Difu, Peaceful Heart Hall.

The bead curtain hangs lightly, and the golden beast breathes out its fragrance.

Empress Pingxin sat cross-legged behind the curtain, although she looked indifferent, her breathing became rapid.

With a gentle smile on her face, a girl in plain clothes seemed to be standing in front of her somewhat restrained.

"You are the woman behind him? It's not that easy for you to help him. What do you want to do?" Ping Xin said coldly.

Qingyan smiled and said: "I will only help him, not harm him."

Ping Xin sneered and said: "You want me to double cultivate with him, what about you? What benefits do you want to seek from it?"

Qingyan still had a gentle smile: "It doesn't matter what interests I seek, what matters is that this is the only way to save Honghuang."

Pingxin fell silent. Just now, this girl came to her and told her the method of refining the Chaos Qi left by the Chaos God Thunder, and told her how to mature the Primordial Realm.

"The master of the Hongmeng Realm is not Zi Shou, nor me. Even if we cultivate together, we may not be able to make the Hongmeng Realm a real big world." Ping Xin gave her a cold look and said, "The real master of the Hongmeng Realm is Nuwa, Unless you kill her, no one can replace the Primordial Realm, so... did you do something?"

Qingyan looked at Pingxin with a smile, and said: "Who said that you have to kill Nuwa to replace the Hongmeng Realm? The master of the Hongmeng Realm is here, but you can't see it."

Ping Xin was taken aback: "What did you say?"

Qingyan turned around slowly and looked at the corner of the hall, as if there was an invisible person there.

"Her state is like a memory. She cannot be seen, heard, or touched. She can only appear briefly through the Primordial Realm. She has always been by your side, but you don't know it."

Qingyan said slowly: "The sage negotiates peace and gives birth to the world. If you want to face the disaster in the future, you have to prove the real sage... Besides, she has already agreed."

Calm and silent, she looked at the hall, although she couldn't see anyone, she could vaguely feel a girl in red clothes sitting there smiling and looking at her.

"What an annoying woman." Ping Xin said.

Qingyan stared at the time and space in front of her, and said: "Invisible and inaudible, but because of the connection of the Hongmeng Realm, you have the opportunity to make a move. Once the Hongmeng Realm is truly delivered, your existence will be completely erased and you will disappear without a trace. Even if it's me, I won't be able to find you again. You should think clearly."

She made a listening movement and nodded: "Well, well, I see."

Looking back at Ping Xin, he said, "How is it? Ping Xin, have you thought it through?"

Pingxin stared at her and said, "What do you mean? Once Nuwa surrenders the Primordial Realm, she will never come back?"

Qingyan did not answer, but said: "You two cultivated, no one is at a loss, both of you can refine the energy of chaos, and you can become a nine-turn saint, and secondly, Hongmeng Realm will also mature because of it. There is a second prehistoric existence. If you don’t want to choose this path, your primordial spirit is likely to be completely consumed by the energy of chaos, and even if you are resurrected, it will no longer be you, so you have to think clearly.”

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left without giving her a chance to think about it.

Pingxin stared at the background of Qingyan, and his thoughts were ups and downs.

Qingyan walked out of hell in an instant, and suddenly said: "What? What if she doesn't want to? Then knock her out and take her away. You don't think I really came to ask her if she wants to?"

The time and space in front of him suddenly surged with waves.

Qingyan said: "Huh? Haven't chased him out yet? Alright! Maybe you're still hesitating, but you don't have time to hesitate. My strike is very important, so you don't have to worry about your best friend."


Zishou was dumbfounded when he watched Qingyan gently pour out a woman in black from a cage of cloud sleeves.

I saw a golden rope tied around the girl's body, her face full of grievance and anger, who is it not?

"You... what did you do? What happened to Pingxin?" Zishou opened his mouth.

Qingyan said: "Don't worry, she's fine, I won't attack hard."

Is this a question of whether you are serious about it?Zishou was stunned: "You...you..."

Qingyan smiled slightly, swayed her waist, turned her head and left, and said: "The Dao has no form, no name, no question, no response. It is big without outside, and its small has no inside. You can't get it to know it, and you can't get it to do it... …Only when yin and yang make peace can the world be born and the world be born, and a chance of life be won.”

She left the Hongmeng Realm, came all the way to an island, and suddenly said: "Huh? Do you feel ashamed? Um... You are wrong. In fact, she is willing, but she can't let it go. I will beat her up." Halo, in fact, her wish was fulfilled, and in this way, she turned the initiative into a passive one. She still has some thoughts."

The time and space around him swayed slightly.

Qing Yan said: "Huh? Why do you ask me to help him?"

She smiled slightly, looked up at the vast sea, and said, "Because..."

Time and space rippled, and the invisible man's mood was shaken.

Qingyan said: "If you cede the Primordial Realm to him, you will never be found again. Even I may not be able to make you reappear in the world. Do you really want to?"

She listened intently for a while, nodded, and said softly: "The heavens have the dry way, and the yang is what it uses. The earth has the kun way, and the yin is what it uses. If the heaven and the earth are not intertwined, how can yin and yang be in harmony? If yin and yang are not in harmony, how does the universe work? Heaven and earth have no effect, although there is a time of beginning and a day of success, how can the Dao be obtained?"

After a pause, she said: "This is a necessary process for the growth of heaven and earth, do you understand?"


At this moment, Zi Shou's face was full of embarrassment, he stretched out his hand to untie the golden rope from Ping Xin's body, and said, "It's all messed up by the dog system, Ping Xin, I'm sorry."

Pingxin stared at him, lowered her head, bit her lip and said: "She has nailed my soul."

Zishou was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Is your primordial spirit pinned down? How do you untie it?"

Ping Xin whispered: "You help me up, I will meditate for a while."

Zishou nodded, and followed her words. When he touched her skin, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Ping Xin's cheeks also became hot instantly.

She took a deep breath and made a sitting motion.

However, after a while, the pain caused cold sweat to drip down, soaking the thin shirt on his body.

Zishou hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ping Xin said: "Most of the primordial spirit has been sealed, and the air of chaos can't be controlled..."

She tried to speak calmly, but her voice trembled.

Zishou was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood Qingyan's arrangement: to seal Pingxin's primordial spirit so that she could not resist the chaos, and in order to save her, he had to cultivate both peace and heart.

And this actually gave the two of them a step down.

We are not for dual cultivation, but for survival.

Zishou looked at Pingxin's delicate body, couldn't help swallowing, and said, "Pingxin, there is only one way."

Ping Xin lowered her head and let out a hum from her nose.

After all, Zishou is an old driver, knowing that if he didn't say he didn't want to, it meant he was willing, so he leaned forward, gently hugged him, and said, "Sister Pingxin, I offended you."

He stretched out his face and kissed her cherry lips.


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