Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 70 Wait, what's going on with this plot

Sitting in the big camp, Zishou lay on the chair with his head supported by his arms, posing in a comfortable posture.Empress Shiji brought tea with great interest.

"Your Majesty, why do you want to change teams before the battle?" Empress Shiji finally couldn't help asking.

Not to mention that Yao Tianjun's Falling Soul Formation has not yet been set up, the first formation in the afternoon is also Qin Tianjun's Heaven's Absolute Formation!

Isn't it self-inflicted humiliation to change teams temporarily like this?

Zishou was silent for a moment, should I say that Lao Tzu let Yao Tianjun play because he wanted to lose?

"Hehe, watch more, learn more."

"Yeah." Empress Shiji nodded, maybe the king saw something that we couldn't see, so he made this arrangement.

At this time, both the Yin and the Shang have arrived at the battlefield in formation. With the sound of a cannon in the Chengtang camp, Wen Taishi rode Mo Linqi and walked in the front. The four generals Deng Xin and Zhang Tao were on the left and right. Stand in each direction.

On Xiqi's side, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, Nezha, Yang Jian, Han Dulong, Xue Ehu, Longxuhu and others walked out, and after that came out thirteen immortals, led by Chanjiao. The vice-principal, Taoist Ran Deng.

Three days ago, I heard that the Grand Master sent someone to challenge Xiqi. The Lantern Taoist and the Twelve Golden Immortals on Xiqi's side also arrived slowly after receiving the order from Yuanshi Tianzun.

Sitting on a sika deer with a lamp burning, mastering Yuanrong.

The twelve celestial beings, neatly laid out, are:

Guangchengzi, Taoyuan Cave, Jiuxian Mountain,

The red sperm of the Yunxiao Cave of Mount Taihua,

The real person of Huanglong in Magu Cave, Erxian Mountain,

The Feiyun Cave on Narrow Mountain is afraid of leaving grandchildren behind,

The real Taiyi in Jinguangdong, Ganyuan Mountain,

The Great Master Lingbao of Yuanyang Cave, Kongtong Mountain,

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun in Yunxiao Cave, Wulong Mountain,

The Immortal Puxian in Baihe Cave of Jiugong Mountain,

The Cihang Taoist in Luojiadong, Mount Putuo,

The real person in Jade Ding in Jinxia Cave, Yuquan Mountain,

Jinting Mountain Yuwudong Road Xing Tianzun,

Qingfeng Mountain Ziyang Cave Qingxu Moral True Monarch.

"Wu those ten true immortals of Jiejiao don't know that the number of days is fixed, Cheng Tang's luck is exhausted, and the sage of the Zhou Dynasty will come out first. Today, King Zhou has no way, and the king's spirit is dim. And Xiqi, the phoenix of Qishan, has already appeared. Renjun. Wait They actually came here to help the evildoers and set up ten unique formations. I advise you to follow the time and leave the formation as soon as possible, so as not to be humiliated."

Taoist Ran Deng rode out slowly on a sika deer and said with a smile.

These words seemed to be admonishing Shi Tianjun to leave, but in fact they deliberately angered the ten people.

"Hmph, according to what you said, Zhou is the master of true destiny, and Di Xin is the king of innocence, so it is not the right time for us to help Shang destroy Zhou this time? Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Daoist Ran Deng, I will set up ten Juezhen, if you have the ability, destroy them all! Save yourself a lot of talking here!" Yao Tianjun, the leader of the Lost Soul Formation, sneered.


"Trigger task: Kill one of the Twelve Golden Immortals in the Falling Soul Formation."

"Mission Rewards: Yin Shang luck +200, longevity +500 years, the day after tomorrow Lingbao white paper falling soul banner."

At the same time, Zishou, who was half lying on the chair in the business camp, was also prompted by the system's mission.

Zishou: ...

It's started, it's started, the dog system is starting to misbehave again!

It's a pity to give away life yuan and spirit treasures, but the soul-falling formation must be broken today!


Wen Taishi Yao Tianjun pointed to the big formation behind him, and said with a sneer: "Stop talking nonsense, who dares to enter my formation!"

The Ten Absolute Arrays are originally arranged in order, with Tianjue at the head and Hongsha at the end, and the further back the formation is, the stronger it is.

The order of the Ten Absolute Formation is also written in the war book.

Therefore, Ran Deng did not suspect him, so he frowned slightly and asked, "Who is going to break this formation?"

"I'm here to break this formation!"

At that moment, a man holding Fang Tian's painted halberd walked out, but it was Deng Hua, the fifth disciple of Yuxu Palace.

Taoist Ran Deng shook his head. As the vice-master of teaching, how could he not know that Deng Hua was just going to die?

In each formation of the Ten Absolute Formation, one person must die first before breaking through. Deng Hua is unlucky, he is just an unlucky ghost who should be robbed and listed on the list.

"Who are you?" Yao Tianjun asked.

"Evil! Even I, Deng Hua, don't recognize me. You deserve to die like this today!" Deng Hua said proudly, thrusting out the sky-painted halberd above his hand.

Yao Tianjun drew out his golden mace, and after parrying for two or three rounds, he fled to the falling soul formation.

Deng Hua laughed, thinking that Yao Tianjun was nothing more than that, so he immediately followed into battle.

When Deng Hua walked into the Falling Soul Formation, Yao Tianjun had already reached the center of the formation, grabbed a handful of black sand and sprinkled it down, Deng Hua couldn't resist, his body rotted immediately, and died on the spot.

Deng Hua's soul also flew out of the Falling Soul Formation and headed for the Conferred God Stage.

"Ran Deng Taoist, who else dares to break the formation?" After killing Deng Hua, Yao Tianjun came out confidently.

Although the Falling Soul Formation has not been fully set up yet, but for some reason, since I came to Xiqi, I feel that my strength has increased a lot, and the power of the formed formation is also much stronger.

Although the Falling Soul Formation can only be counted as half of the formation, its power is already enormous.

Zi Shou, who was watching the battle in the camp, slowly typed in his mind:?

Hey, why did you kill someone?

Why is there something wrong with this script?

Is the formation so strong before it's set up?

"Although Deng Hua was killed, this Deng Hua is not considered outstanding among the disciples of Chanjiao, and I have never heard of such a person. I am afraid that it is used by Chanjiao to make up the numbers. Yao Tianjun's Lost Soul Formation has not been fully set up. , if the Twelve Golden Immortals break the formation in person, I'm afraid it will be troublesome." Empress Shiji is also well-informed, so she analyzed it immediately.

Zishou's eyes lighted up, that's right, Deng Hua is a trickster who can't even remember his name, so he will die if he dies!

He glanced at Shi Ji appreciatively, he didn't expect this little girl to be so talkative, um, if she can talk, talk more.

Deng Hua was also very angry when he was killed, but Daoist Ran Deng had expected it, nodded and said, "Manjusri, go and break the formation!"

The Ten Jue Formation is certainly formidable, but Taoist Ran Deng has already understood it thoroughly, and in addition, Deng Hua Yingsha Jie already has it, so it is natural to press Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun to break the formation.

At that moment, Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun also walked out, and said with a sneer, "Fellow Daoist, you are free and unrestrained in cutting off teachings, why do you set up this killing formation to frame living beings? If I break the formation today, you will die! Let me advise you again, Quickly collect the formation and leave, so as not to regret it too late."

Yao Tianjun smiled instead of anger: "Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, you are free and easy, why come here to die? I advise you, leave quickly, lest you die!"

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice: "You are looking for death!" He swung his sword and killed Yao Tianjun.

Yao Tianjun blocked for three rounds, but was also defeated.

At that moment, Wenshu Guangfa Tianzun stepped on two white lotuses, walked into the formation, opened his mouth and spat out a lotus flower, a cloud of celebration rose above his head, and countless tasseled beads fell down. Fa like incarnation!

This dharma is like the incarnation of the thunder that can defeat the heavenly formation, so Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun is very relieved, but as soon as he enters the formation, his soul shakes, his mind is restless, and his face suddenly changes color.

No, not right!This is not a heavenly formation at all!

"Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, die!" Yao Tianjun grabbed the black sand and sprinkled it, and when it fell on the incarnation of the Dharma, he immediately made a "chi chi" corrosion sound, breaking the incarnation of the Dharma in an instant.

As the black sand fell on Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, he screamed and died instantly.

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