Half of the black-robed man's face was hidden under the hat, only his slashed chin was exposed. With a long sword hanging from his waist, he strode towards Biyou Palace.

The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit was startled, and shouted: "Don't let him get close to Biyou Palace!"

Although the man in front of him looks exactly like the leader of Tongtian, the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit knows that the real leader of Tongtian is recuperating in Biyou Palace. If he leaves the seclusion, these disciples will never know.

In addition, this person exudes an aura that strangers should not get close to, which is completely different from the leader of Tongtian.

The Holy Mother of Wudang let out a low cry, raised her green steel sword and stood in front of the gate of Biyou Palace, raising her arms, ready to do her best.

Other disciples in the palace also gathered around one after another, offering their own natal spirit treasures, and the aura of the spirit treasures instantly locked onto the black-robed man.

However, at the next moment, the black-robed man took a step forward, as if he had traveled through countless time and space in an instant, he actually passed through the intercepting disciples who were besieging him, and arrived in front of the palace gate in an instant.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was terrified. She only felt that the man seemed to be walking on another higher latitude. He was clearly walking slowly in front of him, but it gave the impression that he was walking on another plane.

At this moment, a blue light flashed across the Biyou Palace, and it fell towards the top of the black-robed man's head in an instant, but it was a simple and simple long sword.

This sword exudes a strong killing intent, once it falls, even time and space seem to be divided by it!

However, when the long sword fell half a foot above the black-robed man's neck, it stopped abruptly, trembling continuously!

It was caught by a wide hand!

When this hand was raised without skill, it held the long sword tightly.

The razor-sharp blade couldn't hurt the skin.

"Qingping sword?"

The black-robed man was thoughtful, grasping the Qingping sword with his bare hands, ignoring the obstruction of the saint's law, and directly stepped into Biyou Palace!

Biyou Palace was surging, as if a stone had been thrown into the water, and then subsided.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the others looked at each other in shock.

"What should I do? He's gone in!" The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit changed her face drastically.

"Go in and help the teacher." Wu Yunxian said murderously.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said with an ugly face: "This is the saint's law laid down by the teacher. If the teacher does not take the initiative to revoke it, none of us will be able to enter!"

Wu Yunxian said in horror: "Then how did he get in? What should we do?"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said: "This is a game at the level of a saint. Even if we want to intervene, there is nothing we can do. We can only ask the saint to help. Immortal Wu Yun, you have fast feet, go to Zhongnan Mountain to invite Yun Zhongzi, it is useless, you go to Yu Xu Gong, I invite Master, I will personally go to Zixiao Palace and tell our ancestors about this matter."

As soon as she thought about it, she made an arrangement.

Now there are only a few saints in the prehistoric world, Di Xin, retreating with peace of mind, Nuwa missing for a hundred years, and the remaining three saints. If you don't go to the old saint like Tongtian, let Wu Yunxian invite him, and you have to invite another saint.

Yuanshi Tianzun had a grudge before, but after all, he and his teacher are brothers and sisters, so they should not just sit idly by. The Virgin Mary of Wudang is cautious by nature and careful in doing things, so it would be best to let her go.

And he went to Zixiao Palace.


Biyou Palace.

The leader of Tongtian religion sat cross-legged on a futon, and suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes swept forward like lightning.

I saw a black-robed man appearing in the palace at some time, this man grasped the Qingping sword in his left hand, and lightly threw it on the ground with a loud clang.

Seeing this very familiar face, the Master Tongtian was slightly startled, then suddenly realized, and said, "You are me in another parallel prehistoric place? That's right, there is only you, Tongtian of mountains and seas."

The black-robed man raised his head, smiled faintly, and under the hat revealed a face exactly like that of the leader of Tongtian, and said, "Hello, Tongtian."

The leader of Tongtian said with a smile: "I didn't expect to see myself in another parallel world in this life. What are you doing here? Well, you will never come to me to talk about it. You came to kill me?"

Shan Haitongtian said indifferently: "In the past, the Taoist master saw the birth and death of the universe and realized the way of eternity. Only when life and death depend on each other can we achieve balance and obtain eternity. Break the balance of Daewoo. I came here this time to send you on your way."

Master Tongtian smiled instead of anger: "Okay, I also want to see how powerful I am in another world!"

He stretched out his hand and sucked it, and the Qingping sword flew to his palm.

"If I remember correctly, the same people can't meet each other, and the same people can't meet each other. If they meet, one of them will disappear, right?" Tongtian Jiaozhu said.

Shanhai Tongtian nodded slightly, as a response.

"One sword." He said.

"One sword?" Tong Tian was puzzled.

"One sword will send you on your way." After he finished speaking, the long sword around his waist had been unsheathed!

It was another Qingping sword!

Master Tongtian's face was solemn, he held the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and said, "I only have one sword..."


"They are here."

On a sea island, a girl in plain clothes sat cross-legged under a peach tree, suddenly raised her head, looked at the sky, and seemed to be talking to herself, because there was no one else beside her: "Can you stop it? Honghuang's combat power is not the same, and the mountains and seas are considered to be a world of a higher plane than the Honghuang here. Naturally, no one can stop it."

She swayed her willow waist slightly, stood up, jumped onto the peach tree, leaned on the branch of the peach tree, and swayed gently with the wind.

He made another lazy gesture, looked at the sky, and said, "But when you meet the same person in the parallel world, which one should disappear depends on who is stronger...Hmm? You want to ask me why I know?"

The girl said softly: "I am walking alone in the endless time and space, looking for a dream. I have seen many things on the way, and it is not surprising to know these... What? What kind of dream is that?"

The girl was silent for a while, then raised her head and said, "I don't know, it should be sad and happy. Maybe that dream will make people uncomfortable, but I will always find it."

"I am walking in endless time and space, looking for a dream. That dream is both sad and joyful. It can make people sad, but I always want to find it."

"Why didn't I make a move? Well, I'm not as omnipotent as you imagined. The Taoist is the Taoist, and Lei Ze is Lei Ze. The two are as different as clouds and mud. I don't want to attack the Taoist."

In this small world, the girl was lying on the peach tree, as if she used it as a cradle, she quickly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

She sleeps beautifully, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a gentle smile, as if she is having a sweet dream.


"...That's it. The saint is ready, that person is extremely powerful." Wu Yunxian and Yun Zhongzi rushed to Biyou Palace anxiously.

Yun Zhongzi had just left the customs and was certified as a second-rank saint, so he and Wu Yunxian came here, slightly startled, and guessed the identity of that person.

When the two arrived at Biyou Palace, Yun Zhongzi just said, "Stay back, I will break the law of saints."

Then I saw a blue light streaking out from the Biyou Palace, the sword light spanned thousands of miles, and directly cut a mountain in the distance into two sections!

Then the law of saints in Biyou Palace broke, and the earth shook rumblingly.

Yun Zhongzi's expression changed drastically, and he stretched out his hands to circulate the sage's true essence, protecting the Jiejiao disciples.

At this time, a person slowly walked out of Biyou Palace.

Black robe, black hair.

Youth, long sword.

Who is not Tongtian?

Tong Tian raised his head, with an indifferent expression, and said, "Yun Zhongzi? Well, it's just in time."

Yun Zhongzi took a deep breath and made a defensive movement.

Wu Yunxian said: "You...are you the leader?"

He looked into Biyou Palace, and saw that it was pitch black, but he couldn't see anything.

Master Tongtian slowly drew out the Qingping sword, walked towards Yun Zhongzi, and said, "If a saint is not dead, he is a thief. I will send you on your way."

Wu Yunxian's complexion suddenly changed!This is the sky of mountains and seas!

Yun Zhongzi took out his long sword, and said with a solemn face, "The real Tongtian has been replaced by him, you guys go away!"

Shanhaitongtian has already taken a step, so close to the end of the world, the Qingping sword stabs out!

The speed is so fast that even Yun neutron can't see clearly!

Yun Zhongzi clawed forward with both palms, but the sword seemed to predict his movement, and it actually pierced his palms directly, and then the tip of the sword pierced Yun Zhongzi's chest and passed through his back.

Yun Zhongzi's eyes widened, and disbelief was written all over his face.

Hurry, it's too fast!

He was always on guard, but he still couldn't block the sword!

If Yun Zhongzi knew that even Shiva could not resist the sword technique of Master Tongtian, he would know that his defeat was not wronged.

The corners of Tongtian Cult Leader's lips curled up slightly, and he said, "Goodbye!"

Golden light gushed out from the Qingping sword, directly submerging Yun Zhongzi's whole body!

Yun Zhongzi was terrified, and Yuanshen wanted to escape in all directions, but at this moment, he froze for a moment...


Outside the Zixiao Palace.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit stood outside the door, gritting her teeth.

She didn't see Patriarch Hongjun, and was stopped by the boy Shuihuo when she came to the door.

Then Daozu asked Shuihuo Boy to spread the word, saying that he already knew, and let Jinling leave.

The Holy Mother of Jinling gritted her teeth and said, "Could it be that Taoist ancestor is unwilling to make a move?"

If Daozu was willing to make a move, why would he not come out of Zixiao Palace?

Or, Daozu has already made arrangements?

"Where should I go to find a savior now?"

She couldn't think of any saint who could help the teacher now, so she left in a daze.

Suddenly raised his head, only to realize that he had come to Xiniu Hezhou unknowingly.

Suddenly, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit thought of the Tathagata of Many Treasures of Hezhou Buddhism in Xiniu.

"Duobao was originally a big brother, but now he has certified as a high-level Hunyuan. Although he is not a saint, his strength is not bad, so I went to invite him."

Thinking of this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit quickened her pace and flew towards Lingshan.

As soon as she arrived at the foot of Lingshan, she heard the sound of fighting from Lingshan.

Hearing an unruly voice laughing wildly: "Tread the clouds, walk on the moon and go with the wind, only cover the sky with your palms and sing the wind! Smelly woman, are you worthy of joining hands with me?"

"Can you beat him alone? If we don't join forces, we will all die!" Another female voice said with shock and anger.

"Bah! Who is I, Xu, weaker than in this life? Teaming up is the behavior of the weak, and the strong should fight alone! Joining forces is a joke! In the eyes of the strong, there is no place for the weak like you!"

"Go and seek death by yourself, I won't accompany you anymore!"

"It's best to leave, old man, Xu will fight with you again!"


I still have to visit relatives today, there is only one update, and this book is coming to an end. It was originally scheduled to be finished in early February, and it may have to be postponed to the end of February.

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