Duobao Tathagata gritted his teeth, jumped up, made mudras with his hands, clapped upwards, and shouted: "Om!"


The Chaos God's lightning struck him, and the black electric snake swam across his body in an instant.

Duobao Tathagata was so painful that he almost screamed, bit his teeth, mobilized his whole body's vital energy, and desperately resisted!


He spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered back, and put his back against the Daluo Tiantian Pillar, his face pale.

In order to block this divine thunder, he was seriously injured, but fortunately, Lingshan was temporarily saved.


The next divine thunder came crashing down, this time heading towards the leader of the Tongtian Church again.

Although the Master Tongtian was shocked, his face did not change, and he shouted: "All disciples back!"

He strode forward, barely raised the Qingping sword with both hands, and blocked it upwards!

With a bang, the divine thunder as thick as a bucket landed on Tongtian's body, and his black robe instantly shattered, and his whole body flew out, burning with black flames all over his body.



The disciples of Jiejiao stepped forward to rescue each other, one disciple stretched out his hand to pull Tongtian, as soon as he touched it, he felt a thunderbolt full of destructive aura penetrate into his body, without even humming, it was instantly reduced to ashes.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit exclaimed: "Everyone, don't approach the leader!"

The Holy Mother of Wudang was quick-sighted, and grabbed Fairy Bixiao who was rushing past.

Master Tongtian slowly got up from the ground and coughed violently. Every time he coughed, he spit out a mouthful of black flames.

"Master..." The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit had a worried look on her face.

Master Tongtian said: "I'm fine, don't get close to me..."

He looked up at the sky, only to feel that pair of sharp eyes glanced at him faintly, he was horrified, with his own cultivation, he could only catch three, and the next one would fall.

Moreover, Chaos God Thunder is mixed with Chaos Qi, which can consume the saint's origin, and if he suffers a lot, he may not be the original Tongtian after resurrection.

"The leader of Tongtian religion blocked three, Buddhism blocked two, Styx blocked one, and another killed Master Ziqing, and five fell to the lower realm, destroying hundreds of millions of living beings. There were twelve thunders in total. There are 69 thunderbolts, who should block them?" Haotian's face was heavy, even a single chaotic god thunder of ordinary Hunyuan couldn't stop it, not to mention that every time a thunder falls, the power of the next one will double.

Today's Chaos God Thunder is far more powerful than the first one!

The lead cloud in the sky turned, and a pair of Ling Rui eyes gradually moved forward, and then, suddenly, the golden claws were swiped, and a black and dark thunder suddenly struck towards the lower realm!

The direction is Dashang Chaoge City!

"not good!"

Zishou was shocked, if this thunderbolt fell on Chaoge City, the whole Chaoge City would be turned into ruins!

He jumped up, surrounded by divine swords, stretched out his hand, and the Qinglian sword slashed out!

This thunderbolt was a hundred times stronger than before, and as soon as it fell on Zishou, he felt his body go numb for an instant, and his soul wanted to get out of his body and escape far away!

"Not good! Tongtian can block three ways, I'm afraid I'm not much better than him!"

Zishou mobilized his true energy with all his strength, and the divine light turned quickly, resisting with all his strength, spreading the power of thunder.

The second thunderbolt will be twice as powerful as the first thunderbolt, and the third thunderbolt will be twice as powerful as the second thunderbolt...

Ganjiang Moxie, Abi Yuantu, Kong Zhoushoujian, Zhuxian Four Swords, Kunwu Eight Swords and other divine swords quickly rotated to consume the power of Thunder, and then Zishou's physical body carried them.

As the No. 13 thunderbolts were exhausted, Zishou took a deep breath. With his current strength, he could only catch one more, that is, he could only catch two Chaos Divine Thunders.

But this is not because his strength is not as good as Tongtian. If the power of the first thunder is 1, the second is 2, the third is 4, and the fourth is 8. At this time, No.13 is 4096, the power has doubled by more than a thousand times.

If it is No.14 road, it is 8192.

The lead cloud flipped, and those eyes moved forward faintly, reflecting a cold, playful light!

No. 14 thunderbolts suddenly fell, and the target was Zishou!

Zishou's expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "Fix the formation!"

The divine sword turned into a sword array, protecting the whole body again.

This time, when the divine thunder fell on him, it directly struck the generals Mo Xie, Abi Yuantu and the others to dispel the sword array, and the remaining power fell on Zishou, directly sending him flying wildly!

"Zi Shou!" Ping Xin's skirt flew out, reaching out to help him up.

Zi Shou coughed twice, stood up slowly, and said, "I can't die..."

The immortals were astonished, everyone could tell that each subsequent thunderbolt would be twice as powerful as the previous one, and even Di Xin was seriously injured after receiving two thunderbolts, who would be able to catch it next?

The lead cloud rolled, and the No.15 thunderbolt suddenly fell!

The object is still Zishou!

Zishou's eyes widened, and he almost yelled, Lei Ze was targeting him!

Ping Xin jumped up and rushed towards that thunderbolt!


The terrifying Lei Wei blatantly hit Pingxin. Pingxin gritted his silver teeth, his body surged with divine light, and he resisted with all his strength. He shouted coldly: "A mere attack, can it hurt anyone? Come again!"

Lei Ting seemed to be enraged, and another divine thunder struck towards Ping Xin!

Ping Xin moved forward to resist with both hands, and with a click, his hands were broken, and his divine light was lost!But she still stood in front of Zi Shou.

Immediately after, No.17, No.18, No.19, and No.20 fell one after another. This time, the interval was only two breaths, and almost four thunderbolts fell at the same time.

Zishou's eyes widened, it's not good, Lei Ze will die with peace of mind!

Pingxin gritted her silver teeth and resisted with all her strength, No.17 she staggered back, No.18 she spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the divine light on her body was shattered, No.19 her body was smashed and turned into fly ash , when No. 20 Dao fell, her Yuanshen flew up, her hands moved forward, and she tried her best to block it.


Pingxin was hit hard, and his body fell down suddenly. Zishou jumped out and reached out to catch him.

Pingxin's whole body was entwined with lightning, the pain made her frown, she clenched her silver teeth and said, "I didn't expect that I could only block six paths..."

Zishou hugged her, felt pain in his heart, and said, "Enough."

Chen Wuliang smiled and said: "Good chopping, it's best that the next thunderbolt will chop them all!"

The fairies were silent.

Although it is bad to think so, they do hope that the next Thunder will hit others.

As if to verify Chen Wuliang's words, the thunderclouds in the sky turned, and No. 20 struck down with a thunderbolt!

The goal is still Zishou!

When this thunderbolt fell, the whole world was plunged into darkness, and everyone could feel the destructive atmosphere in the air!Everyone can feel the unprecedented terror of this thunder!

Knowing that Lei Ze was going to kill them, Zishou jumped up and shouted, "Break!"

Surrounded by will-o'-the-wisps all over his body, the divine sword formed an array, and suddenly met this divine thunder.


The divine thunder strikes the top, blackening the electrified sea!

In an instant, Zishou heard a buzzing sound in his ears, and felt that the whole world lost its sound, and even his body lost his sense of pain, and he fell slowly down.

"I'm not going to die, am I?"

This was the only thought left in Zishou's mind.

"I won't die, I'm here!"

At this moment, there seemed to be a gentle voice in my ear.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a plain-clothed girl holding a paper umbrella, walking from the front.

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