When Yao Tianjun triumphantly walked out of the Falling Soul Formation and announced that Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun had fallen, all the immortals on Xiqi's side were stunned.

Daoist Ran Deng was full of surprise, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun was considered to be an upper-middle strength among the Twelve Golden Immortals, how could he die in the Tianjue formation now...

No, not right!This is not the end of the day!

"This is not the Heaven's Judgment Formation, this is the Fallen Soul Formation?!" Immediately, Taoist Ran Deng pinched his fingers, his pupils constricted, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Shameless villain! Didn't you say that the first formation is the Heaven's Judgment Formation?"

"It's so shameless! Are all the people who intercept the teaching so despicable?"

"Switching teams temporarily? Don't talk about martial arts!"

"Kill me with anger! You killed me, Brother Manjusri, and I will take your life!"

Chanjiao Jinxian's face turned black with anger, and he roared again and again.

Yao Tianjun sneered and retorted: "Who said that the first battle must be done first? Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's skills are not as good as others, so I can't blame others!"

Taoist Ran Deng thinks about it too. Although Wen Zhong sent the letter of war to arrange the top ten formations in order, it did not specify which formation will go first.

"No, Conferred God Stage..." Daoist Ran Deng suddenly remembered that during the period of Conferred Gods, souls would go to the Conferred Gods Platform after death. Even Daluo Jinxian could not escape this rule. This is the law of heaven.

If Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun is allowed to enter the Conferred God Stage, then everything will be over!

If you haven't entered the Conferred God Stage, you can still be resurrected with Taoism and profound techniques, but if you enter the Conferred God Stage, you can only obediently wait for the Conferred God.

At that moment, Taoist Ran Deng hurried to the Conferred God Stage, and the other golden immortals also ignored the quarrel with Yao Tianjun, and went together with escapism.


"Haha, it's really funny to see the black faces of those golden immortals from Chanjiao!" Zhao Tianjun, the leader of the Land Lie Formation, laughed as he returned to the camp.

"Fortunately, Fellow Daoist Qin didn't come first, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun knows the Dharma as an incarnation, and specializes in defeating swords, thunder and lightning." Yao Tianjun sighed.

If it were changed to the Tianjue Formation today, then Qin Tianjun would not be able to break the incarnation of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and he must be killed by Manjusri.

"Di Xin... is indeed an extraordinary person!" At this time, Qin Tianjun sighed: "The first arrangement was to kill Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun among the twelve golden immortals."

Thinking about it now, everyone still feels a little unreal in their hearts. It is at the level of the Da Luo Jinxian. Although Shi Tianjun boasted about his formation before coming here, but his own cultivation base is only a true immortal. Can he kill the Da Luo Jinxian? Also unknown.

"Haha, Your Majesty has his own reasons for making such an arrangement." Wen Zhong was also full of admiration at this time, he stroked his beard and smiled and said, "The previous few arrangements of Your Majesty are like a stroke of genius, and they all broke Xiqi's tricks."

"Oh! Dare I ask Brother Wen, what happened before?" asked the only female Golden Light Virgin among the Ten Heavenly Lords.

"Before..." Wen Taishi told Zishou's deeds, and the questioning expression on Shi Tianjun's face gradually changed to bewilderment, and then to horror.

These people were talking happily, but Daying Lizishou's expression gradually became dull.

I couldn't help but fall into deep self-doubt.

What the hell... is this all about?

Why did Manjushri, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, kneel down for a soul-falling formation that hadn't been set up yet?

What the hell is going on in this world!

When did Lord Shitian become so powerful that a fallen soul array that wasn't set up could kill Da Luo Jinxian?

Or is Manjusri playing himself?

Yuan Hong and Shi Ji next to them showed such a sudden expression, thinking that the king really has a clever plan, sitting in the camp can control the outcome of the battlefield.

This person is really a peerless genius!

Seeing the admiration of the two, Zishou was even more speechless, these are not what I want, can you stop making up your minds, hey!

When the system reminded that the task was completed, and a sinister white paper banner appeared beside him, Zishou felt his head hurt even more.

How can you let Lord Ten Tian lose in the future!This incomplete broken formation can win, are the Twelve Golden Immortals just paper?

"Tomorrow's formation will be a fierce formation..."

Zishou thought quickly in his mind, once the ground burst into the formation, the ground broke, and thunder and fire spewed out, it is also a very powerful formation, how to do it...

"Hey, wait, could it be my arrangement that caused the Lost Soul Formation to kill Manjusri?"

Zishou suddenly realized a very important question. According to the original book, these ten unique formations cannot kill the Twelve Golden Immortals. Could it be his own intervention that led to the change of the plot?

"I don't care about the strong formation tomorrow." Zi Shou nodded secretly, maybe it was really because of his meddling that caused this situation.

The Shangying side heard that the Grand Master and others had returned to the camp with a great victory, and drank to their heart's content, while Xiqi's side also gritted their teeth after rescuing Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, wishing to kill Shangying immediately.

After all, although Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun was rescued, he lost his physical body, and it would take a lot of effort to come back from cultivation.

"What array is it tomorrow?" Taoist Ran Deng asked expressionlessly in the prime minister's mansion.

"The letter of war is a strong formation." Jiang Ziya held the letter of war and hesitated for a moment: "But..."

"Hmph, if we changed the Tianjue Formation to the Falling Soul Formation today, wouldn't we be able to change to the Earth Fierce Formation tomorrow?" Daoist Ran Deng snorted coldly.

Everyone gritted their teeth thinking about what happened today.

The commercial side is really shameless!

Extremely shameless!Don't talk about Xiande!

"In my opinion, we won't go to the battle formation tomorrow." Daoist Ran Deng pondered for a while and said, "You need someone with stronger strength to break the battle formation."

"Deputy Hierarch, let me go!" Chi Jingzi, who was wearing the fairy robe with purple ribbon, said, "I have the fairy robe with purple ribbon on me, so my soul cannot be captured by the falling soul formation, so I will go and break the formation! "

"Good!" Daoist Ran Deng nodded in agreement. Chi Jingzi ranked second, and his strength was considered top among the Twelve Golden Immortals, and he also had a lot of spiritual treasures, so it was naturally the safest way to let him break the formation.


"My lord, I heard that the Grand Master asked you if the formation is still changing today?" Early in the morning, Shi Ji walked up to Zi Shou and asked.

"Don't change! Fight on the spot!" Zishou said blankly, change your hammer, don't change!Get out now!

Empress Shiji nodded, and then found Wen Zhong to tell the news.

Wen Zhong was taken aback after hearing this, doesn't the king need to make arrangements?Could it be that you are confident in today's battle?

"What is your majesty's arrangement?" Qin Tianjun, the leader of the Heaven's Absolute Formation, asked.

Wen Zhong murmured: "Your Majesty told us not to change the formation, and let Zhao Tianjun go to the ground... Maybe it's because we trust Zhao Tianjun!"

Zhao Tianjun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother Wen, last night I studied all night and increased the power of the fierce formation by another [-]%. middle!"

Wen Zhongwenyan's eyes lit up, the Earthly Fierce Formation was ranked second, and its power was enormous. Compared with the Falling Soul Formation, Red Water Formation, and Red Sand Formation, it was less treacherous and changeable, but more ferocious.

If the Soul Falling Formation is said to be sinister and sinister, then the Land Fierce Formation is fierce and ruthless!The former kills with danger, while the latter kills with strength.

A power increase of [-]% doesn't seem like much, but it's actually huge for this formation.

"Okay! Wen Zhong first helped Brother Dao to win!" Wen Zhong laughed.

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