In the Hongmeng Realm, Zishou looked up at the sky, his gaze penetrated the 36 heavens, and he saw the situation of Tianwaitian.

At this time, a gap appeared in the sky, black thunder raged, and blood rain poured down.In the gap, countless immortals faintly appeared.

"Zi Shou, what happened?"

Deng Chanyu beside her didn't know what was going on outside, so she asked.

Zishou said slowly, "Mountains and seas are flooded, here we come."

Deng Chanyu said: "The mountains and seas are flooding?"

She was terrified in her heart, that mountain and sea prehistoric that surpassed the prehistoric, finally came?

Doesn't that mean that Honghuang is about to face an unprecedented calamity.

The Hongmeng Realm was torn apart suddenly, and Yuyan walked in from the Quekou skirt flying with her calm heart, and said, "Zi Shou, they are here."

"I already know." Zi Shou nodded, and the two walked side by side as if they had been prepared for a long time, heading towards Tianwaitian.

Deng Chanyu, Princess Longji and others looked at each other, wanting to follow, Zishou said: "This battle is absolutely beyond your reach, don't come out."

Backhand closed the Hongmeng Realm.


Zishou flew to the sky. At present, there are 36 heavens in the sky, divided into five realms.

Among them, the first realm, called the Desire Realm, has six heavens, which are Taihuang Huang Zengtian, Taiming Yuwantian, Qingming Hetongtian, Xuantai Pingyutian, Yuanming Wenjutian, and Qiyao Moyitian.

The second realm is called Form Realm, which has [-] heavens, which are the sky of nothingness and transcendence, the sky of Taiji Mengying, the sky of Chiming and Sunshine, the sky of Xuanming Gonghua, the sky of Yaoming Zongpiao, the sky of Zhuluohuangjiao, the sky of Xumingtang Yaotian, Viewing Ming Duan Jing Tian, ​​Xuan Ming Gong Qing Tian, ​​Tai Huan Ji Yao Tian, ​​Yuan Zai Kong Sheng Tian, ​​Tai An Huang Ya Tian, ​​Xian Ding Ji Feng Tian, ​​Shi Huang Xiao Mang Tian, ​​Tai Huang Weng Chong Tian, ​​Wusi Jiang You Tian, Go up to Ruan Letian, and Wuji swears to the sky.

The third realm is called the Formless Realm, and it is called the Four Zen Heavens. There are four heavens in total.

Above the Formless Realm, there is a fourth realm called the Heaven of the People. There are four heavens in total: Taixu Supreme Changrong Heaven, Taishi Yulong Tengsheng Heaven, Dragon Transformation Brahma Heaven, and Taiji Mengyi Jiayi Heaven.This world is the residence of accomplished monks who practice Taoism.

Above the fourth realm is the Sanqing Shengjing.

It is No. 30 the Heaven of Lihen in the Taiqing Fairyland of the Three Heavens, the Yuyu Heaven in the No. 30 Heaven of the Four Heavens, and the Heaven of Yu Yu in the No. 30 Heaven of the Five Heavens.

These three days are ruled by Taishang Laojun, Tongtian Jiaozhu, and Yuanshi Tianzun respectively.

And the last realm is called Daluo Realm.

There is only one day in this world, named Da Luo Tian.

It is the place closest to Tianwaitian. There are no saints ruling this world, but there is the ancestor Hongjun who manifested the way of heaven.It is the biochemical place of the Dao, the ultimate scenic spot.

This day is full of Dao Qi, quiet and Shinichi, and there are no yellow scarf warriors on duty at ordinary times.

It is exactly: above the three realms, there is a large and small Luo, with colorless roots above, and towering clouds.

However, at this very moment, an astonishing crack has appeared above Daluotian.

In the crack, thunder flickered, and blood rained down, exuding an unprecedented terrifying aura.

When Zishou came to Daluotian, the Master Tongtian and all his disciples had arrived in Daluotian, waiting in full force.

Zhunti Buddha has also arrived with Duobao Tathagata and all the Buddhist disciples.

Master Tongtian nodded to Zishou as a greeting.

Zishou also nodded in response.

At this moment, a pair of eyes slowly appeared above the opening of the vault of heaven.

A pair of eyes that ignore the world.

Through the sky, these eyes stare at the world indifferently.

The gods who were scanned by these eyes felt trembling all over, and their gods seemed to be broken.

"This oncoming coercion is really terrifying. Who is the owner of those eyes?"

"What kind of strong man is this?"

"It's really scary!"

All the disciples of Jiejiao trembled slightly under this terrifying coercion, and some of them with low cultivation could not even raise their heads.

At this moment, black clouds surged in the sky, the pair of eyes gradually moved forward, and a huge body slowly appeared in the thick clouds.

It was a gigantic giant, half of his body was hidden in the thick clouds, and he couldn't see the end.

"Half-man, half-dragon, it's Lei Ze." Zishou had already seen who it was, and took a deep breath. Now he is a rank eight saint, but when facing Lei Ze, he still had the feeling of running away deep in his heart. impulse.

"Only Lei Ze came, and Hunyuan Daoist did not appear."

Zi Shou looked at it coldly, and soon found that there were only two celestial girls in colorful feathers and rain besides Lei Ze, who was half-god and half-dragon.

Not only did Hunyuan Daoist disappear, but even the driving force that appeared in the Peacock Realm that day did not appear.

"Only Lei Ze appeared. It seems that Taoist Hunyuan doesn't care much about Honghuang. It's no wonder that Peacock Honghuang has three rank nine saints, and one of them has taken half a step, while Honghuang only has one." , even the Hongjun who manifested the way of heaven, plus the saint, the number of Hunyuan is not as many as that of Peacock Honghuang. Only dispatching Lei Ze is enough to destroy Honghuang."

Zishou and Heping looked at each other heartily, only Lei Ze came, so they were not so desperate.

If Daoist Hunyuan and Sanqing also come, then they will be completely destroyed.

At this moment, the fairy next to Lei Ze suddenly opened her throat and sang, the song was sad and sad, and there was a sorrowful taste of death.

I only heard two fairies singing: "Fuck Wu Ge, I was caught by a rhinoceros armor, and the car was wronged, and the short soldiers picked it up. The sun was covered by the sun, the enemy was like a cloud, and the arrows fell, and the soldiers scrambled. The right blade is wounded. Two rounds of haze, four horses, aiding jade, beating drums. The sky is falling, majestic and angry, severe killings, abandoning the wilderness. Can't go in and out, can't go back, the plain is suddenly, the road is too far away .Bearing a long sword and holding a Qin bow, the head is separated and the heart is not punished. Sincerity is both brave and martial, and finally strong and invincible. When the body is dead, the god is spirit, and the soul is a ghost hero!"

The singing sounded desolately, and all the immortals present looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Why are you still singing?"

"What exactly does that mean?"

"Sincerely, my mother's displeasure! Why bother to sing, Ling Wuhai?"

The Asuras are originally rough people, first they were paled by the terrifying coercion, and then they heard this soft and desolate song, and suddenly "Your mother is looking for death", "You are sick and sincere It's been a long time since my mother drank the medicine soup", "Ru Bi's mother is ill" and cursed.

Beside the Master of Tongtian, the Holy Mother of Guiling said with a sullen face: "What are they singing? Singing before the fight, what do you mean?"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said: "They are singing mourning poems, mourning for us."

After the explanation of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Jujiao people who didn't understand the original meaning of the poem suddenly cursed.

At this moment, Lei Ze waved his golden claws in the air, and in an instant a very thick thunderbolt burst down, heading directly towards the interception camp!

When the thunder and lightning fell, the disciples of Jiejiao instantly felt the aura of death, and they were all terrified in place, unable to move.

Master Tongtian gave a low shout, and the Qingping Sword was out of its sheath in his hand, and struck towards the Chaos God Thunder that was as thick as a bucket!

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