Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 702 Mountains and seas flooded, attack!

It has been more than half a year since Zishou returned to Honghuang.

During this period of time, some of Honghuang's top powers learned that the Peacock Realm was destroyed by Hunyuan Daoist, and knew that Honghuang was about to usher in an unprecedented crisis, and everyone was in danger.

And Biyou Palace, Yuxu Palace, Asura Sect and other sects also received orders from the leader of the sect, to forge magic weapons and refine medicine pills, to prepare for a rainy day.

In this year, the immortal stone of Dongsheng Shenzhou was broken and turned into a monkey. With golden light in his eyes, he shot at Doufu.

In this year, there was Kunpeng from Luzhou, Beiju, who beheaded two corpses, became the golden immortal of Hunyuan Daluo, and became the demon saint of Kunpeng.

This year, there was the blood sea Styx who proved the way by killing, and successfully stepped into the realm of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian,

This year, Kong Xuan, the first war god of the great merchants, proved the Dao with five-color divine light, and proved to be Hunyuan.

This year, Xu Fengyin, a strong man with a strange personality, proved his way with a sword, and he also took that step successfully.

In this year, Yun Zhongzi once again proved his holiness with virtue, merged into the Dao of Hongmeng, and became a saint of Hongmeng...

Before Yun Zhongzi became a saint, no one would have thought that Yun Zhongzi, who was the most unknown before, was the first to become a saint in recent years, and his achievements were even higher than those of Styx and Kunpeng.

There is one more saint in the prehistoric land.

Of course, apart from Hongjun who manifested the Dao of Heaven in the ranks of saints, there are always six: Yuanshi Tianzun, Master Tongtian, Empress Pingxin, Emperor Zishou, Immortal in the Cloud, and Empress Nuwa.

It seems to be limited by the law of heaven, there are always six saints in the prehistoric world.

Of course, as for Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, there are many more.

In addition to the newly certified Styx, Kunpeng, Xu Fengyin and others, Duobao Tathagata is also a high-level Hunyuan, destroying Shiva is also counted as one, and Zishou's good corpse Chu Jiangyue is also counted as one...

The increase in Hunyuan does not mean that this is a good thing.

Hunyuan is almost immortal except that the primordial spirit cannot merge with the heavenly way, and the heaven and earth true essence that he swallows has reached a very terrifying level.

With the increase of Hunyuan, it will also mean that Honghuang has entered the later stage.

On this day, Zishou was meditating cross-legged in the Primordial Realm, with the compass of the heavens in his arms.

The primordial spirit has turned into tens of thousands and released it in all directions. Some read ancient books, some explored the mountains, some went to the sea, and some wandered in the world...

They are all looking for a way to get Nu Wa out of the state of nothingness.

It seems that the strength has been difficult to develop again, and Qingyan never appeared.

Zishou can only rely on himself.

The compass of the heavens can calculate the heavens, but it is still not very useful for Zishou at present. He uses it as a treasure to explore, to find people who may be suitable for Nuwa's body.

At this moment, there was a thunderous explosion in the sky outside the sky, and then, the entire sky seemed to be torn apart by a pair of big hands.

A huge crack appeared in the outer sky and gradually spread!

In the crack, the cloud of lead turned and the thunder intertwined, making a sound that shook the earth, as if a giant beast was about to come out of it!

At this moment, all the saints on the prehistoric world, Hunyuan noticed it, and looked up at the sky.

I saw that the cracks in the sky had spread to the extreme, as if someone had cut a huge hole!

The wind and cloud turned, the black thunder exploded, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

It looks like the end of the world!

Biyou Palace.

The leader of Tongtian religion stands on Zizhi Cliff, looking up at the sky.

I saw that a huge opening had been broken above the 36th layer, and the Chaos Divine Thunder surged in it, and the blood rain poured down.

Master Tongtian's face was heavy, and he said in a deep voice: "The sky outside the sky has been torn apart, here we come!"

"Jiejiao disciple, follow me to the 36th heaven." He stretched out his hand to grab the Qingping sword, and flew towards the sky.

Jade Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who lived on the top of Kunlun Mountain, stood with his hands behind his back, but looked into the depths of West Kunlun.

In the depths of West Kunlun, strange birds and beasts gushed out of the tiankeng like a tide, and the four fierce ones led the way, extremely ferocious.

"The pillars of the sky are broken, the earth is vertical, the sky is tilted to the northwest, the sun and the moon are shifting, the earth is not full to the southeast, and the water and dust return..."

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered slightly, there was a bottomless pit on the earth, a gap in the sky, and this calamity that swept through the prehistoric world finally came.

Originally, saints didn't have to worry about the calamity, but now another prehistoric is pushing the calamity, even saints may not be able to survive.

But at the same time, this is also a great opportunity.

"Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, Yuding Daoist, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, you take your disciples to the Tiankeng, and kill the fierce beasts that come up one by one."

Yuanshi Tianzun stretched out his hand and pointed, and four spiritual treasures gushed out from the sleeves of his robe, and distributed them to his only four remaining disciples.

Guang Chengzi and the others stretched out their hands to take it, and responded in unison: "I obey!"

Over the years, Yuanshi Tianzun has poured his heart and soul into them, instilling a large amount of natural materials and earthly treasures into them. The pinnacle of quasi-sage.

Among the disciples of the three generations, although most of them died, Yang Jian, a disciple of the Jade Cauldron Master, has also cultivated to the quasi-sage level, and he is only stronger than his master, not weaker.

At the same time, in the Western Lingshan.

Zhunti Buddha opened his eyes, looked through the golden hall, looked at the sky beyond the sky, and said: "Back then, when Gonggong angered Mount Buzhou, and the pillar of heaven collapsed, there was no such a terrifying scene. Is it true that the immeasurable calamity has come? Back then, there were Nuwa junior sisters who repaired the sky, but now who is going to repair this big hole?"

He stood up and shouted loudly: "Tuobao Tathagata, bring all the Buddhas with me to the 36 heavens!"

In the Daxiong Hall of Lingshan, all the Buddhas have already gathered.Duobao Tathagata recited a Buddha's name, and then stepped on the lotus platform to fly to the outer sky.

sea ​​of ​​blood.

Patriarch Styx opened his eyes from the sea of ​​blood, and a wave of blood hit his body. In that wave, countless little people suddenly appeared!

These villains are all clones of the blood god sons of Patriarch Styx, and each of them has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base.

"Back then when the peacock flooded the land, I didn't have the proof of Hunyuan, so I didn't dare to go out to sea. Now that I'm the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I've long wanted to see the power of the so-called mountains, seas, and wilds!"

Patriarch Minghe laughed loudly, stretched out his hand and shook it, and two blood swords gushed out from the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, and landed on the palms of both hands, the sword light and blood shadow reflected.

After many twists and turns, Abifutu was finally given to Zishou. At this time, the two blood swords in his hand were made during these years of sacrificial sacrifice.

Of course, Zi Shou didn't accept his sword for nothing, and Zi Shou owed a lot to Styx for successfully proving the Hunyuan Fruit Status.

From a certain level, Styx still made money.

"Asura children, follow me to heaven!"

Styx rushed into the sea of ​​blood, laughing wildly, and countless villains under him also jumped up.


Heavenly Emperor Haotian looked at the sky above his head with a solemn expression, and finally said: "All the immortals obey the order, and go to the West Kunlun Mountains from the lower realms to pacify the chaos of strange beasts!"

He knew that the battle of Tianwaitian belonged to the battle of saints, and their battlefield was in Tiankeng!The enemy is a beast!


For Chinese New Year, I originally wanted to blow up a wave of updates, but I know that you lovely authors will definitely feel pity and say: Chi, I have been busy for a year, so let me take a few days off, don’t be too tired, tired Broken body, we feel sorry for brother.Every time I think about it, I am moved to tears. In order not to disappoint everyone, I will not explode the update.

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