Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 701 Suddenly at the beginning of the chapter, the man was in a dimly lit place

Chaoge City.

Ambilight, brightly lit.

The capital of this great merchant is a bustling resort, and even at night, there are bright lights shining like daytime.

Zishou was walking in the streets of Chaoge City, the excitement around him had nothing to do with him, he was a memory walking in another dimension.

"Where will she appear?" Zishou searched aimlessly, and the power of law that enveloped him gradually dissipated.

Before the power of law dissipated, he had to return to Biyou Palace.

However, he still hasn't found Nuwa.

"Where is she?"

Zishou walked silently, while a couple laughed and ran past beside him, their love for a blind date was beyond words.

Zishou watched coldly and continued to look for someone.

"If I were Nuwa, the first place I would go to would be Wa Palace, to find a carrier to entrust myself to, but now that so many years have passed, she has been there, where will she be?"

He thought about several places, but he always thought that she might go there.

However, time is limited, and he cannot search for each one.

From this point of view, Qingyan's strength is definitely higher than that of a saint, perhaps at the same level as the Hunyuan Daoist.

At that time, I was looking for it for a long time in a state of nothingness!

Gradually, the night has come.

Although Chaoge City was still brightly lit, there were a lot fewer people, and it began to calm down.

"Isn't she in Chaoge City?"

"Or, she is not what I guessed."

Gradually, the lights dimmed and the stars faded, leaving only a little light in Chaoge City.

"Did I guess wrong after all?"

Zishou walked alone in Chaoge Shen Lane, smiling wryly, his disappointment was beyond words, if he still couldn't see Nuwa this time, so what?

As time passed, the expectations in his heart gradually disappeared.

After looking for it for so long, did you end up disappointed?

Suddenly, a soft voice was heard next to my ear: "Zi Shou, why are you here?"

Zishou's body froze suddenly. This voice was so familiar that he wanted to hear it even in his dreams.

He turned his head suddenly, and saw a girl in white sitting on the bridge, looking at him sideways, with the same face, icy muscles and fine bones, she was the Nuwa whom he had been looking for for many years.

Zishou stood in a daze for a while, then slowly stepped forward and said, "I finally found you."

The girl in white stared at his face and murmured, "It's really you."

Surprised, the two hugged each other.

At this moment, the surrounding time seems to have stopped, and it seems that only two people can move in the whole world.

"So you really exist in this state, I finally guessed correctly." After a long time, Zishou laughed heartily.

Nuwa put the catkin on his big palm and said in a low voice, "You have been looking for me for a long time these years, right?"

Zishou said: "I am looking for you all the time, but who knows that you are by my side."

He couldn't help being annoyed, Qingyan clearly told him the truth, but he didn't think of it until now.

If I had thought of it earlier, I would have seen Nuwa a long time ago.

Nu Wa blinked her eyes and said with a smile: "Of course I know you are looking for me. After being exiled by the incarnation of Dao..."

She slowly narrated what happened to her back then. At that time, the incarnation of Dao sacrificed a chaotic clock to envelope her and send her to endless time and space. When she woke up, she found that in the prehistoric world, everything had not changed.

At first, she was surprised why she came back, until she found that no one could see her state, hear her words, or even be detected.

These days, she is often by Zishou's side and has tried many times, but Zishou still cannot see it.

Back then when Sakyamuni was eaten by Zheng Wuyou and turned into Demon Sakyamuni, when the critical child received it, she was indeed the one who did it.

It's just that Nuwa in this state is invisible, and once in a while is the limit.

Later, Zishou entered the Peacock Realm, but in fact she also followed her.

Zishou held her hand, he was touched, but also a little scared. It turned out that his every move was within the sight of Nuwa.

Although I shouldn't have done anything out of the ordinary, I still feel a little scared when I think about it.

Nuwa said: "When did you guess that I exist in this state?"

Zishou said: "It was when I met Lao Tzu in the Peacock Realm, he once said something to me."

Nuwa was a little curious: "What?"

Zishou recalled it for a while, and repeated what Lao Tzu said: "At that time, he said to me that the reason why the world is a small world is that it is limited to the structure of the master. If one day you can completely control yourself and get rid of this state, I hope you can make Hongmeng Realm the next Great Desolation..."

Nu Wa suddenly realized: "So you guessed it."

Zishou nodded: "First, although he was facing me at the time, his eyes seemed to be looking at me. Second, he said to get rid of this state. What kind of state should I get rid of? I didn't need to get rid of any state at all. The third point, he said to make the Hongmeng Realm the next Great Desolation. Although I can control the Hongmeng Realm, in the final analysis, it is actually yours."

Nuwa nodded: "At that time, I didn't think that senior brother could see me. He could see me not because of his cultivation, but because he was already very close to the Tao and could perceive my existence."

"In fact, there are more than these three points. There are many evidences that you are by my side. But I always thought that you were exiled to other worlds. How could I have imagined that you would be such an existence?" Zi Shou smiled wryly.

The two looked at each other and could feel the affection in each other's hearts.

"Nuwa..." Zishou put his arms around her and said, "I will find a way to find a suitable medium for you so that you can come back."

Nüwa shook her head: "The means of Dao incarnation is not that simple. I have tried it many times over the years. Not only is it difficult to get rid of this state, but as time goes by, this state becomes more difficult to solve. At the beginning, it can be solved. If you sacrifice the spirit treasure, even the spirit treasure will be useless in the future. And my true spirit is developing in a more void direction. Maybe in the end, even if you enter this state again, you will not be able to see me gone."

Zi Shou's heart was heavy. Originally he thought that Nuwa was about to get rid of this state of nothingness, but he didn't expect it to be even more serious.

"You don't have to worry, even if there is such a day, I will still be by your side." Nuwa stroked his face and said.

Zi Shou smiled wryly: "Why is it like saying a last word?"

"The law Tongtian imposed on you is about to dissipate, you should go back!" Nuwa suddenly said.

Zishou was reluctant to let go, Nuwa said softly: "I have always been by your side, you just can't see me."

Zishou breathed a sigh of relief, looked at her, and said firmly: "One day, I will let you return to reality again. If the incarnation of the Dao doesn't send you back, then I will become the incarnation of the Dao."


Biyou Palace.

Master Tongtian pinched his fingers and calculated, his face was solemn: "I haven't come back yet, so nothing will happen?"

At this moment, Zishou's primordial spirit opened his eyes and plunged into his body again.


It's almost Chinese New Year, and there are a lot of things. In addition, it is not easy to write at the end of the plot, so we can only guarantee continuous updates.

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