In the Golden Palace, water and milk blend together, there is this in that, and there is that in this.

In the violent storm, Pingxin felt his soul was ecstatic, and his heart floated out of the sky, wishing to rub himself into the sub-receptor, and never separate from then on.

At the same time, great changes are taking place in the Hongmeng Realm.

First, Hongmeng Tiandao quietly handed over the sovereignty, which was completely tied to Zishou, and then, great changes were also taking place in various parts of the small world.

A burst of clear light surged from the Golden Palace, quickly covering the primordial world, and the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was also undergoing transformation.

First, there was a continuous flow of rich spiritual energy from the earth, and then the quantitative change of the spiritual energy caused a qualitative change, and it even brought a trace of purple energy.

The fairy breeds, and the dead tree rejuvenates.

The creatures on the earth are endowed with wisdom, some deer are bathed in the clear light, and they slowly transform into human forms, some ginseng plants are transformed into thousand-year-old golden ginseng overnight, and some dry stones are endowed with spiritual wisdom...

The sky and the earth took on a new look, and countless creatures made pleasant sounds in the clear light.

The ones who felt it most clearly were Deng Chanyu, Jiang Qian, Tiannv Ba and other women.

When the aura of the small world undergoes a qualitative change, the goddess Ba with the highest cultivation is the first to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

She looked surprised and said blankly: "What's going on? Why did I suddenly break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

After a little feeling, she found that the aura in the small world had changed greatly.

Deng Chanyu said: "Me too...Although I haven't broken through to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, I feel that I'm only one step away from the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

Others also more or less found that their cultivation had risen, breaking through the shackles that had been stuck for a long time.

The girls looked at each other, not knowing why, but they thought that the changes in the small world should be related to Zishou.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit looked towards the Golden Palace, and from a distance, she could only see that this palace was protected by the power of heaven, shrouded in red light, and the vitality here was the most intense.

"Your Majesty is in the Golden Palace, he must have done something to change the Primordial Realm!" The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit couldn't help but said.

Tiannv Ba's face changed slightly, and she suddenly thought of something: "It is not that simple to transform the small world. The golden palace is shrouded in red light, full of vitality, and the continuous overflow of vitality is a sign of the birth of the world... Who is he with? Double cultivation?"

"Come on, let's go and see."

Tiannv Ba felt a little sour in her heart, so she soared into the sky and came to the Golden Palace.

When they got outside the palace, they found that the Golden Palace had been protected by the law of saints, and no one could enter.

The door was closed tightly, and it was impossible to see what was going on inside, but there was a faint groaning sound.

The sound was so faint that if it wasn't for the goddess Ba who had been certified as the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, she wouldn't be able to hear it.

The celestial girl Ba secretly said: "Zi Shou is cultivating both with others. Only a saint who cultivates with both can radiate such vitality... Who is this saint?"

The first thing Tiannvba thought of was Master Tongtian, she hurriedly shook her head, thinking that she was thinking wildly, how can a man and a man both cultivate?

"Among the female saints, Nuwa is the only one with peace of mind. Nuwa has been missing for a long time, so the person who double cultivates with him is peace of mind..."

The goddess Ba gritted her silver teeth angrily, and said angrily: "This woman, who pretends to be so noble, when did she hook up with him? Didn't she say she was going back to the underworld to recuperate?"

She changed her mind, if it was Nvwa, it was not impossible: "Perhaps Nvwa has come back, the double cultivation of saints, the birth of heaven and earth, will never end so soon, go to the underworld to see if Pingxin is there and you will know."

Later, Deng Chanyu, Princess Longji and others all came over. The goddess Ba reached out to stop them and said, "Don't worry about it. The Golden Palace is protected by the law of saints. If you can't get in, let's go to the underworld."

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit said weakly: "Heavenly girl, what happened inside?"

Tiannv Ba stared at her, and said coldly: "Ask the question knowingly!"

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit is not the love idiot who was ignorant at the beginning, she immediately widened her eyes and said, "Who is it?"

"How do I know who it is?" Tiannu Ba said impatiently, "I'm going to the underworld, do you want to go?"

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit said: "Go!"

The others more or less thought of something, thinking that instead of staying here and waiting, it would be better to go to hell to verify.

It takes decades for saints to intercourse and give birth to heaven and earth.

It takes 100 years for Shiva and Uma to interbreed once, and Indian civilization was born in these 100 years.

Looking at the changes in the Hongmeng Realm, it will take a long time to conceive and mature.

At present, all the girls left the Hongmeng Realm and went to the underworld.

Fortunately, Zishou had given them the right to open the Primordial Realm, and they hadn't completely closed the Primordial Realm, so they were able to enter and exit freely.


Ten years passed in a flash.

Ten years is one-tenth of the lifespan for ordinary people, but it is just a snap of the fingers for practitioners.

For the Saints, ten years is almost the same as 10 minutes.

In the first ten years, Tiannv Ba and the others arrived in the underworld, tried every means to find out that Pingxin had left the underworld, and the answer came out on paper.

Everyone felt a strong sense of frustration when they thought that their future rival in love would be Empress Pingxin.

Even a Nuwa makes them feel pressured and unmatched, and now there is a calm empress.

After discussing with the girls, they finally made the decision to form an alliance to fight against Pingxin.

In the second ten years, the changes in the Hongmeng Realm were particularly great, and many creatures that did not exist before were born one after another.

The Golden Palace is still tightly closed, and infinite vitality gushes out from it.

The women waited bitterly for their sons to be seen, and they also knew that this was a long process, ranging from five or sixty years to a hundred or hundreds of years.

After all, the double cultivation of sages is not for pleasing oneself, but for procreating the world and giving birth to creatures.

In the third decade, the first group of orangutans appeared in Hongmeng Realm, playing and frolicking in the mountains and forests all day long.

Tiannvba and others invited Sanxiao into the Hongmeng Realm, and felt the spirits of heaven and earth in the realm. During this year, Yunxiao also took advantage of the trend to break through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and Deng Chanyu followed closely, and even stepped out of this realm .

If it weren't for all kinds of adventures, coupled with the maturity of the primordial world, Deng Chanyu might not be able to step into the Hunyuan stage in her entire life.

In the fourth decade, the section of Hongmeng Realm has expanded a thousand times, and it has broken away from the boundaries of the small world.And during this year, Su Mei suddenly became seriously ill, and no matter how many pills she took, she didn't get better.The girls were in a hurry, but Zhunti was dead at that time, Tathagata and Tongtian were recuperating, and when Yun Zhongzi was facing a breakthrough, no sage could help him.

On a certain day, Su Mei left suddenly, vanished like snow and never appeared again.All the girls went to Qiongbi and fell to Huangquan, but they didn't find her.

At the same time, a question gradually expanded in the hearts of the girls: Su Mei is a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, why did she get seriously ill?

In the fifth decade, the Hongmeng Realm is close to maturity, and its volume has expanded again, and it can already be regarded as half a prehistoric one.

In the sixth decade, the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit broke through the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

In the seventh decade, Zhongli broke through the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian, and Jiang Qianxiu became a quasi-sage.

In the eighth decade, Tathagata became a saint.

In the ninth decade, the prehistoric and heavenly ways changed drastically, the earth shook violently, all kinds of chaos appeared on the earth, the sea of ​​blood dried up, the sun and the moon disappeared, and the river flow reversed.

There is a fairy family divination, and after reaching a conclusion, he vomits blood and dies violently!

During the period, there was no movement in Zixiao Palace.

In the 100th year, West Kunlun collapsed, the sky opened up, strange beasts sprang out, and chaos ensued!

The Tathagata Buddha of Xiniu Hezhou led all the Buddhas back to Lingshan, Yinjiao of Nanfangbuzhou led the immortals to guard the land, and the disciples of Jiejiao stepped out of Biyou Palace and went to West Kunlun to hunt strange beasts, but Yuxu Palace hid in the small world. Zixiao Palace was also silent.

And in this year, the Hongmeng Realm is also close to maturity, but the law of saints in Tianzhu Palace has become more stringent, and no one can approach within a radius of ten miles.

During this year, a catastrophe suddenly fell on Da Shang, Concubine Su blocked the catastrophe, suffered heavy injuries, and suffered serious damage to her vitality.Yin Jiao was also injured by lightning.

Jiang Qian learned that she wanted to visit Chaoge City.

Deng Chanyu and other women were worried that Jiang Qian would go alone, and proposed to go with them, and they also took Xiao Jinxue to leave the Hongmeng Realm together.

Just after Deng Chanyu and others left the Primordial Realm, in the Golden Palace, the laws of saints suddenly tended to disintegrate.

And the aura in the Hongmeng Realm also ushered in its last transformation.

It seems that the people in the palace are completing the last step and sprinting to the top.


Biyou Palace.

Although most of the Jiejiao disciples went out of the island to fight against the strange beasts pouring out of the Kunlun Tiankeng, Tongtian retreated to recuperate, the Holy Mother of Jinling, the Holy Mother of Wudang and other figures naturally stayed outside Biyou Palace, just in case.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked at Biyou Palace with its gates closed, her brows slightly frowned, and her face showed a worried look: "Ever since the leader was struck by the Chaos God's thunder 100 years ago, he has been recuperating and recuperating until now, but he still hasn't left." Signs, now that something happened in the prehistoric West Kunlun, if there is no leader, what should the teacher do next?"

The Holy Mother of Wudang pondered and said: "All the attendants went to Tiankeng. I heard that there appeared a strange and fierce beast that had never been seen before. It was extremely powerful, and Daluo Jinxian was in danger of falling when he encountered it. Now the leader has not come out of seclusion. Why don't we close the mountain gate and strictly prohibit disciples from leaving the island?"

The Holy Mother of Jinling showed a contemplative look on her face, and said: "Should you close the mountain gate... Di Xin hasn't heard from him for a hundred years, and he seems to be recuperating from his injuries. They were injured too badly back then. Now the prehistoric sages are only Daozu and Uncle..."

The Holy Mother of Guiling suddenly sneered and said: "That old dog in Yuanshi has closed the mountain gate long ago. He didn't make a move a hundred years ago, and he doesn't make a move now. Who knows what he's planning? As for Daozu, hehe, he's the same dog!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit scolded.

At this moment, a disciple on Zizhi Cliff suddenly shouted: "Who dares to forcibly break into Zizhi Cliff?"


"Ah! What is it..."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit frowned, and when she turned her head, she saw a black-robed Taoist walking slowly from a distance, every step must have covered a distance of hundreds of feet.

And the Jiejiao disciples who approached the black-robed Taoist fell back heavily one after another!

"Who is it! How dare you be so presumptuous!" Shouted the Holy Mother of Jinling, unsheathed the Four Elephant Sword in her hand, and jumped towards the black-robed Taoist. When she arrived in front of the black-robed Taoist, she was suddenly taken aback, and said in horror: "Old... Teacher? You... why are you outside? No! Not a teacher!"

At this moment, the black-robed Taoist had already missed the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and walked to Biyou Palace.

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