A thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and headed towards the interception camp.This thunderbolt is pure black in color, and it contains ten thousand junctures of power.

Just facing this glorious heavenly power, the immortals of Jiejiao have the urge to fall to the ground, let alone the power of thunder?

Master Tongtian gave a low cry, Qingping's sword trembled, and then he went up with the sword, slashing Thunder with his sword.

The endless sword energy turned into a dazzling white light, which seemed to tear Thunder into pieces!


Accompanied by a violent explosion sound, the space where Tongtian was located was almost torn into pieces by this thunder, the space was broken, time was disordered, and countless darkness entwined like weeds!

And Tong Tian who was in the middle was holding Qingping in his hand, his body was shining with golden light, and there was a black electric snake swimming around his body, he actually took this world-destroying thunder forcibly!

The Jiejiao immortals cheered for a while:

"The leader caught it!"

"Teacher's cultivation has already surpassed the mortal, and ordinary thunderbolts can't even hurt him. This thunderbolt actually forced the teacher to swing the sword. It's really terrifying."

However, only Zishou, Pingxin, Zhunti and other few people could tell that the Master Tongtian was pale and his body trembled slightly after receiving the Chaos Divine Thunder. It was obvious that he had been seriously injured.

A thunderbolt has such divine power, how strong should Lei Ze himself be?

There was a rumbling sound in the air, a pair of narrow and sharp eyes gradually moved forward, and then a voice like Hong Zhong Dalu came from the brilliant sky: "I have received 81 [-] chaos god thunders, and I will spare you a thousand years of life!" .”

This sound came in like a tide, reaching the ears of every immortal, and there was a rumble immediately.

Some immortals with weak cultivation bases knelt down in shock when they heard this voice.

"Jiujiu 81 Chaos Divine Thunder? Does he mean that he will leave as soon as he receives 81 Divine Thunder?" In the distance, Haotian frowned and said: "This person is too arrogant, huh! With so many spirits, does he think that 81 divine thunders can destroy the prehistoric world?"

Queen Mother Xi remained silent.

The immortals of the Heavenly Court went to West Kunlun to resist the strange beasts in the Tiankeng, and the two quasi-sages went to Daluotian to watch the battle.

Seeing that Lei Ze, who was in the mountains and seas, was so arrogant, he was a little surprised in his heart.

"How many thunderbolts can your Majesty withstand?" Queen Mother Xi asked.

Haotian pondered for a while, and said: "Three ways! Although I can only catch three ways, I am not the only one in Honghuang. How difficult is it to catch ninety-nine and 81 ways? What's more, the leader of Tongtian has already taken one, and the remaining There are no more than eighty ways."

In the blood sea camp, Bo Xun sneered and said: "What a thunder god, if you speak harshly, you are strong, so why not be afraid of mere 81 thunderbolts!"

Concubine Wumo and others breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that if they directly fight this kind of god who transcends rank, even if Honghuang wins in the end, [-]% of the people present will die.

But if you just connect 81 divine thunders, it will be much easier.

"The ancestor has 8000 million clones of blood gods, so the ancestor alone can catch these 81 divine thunders." All the asuras thought.

Patriarch Minghe sneered slightly, but did not speak, but his brows were already wrinkled.

The thunderbolt just now was extremely powerful. If he catches it like Tongtian, he can do nothing after catching it, but with 8000 million blood god son clones, he can still be revived even if he is hacked. Tao is not difficult.

Zishou and Pingxin looked at each other, and they both saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Although Lei Ze's belly thunder is extremely powerful, with so many people, it shouldn't be a problem to catch 81 Chaos God Thunder.

Lei Ze is so supportive, could it be that the next [-] thunders are not so simple.

Everyone thought for a moment, those sharp eyes receded gradually, hidden in the dense clouds, and then saw some golden claws moving in the lead cloud, and then, the sky was torn apart, and a thicker black thunderbolt suddenly fell!

The destructive aura of this thunderbolt is much stronger than that of the previous one, and it strikes directly towards Jujiao!

"Good time!" Master Tongtian still had no fear, he raised his sword and struck the thunder fiercely.


When the Qingping Sword came into contact with the Chaos God Thunder again, countless black electric snakes exuding a destructive aura swam across the whole body of Tongtian Sect Master in an instant.

After the thunder had dissipated, Master Tongtian's face became even paler, his divine aura dissipated, and he could no longer lift his entire right arm.

All the immortals in Da Luotian sighed secretly that they deserved to be the leader of the Tongtian sect. If they were replaced by such powerful thunder, they would have died tragically, but the leader of the Tongtian sect still stood firm.

Immediately, a fairy shouted: "The leader of Tongtian sect alone can connect [-] paths, the emperor of the Great Shang can connect another [-] paths, and the next [-] paths of Buddhist Zhunti Buddha can be connected, and the remaining one will be connected by the Buddha." Let's take it together!"

Master Tongtian took a closer look, and found that the man was Chen Wuliang, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian from Zixiao Palace. He was secretly angry. Except for himself and Zishou, Pingxin, Zhunti and others present, Yuanshi Tianzun was not there. And the ancestor Hongjun didn't even show up.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said with a sullen face; "Teacher has already been injured by connecting two thunderbolts. I absolutely can't connect them again. I will take the next one!"

A pagoda of four elephants floated above her head, and her whole body was shining with golden light.

At this moment, the third Chaos Divine Thunder fell, this divine thunder was more powerful than the previous two, and it struck in the direction of the Asura Cult's camp.

Bo Xun's eyes widened, and he raised his sickle to block it, but he couldn't even raise his hand when facing this chaotic thunder that exuded supreme power.

Even Bo Xun was the same, Ghost Mother and other people were so frightened that their faces turned pale and trembled, and those who were not in good shape even fell limp on the ground, dripping with feces and urine.


Patriarch Minghe jumped up, crossed his swords in front of him, and struck towards the Chaos God Thunder!

At this time, he has been promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and his cultivation base is ten thousand times stronger than before. When the deity moves, the blood energy all over his body floats and sinks, like a sea of ​​blood, and 8000 million blood god son clones are surging in the sea of ​​blood.


The sound of thunder overwhelmed everything, and when it fell on Patriarch Styx, it spread rapidly, as if it was going to drown the entire sea of ​​blood!


Stronger than Styx also felt the piercing pain at this moment, and even the primordial spirit burst instantly!

Countless black lightning instantly broke through his body shield, penetrated into his body, and quickly destroyed the vitality of his body!

In less than half a second, Patriarch Styx was smashed to pieces by the thunder!

Under the horrified gazes of Bo Xun, Guimu and others, this thunderbolt has not yet exhausted its power, and it continues to go down!


The sea of ​​blood brought by the River Styx was ups and downs, turning into a small shield, in which densely packed Blood God clones struggled to rush out of the sea!


The thunderbolt hit the shield without any suspense, the shield was directly broken, and countless Blood God clones screamed in the thunder and lightning, and turned into ashes in an instant.

But finally, the thunder was exhausted, and countless electric snakes dissipated in all directions.

Bo Xun and the others froze in fright. Patriarch... died?

"Cough cough..."

At this moment, an old man got up from a handful of blood and gradually turned into the appearance of Patriarch Styx.

His face was no longer as rosy as before, pale and colorless, trembling all over, and his eyes were full of frightened light.

That thunder just now almost killed half of his Blood God Son clone.

Only then did he realize how much the Tongtian Cult Master actually paid for accepting two Chaos God Thunders in an understatement.

Haotian and Queen Mother Xi looked at each other, and they both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

Ancestor Styx is also a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, right?

He was seriously injured just by a Chaos God Thunder, if there was another one, wouldn't he fall directly?

He even said before that he could catch three... Haotian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Immortal Chen Wuliang who spoke just now said with a smile: "Styx has always boasted that he has 8000 million Blood God clones, and he alone can catch 81 Chaos God Thunders!"


With a solemn expression, Ping Xin said, "I can only catch four at most."

Zi Shou's face darkened, he didn't know how many he could catch, and he definitely wouldn't be more than Ping Xin.

"Hongjun hasn't come yet, what is he doing?" Zishou took a deep breath, only Hongjun was qualified to fight against Lei Ze in the prehistoric world, and he was the only one who could block ninety-nine 81 Chaos Divine Thunders, but Up to now, not only Hongjun couldn't see it, but even Yuanshi Tianzun didn't show up!

Kunlun Mountains.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, with a sneer on his face, he said, "Di Xin, Lei Ze's divine thunder will kill you?"

He then looked in the direction of West Kunlun, and his four disciples and the Chanjiao disciples had already started fighting with strange beasts.

The four murderers appeared, just facing Shangguang Chengzi and the other four.


The fourth chaotic divine thunder had already appeared, but this time it struck at a Taoist sect in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

This sect has 50 people, and the leader is also a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, named Master Ziqing, who once studied as a teacher in Zixiao Palace, and is regarded as Hongjun's unnamed disciple.

Seeing this divine thunder strike suddenly, Master Ziqing's face changed color in shock, he hastily sacrificed a golden bell to protect his disciples.

However, when the divine lightning struck the golden bell, the golden bell shattered directly!


Thunder shot down.

Four or fifty people, including Venerable Ziqing, were all reduced to ashes by this divine thunder.

A huge hole appeared on the ground, piercing to the sky!

The immortals present changed their colors in horror. Some of them were prepared to die before they came, but when they saw this scene, they wished they had never been here.

The fifth divine thunder fell, this time it did not land on Daluotian, but directly landed on Nanfangbuzhou, directly smashing a city into pieces, countless souls were smashed to pieces in the thunder, and their souls were scattered.

The immortal who originally wanted to escape quietly was frightened and dared not move in an instant.

"The 81 thunderbolts are not aimed at us, but the entire prehistoric world! No matter where we flee, he will kill us!" Yixian shouted loudly, but it was Zhen Yuanzi who was wearing a Bagua Dao gown.

The next three divine thunders verified Zhen Yuanzi's statement. These three divine thunders all fell into the lower realm, destroyed three cities, and killed millions of living beings.

"Di Xin, as a saint, you should share the worries of the prehistoric world, and you must block the chaos god's thunder for us!" At this moment, Chen Wuliang shouted loudly.


I was a little embarrassed to see that local tyrants gave me gifts, which add up to nearly 500 yuan, so I added a chapter to express my gratitude. .Of course, the author doesn't update if there is a reward, and not if there is no reward. It is true that he is busy during the Chinese New Year, and he hasn't written in the past few days, and all he uses is saved manuscripts.

In fact, I have basically never asked for gifts from readers, and there are also free tickets and gold coins.Hey, it is not recommended that students spend money to tip me—except for local tyrants.

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