Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 708 Saints Cooperate, Birth Heaven and Earth

The top of Kunlun Mountains.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes were horrified, and his body trembled slightly: "Who is this woman? What does it have to do with Di Xin?"

It was easy to catch the Chaos Divine Thunder, and it was suspected that Lei Ze was seriously injured. This kind of strength definitely surpassed that of a saint.However, above the prehistoric, how could such a strong man appear?

In Zixiao Palace.

Ancestor Hongjun's face was expressionless, but his eyes had already reflected the light of horror. In an instant, all the causes and consequences had been figured out.

"No wonder, it's no wonder that Di Xin was clearly wounded to death, but not only did he not die, but instead seized the primordial spirit of She Zhunti and gained the strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it's no wonder he was able to escape from death once or twice, turning the world around , it turned out to be this woman..."

Ancestor Hongjun stroked the Kunlun mirror in his arms, and the gods of Daluotian were reflected on the mirror, and even Lei Ze's majestic eyes were faintly reflected.

The thunder is like a constrictor, raging in Daluotian, entangled in the middle, but there is no one in the middle...

Ancestor Hongjun looked down at the Kunlun Mirror with a pensive look on his face.

"The Kunlun Mirror has the power to illuminate all ages. Although Lei Ze has surpassed the rank of a saint, his eyes are still illuminated by the Kunlun Mirror, but this woman can't see it at all... What is the reason? Because her strength has surpassed Has she exceeded the limit of the Kunlun Mirror, or does she not exist in this world?"


The immortals of Da Luo Tian turned pale in shock, even Ping Xin was greatly shocked, did Lei Ze be beheaded, or was he seriously injured?

But no matter which one it is, it is enough to see that this woman's strength is unfathomable.

Qingyan waved her willow limbs lightly, looked back with a smile, and said, "I don't want to stay here for long, so I'll leave it to you. Although Lei Ze is gone, the Taoist Lord will always come. At that time, the real calamity of Hong Huang will be revealed." .”

After she finished speaking, she held an umbrella and walked towards Tianque.

One second it was still in Daluotian, and the next second it had disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

After confirming that Qingyan had really left completely, the immortals dared to take a big breath, recalling the scene they saw just now, everyone felt a sense of unreality.

Lei Ze's strength had already surpassed their imagination, and Qingyan easily injured Lei Ze severely, they felt trembling even thinking about this kind of existence.


When Zishou woke up, he had already appeared in the Golden Palace in the Primordial Realm.

When he moved a little, he felt a murderous aura rushing around in the primordial spirit, causing his whole body to almost split apart in pain.

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded from the side: "Zi Shou, are you awake?"

Zishou turned his face to look, Deng Chanyu, Long Ji, Jiang Qian and other women were all beside him.

Deng Chanyu just wanted to explain what happened after Zishou passed out of coma, Zishou said: "Although I fell into a deep sleep, I know what happened outside, and it was Pingxin who sent me back."

He sat cross-legged, took a deep breath, looked inside himself, and found that his primordial spirit was in a mess, the Xiantian sword was in the lung aperture, wrapped in a cloudy and chaotic breath, and lost his vitality , The Miserable Ghost Fire was split into pieces compared to the Chaos God Thunder, leaving only a small wisp still burning deep in the heart orifice, and the true energy was completely swallowed by the Chaos Qi, and even a cloud of Chaos Qi rose to the Niwan Palace, which is now Devouring his origin...

Zishou couldn't help taking a deep breath from this introspection. Fortunately, he is a saint, fortunately he has the protection of the primordial way of heaven. If it were someone else, the original source would be completely decomposed by the energy of chaos at this time, but he would be resurrected into a person without any Memory, the sage of emotion...

"I've only been hurt by a few thunderbolts, so what about Pingxin?" Zi Shou was slightly startled, and asked, "Chanyu, where's Pingxin?"

Deng Chanyu said: "Ms. Pingxin sent you to the Hongmeng Realm and then returned to the underworld to recuperate."

Princess Longji added: "When the empress left, her face was so pale that it was frightening. She said that she would go back to the underworld to recover from her injuries for a few days and she would be fine. Master Tongtian also looked like this, but Master Tongtian looked better, so he also went back to Biyou Palace gone."

Zishou nodded, and said, "Tongtian was not seriously injured, it's just not like us..."

After comforting the women, Zishou said, "I'm fine, you go away first, I'll get hurt."

Deng Chanyu and the others didn't dare to disobey, they all nodded and left obediently.

After they left, Zi Shou's facial features were distorted in pain, and his body was sweating like streams of sweat. The Chaos Divine Thunder in Yuanshen was like sharp knives, cutting in all directions.

The pain of the body can still be endured, but the pain of the soul is thousands of times more painful than the pain of the body.

Zishou was in so much pain that he wished he could die directly.

Hongmeng Tiandao released a gentle power of heaven, brushing on him, helping him resist the chaos.

Panting heavily, Zishou gritted his teeth and said, "Damn Lei Ze, if one day I become a saint, I will definitely catch you and let you experience this pain!"

At this moment, the surrounding time seemed to stop instantly, and everything in the Golden Palace was stopped, and then a girl in plain clothes walked in slowly, with gentle eyes, who is it not Qingyan?

"Qingyan, quickly help me get rid of the Primal Chaos Qi in my body..."

Zishou hurriedly called for help.

Qingyan came to him, swayed her waist slightly, leaped into the air, sat in the air, and said with a smile: "I am here to help you. The Chaos God Thunder contains the power of the Dao, and ordinary methods cannot solve it. , may be able to survive, but it will take thousands of years of work to dispel the power of chaos."

Zishou's face immediately became ugly, thousands of years?Let him struggle in pain for thousands of years?

Qingyan continued: "But you don't have this time anymore. Lei Ze was severely injured by me. After returning, the Hunyuan Daoist will come to the prehistoric world in person. It is useless for you to hide in the Primordial Realm if a Dao enters the prehistoric world."

"Then what to do?" Zishou asked.

With a smile on Qingyan's face, she said, "So you must break through rank nine and successfully refine the power of chaos before the Hunyuan Taoist descends on the prehistoric world. Only then will you have a little chance of surviving this catastrophe."

Zishou said: "Are you kidding? It's not so easy to break through the ninth rank... What spiritual treasure did you bring for me?"

Qingyan said: "I didn't bring Lingbao this time, but I brought other things."

She paused and continued: "The sage makes peace, gives birth to the world, and creates all things. You only need to have intercourse with the sage in this small world, and the yin and yang are intertwined. First, use the sage's breath to make the Hongmeng Realm mature. With the help of dual cultivation, refining the chaotic energy in the body, with the help of this power of the Dao to break through the ninth rank, you may be able to step into the world of the Dao in the future..."

Seeing Qingyan's beautiful figure and soft face, Zishou opened his mouth, "Really?"

"Well, of course..."

Qingyan was stunned for a moment, realizing that his expression was wrong, her face flushed, she shook her head and said, "It's not me! It's her."

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