Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 707 Holding an umbrella, leaning over, destroying the saint

Thick lead clouds accumulated in the outer sky, almost covering the entire Da Luo Tian.

In the cloud of lead, there is a pair of sharp eyes that are looking down on all living beings.

Ninety-nine and 81 thunderbolts have not passed halfway. The leader of Tongtian, Patriarch Minghe, Tathagata Buddha, Empress Pingxin, and even Zishou were all seriously injured.

All the immortals in Da Luo Tian knew that they still underestimated Lei Ze, the god of thunder of mountains and seas.

There is an insurmountable gap between saints and saints, even if they are as strong as Zishou, saints like Pingxin who are close to rank nine can't really match Lei Ze.

Haotian's heart sank suddenly, and the saints who have never made a move until now are Yuanshi Tianzun and Daozu Hongjun. However, the strength of the former is similar to that of Tongtian. Tongtian can catch three thunders, but Yuanshi may not be able to catch two thunders. Dao, because the further back the Chaos God Thunder is, the harder it is to hold it.

But Daozu has not been seen so far, and it seems that he has no plans to make a move.

Haotian is not a gloating idiot like Chen Wuliang, he knows very well that if the saints present can't fight anymore, then the gods like them will suffer next.

Following the No. 20 thunderbolt, the entire Da Luotian was almost submerged in a layer of extreme darkness, and the light between the sky and the earth was left with that terrifying thunderbolt.

This thunderbolt with the will to destroy all living beings pierced through time and space, instantly submerged Zishou.

In the eyes of all the gods, only the terrifying light of the thunder was left, and just a breath of the thunder exuded made people terrified, and despair flooded everyone's hearts like a tide.

"Can't handle it! Absolutely can't handle it!"

Everyone couldn't help but have this idea in their hearts, and then saw Zishou screaming in the thunder, his body was almost instantly destroyed by the thunder, and the soul even became transparent in the thunder.

Then, it fell down.

Where Zishou fell, the space was shattered by the black thunder, and endless darkness overflowed from the shattered time and space.

"Di Xin is dead? This is the No.20 thunder..."

Haotian was shocked, No. 20 thunderbolt is so terrifying, then the last thunderbolt, No. 80 thunderbolt, who in the wild can catch it?

"No! No. 80, a thunderbolt is not aimed at the saint at all, but at the entire prehistoric, against the prehistoric way of heaven, that thunder will definitely completely destroy the entire prehistoric desolate!" Haotian felt this thought, and fear couldn't help but It surged into his heart, devouring his reason, making him tremble violently, terrified beyond measure.

"If you can withstand this thunder, you already have the opportunity to prove the Dao." At this moment, a chuckle sounded not far away.

Under Huanghuang Tianwei, there were rumbling thunders all around, but this chuckle still reached everyone's ears very clearly.

Everyone including Haotian, Queen Mother, and Chen Wuliang raised their heads involuntarily, and looked in the direction of the light laughter.

I saw a girl in plain clothes appearing in Da Luo Tian Tian Que at some time, holding a paper umbrella, walking slowly towards this side.

The girl was wearing a clean white dress, her appearance was very beautiful, and she had a gentle smile on her face.

Although this young girl's appearance is not that kind of perfect beauty, but it left a deep impression on people. There is a gentle smile on her face. Her smile is like the cool breeze in the summer afternoon, which makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally.

"Who is this?"

All the immortals were slightly startled, why would a young girl come here at this time?Who is this person?Why have I never met this person before?

Zishou's eyes widened, and his lips moved: "Qingyan...you are finally here..."

Qingyan walked slowly towards Zishou, this step, as if she had crossed space and time, she came to Zishou in an instant and hugged him gently in her arms.

All the immortals, including Master Tongtian and Empress Pingxin, were shocked and found that they could not capture the figure of this woman. The other party seemed to be in a different dimension from them, as if they were gods walking in time and space.

Although Madam Pingxin was seriously injured, she did not fall after all. Looking at Qingyan, she was shocked and then suddenly said: "The reason why Zishou was able to break through the predicament repeatedly is not unrelated to this girl!"

Lying in Qingyan's arms, Zishou breathed a sigh of relief. He had absolute trust in Qingyan, and when he saw Qingyan, he knew he was fine.

It is also natural to let the primordial spirit fall into a deep sleep at the moment, and recover the trauma caused by the chaotic thunder.

"Leave the Chaos God Thunder to me. Get a good night's sleep. After you sleep, there are more important things waiting for you."

Qingyan smiled slightly, looked at an empty space next to her, and said with deep meaning, "Here you are."

She put the child down, held an umbrella, and walked towards the center of Lei Ting.

Lei Ze's eyes in the sky became sharper, and he suddenly let out a thunderous voice: "You are not from the prehistoric world. We have wiped out five of the nine parallel prehistoric worlds. Who are you?"

Qingyan didn't respond, she continued to walk forward holding an umbrella, Lei Ze roared, and a more terrifying thunderbolt struck down suddenly!

When this thunder fell, countless immortals fell to the ground in shock, trembling all over, and even the leader of the sky felt his legs trembling slightly.

However, when the thunder struck Qingyan's umbrella, it changed from big to small, from small to small, and in an instant, all of them were absorbed by her paper umbrella.

Lei Ze was frightened and angry, the lead cloud rushed, and the divine thunder fell!

He seemed to know that the comer was powerful, and this time, he sent down nine divine thunders without stopping, one after another pierced through time and space, and slammed into Qingyan!

With such power, the whole Daluotian seemed to be chopped into ashes!

However, when the terrifying chaotic thunders fell on top of Qingyan's head, they were all blocked by her paper umbrella.

She walked in the majestic place of thunder, like a leaf in the sea, but no matter how rough the tide was, she still could not submerge this leaf.

"Ignorant woman, you are courting death!"

Lei Ze was completely furious, thick clouds gathered again, violent winds blew up, violent thunder fell violently, and even more terrifying Chaos God Thunder spewed out, completely submerging the plain-clothed girl.

The girl in plain clothes came to the middle of the thunder with an umbrella, stopped, and showed a faint smile on her face: "There are differences in the way."

She leaned slightly, took out a thin long sword from nowhere, and slashed upwards.

But seeing the flash of blue light, there is no trace of power overflowing, as if ordinary people raised their swords and slashed towards the sky.

However, the next scene shocked all the gods watching beyond measure.

There was a muffled sound in the sky, and then a blood clot suddenly fell down!

And the lead cloud in the sky outside the sky also quickly dissipated, and the sky and the earth were bright again.

All the immortals looked at each other in amazement, but none of them spoke.

No one could believe that this scene in front of them actually happened for real.

An unknown woman easily injured Lei Ze?

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