the good corpse is equivalent to an independent person, which is why the great practitioner named the three corpses."

He continued to walk, but did not find that figure in Biyou Palace.

"Did I guess wrong? She doesn't exist in this state? No, maybe she's just not in Biyou Palace."

Zishou took a deep breath, he existed as the original source, he was transparent for a moment, and he remembered many things that he had never thought of before.

"During the battle between Hell and Rahu, time and space were chaotic, and I was about to be smashed into pieces by the turbulence of time and space. At that time, there was a voice in my ear reminding me not to resist, otherwise I would be smashed to pieces in the confrontation between the two heavens. Peacock Continent... At that time, I thought it was Nuwa, but later I thought it was Su Mei, because the voices of the two people are very similar, now it seems that it is actually her?"

Zishou walked out of Biyou Palace. He had no carrier and could easily walk on the sea. He wondered where Nuwa would go if she became in this state.

"She will definitely find a way to get herself out of the state of nothingness, and keep looking for carriers. There is still a lot of time, so go to Chaoge City to look for it first."

With a thought in his mind, Zishou went to Chaoge City, and thought again: "I have seen her shoot several times, but there is no trace. Could it be that she has found the carrier? But the carrier is unstable and cannot stay for a long time? This Very likely."

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