The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit went up to the peak of Deling Mountain, and saw that the Daxiong Palace had been broken into a big hole, and countless fragments of weapons and magic weapons were scattered on the ground.Buddhist Guanyin, Puxian, Manjusri, Lingji and others stood inside, raising their weapons and gazing at the field intently.

Sitting on the lotus platform, the Tathagata Buddha also watched the fierce struggle of the three people in the field.

The old monk was thin, with a pale face, his body was sluggish, and he was missing a right arm. He was obviously seriously injured in the fight just now.

Outside the treasure hall, an old man in white came riding on the clouds and snow, with clouds rising above his head, covering his whole body, and lotus flowers blooming under his feet, supporting the supreme dharma.

With a smile on his face, he held a green jade ruyi in his hand, emitting a faint light. He sacrificed the jade ruyi from time to time, and beat a young man back again and again.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was taken aback. Who is the old man but Yuanshi Tianzun?

"Why did Yuanshi Tianzun come here? No, no, this is not Yuanshi Tianzun, this is Yuanshi Tianzun from another prehistoric world. He came to Buddhism. Who is fighting with him? Xu Fengyin?"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit moved her eyes and landed on the person who was fighting with Yuanshi Tianzun.

The man was dressed in white, holding a long sword in his hand, with demonic energy rolling all over his body, with a rebellious look on his face, he was Xu Fengyin, the former Ertian Venerable of Demon Sect.

Xu Fengyin has reached the pinnacle of cultivation in recent years. Not only has he reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage, but he has also taken the most critical step, obtaining the Hunyuan fruit status.

And there was a woman standing behind Xu Fengyin, wearing a black dress, but upon closer inspection, it was transformed into black flames, and her whole body was like a black rose burning in the fire.At the same time, she looks delicate and beautiful, and looks extremely coquettish.

"Who is this person? I can't see the cultivation level on her body. Could it be that she is also a Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal?" The Holy Mother of Jinling thought to herself.

The long sword in Xu Fengyin's hand shook rapidly, and he successively made moves towards Shanhai Yuanshi, but Yuanshi Tianzun had Zhutian Qingyun protecting his body, no matter how he made moves, it would be difficult to hurt a single bit.

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted softly, grabbed the Pangu banner with his left hand, swung it violently, and rolled it towards Xu Fengyin.

Xu Fengyin's complexion changed drastically, he screamed badly, and wanted to run away, but the Pangu flag rolled him into the flag like an ant, and Wanjun crushed him with great force in an instant.

Xu Fengyin stretched out his hands to block the Pangu banner, and the three flowers on his head bloomed together!

The girl in black sneered slightly, and said, "What a brat who can't control himself!"

She clenched the long sword in her hand, fixed her eyes on Yuanshi Tianzun, and looked for the opportunity to escape: "Now Yuanshi's cultivation base is by no means weaker than that of Luo Hu in the past. If Hongjun doesn't make a move, I'm afraid no one can hold him back." He...unless it's that person..."

"Amitabha! Benefactor Xu, the old monk is here to save you!" Tathagata took a step forward, and with a big handprint, he struck Yuanshi Tianzun's right arm.

Yuanshi Tianzun waved the Pangu flag with one hand to hold Xu Fengyin down, and raised Yu Ruyi with the other hand and slammed it forward lightly, colliding with the Tathagata's big handprint.

In an instant, waves appeared in the space, followed by shattering in all directions, and countless space fragments turned into sharp blades and swept out in all directions.

Manjusri Bodhisattva and others screamed out in pain, and those who were slightly weak in cultivation were smashed to pieces by the sharp blade of space.

The girl in black stepped back and waved her right hand to block the shattered space fragments.

Tathagata flew out and struck Yuanshi Tianzun with his palm.

Yuanshi Tianzun held the Pangu banner with one hand, and raised Yu Ruyi with the other hand to block it neatly. The whole process was like a stroll in the courtyard. No matter how Tathagata attacked, he would break it casually.

"A saint cannot live forever. Originally, I only came here for a saint, but since I have encountered Hunyuan, let's kill it!" Yuanshi Tianzun said an extremely arrogant sentence lightly, and suddenly Yu Ruyi slammed down, Tathagata only felt a force several times stronger than his body pressing down, and with a scream, he was knocked down to the ground directly, unable to get up.

Seeing this, the girl in black turned around and left, Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: "Since you are here, then stay!"

Yu Ruyi made a sacrifice, hitting the girl in black on the back with lightning speed.

The girl in black screamed, and she flew forward like a kite with a broken string.

But she is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian after all, although she was seriously injured, she did not die, and flew forward with all her strength.


At the same time, Xu Fengyin shouted violently, opened the Pangu flag and rushed out.

The Tathagata also turned over and jumped up, rushing towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, kicked Tathagata flying wildly with one foot, shook the Pangu banner violently with his left hand, and the banner wrapped Xu Fengyin in again, rolled it suddenly, and crushed Xu Fengyin into pieces in an instant. smash.

He raised his head and looked in the direction where the girl in black was fleeing, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Chaoge City...Xin Xijia fled to Chaoge City, hmph, is there a savior there?"

Yuanshi Tianzun turned around, approached Tathagata slowly, flipped his left hand, and the Pangu flag also rolled him into the flag, and then walked in the direction of Chaoge City.

Only Jin Ling, Manjusri and others were left with a look of despair.


At this moment.

Chaoge City, Nine Halls.

One piece of news was sent to the palace, and Huang Feihu presented it to Emperor Ziwei of Zhongtian North Pole.

After quickly flipping through the news, Yin Jiao's face became increasingly ugly.

"Yesterday, the sea of ​​blood was turbulent. The Western Zhou Dynasty encountered a strong enemy, and the Asura clan was wiped out! The leader Styx rose up to resist, and was nailed to death in the sea of ​​blood with a long sword!"

"This morning, the Northern Darkness changed drastically, and cold fire shrouded the sea! The Kunpeng clan was wiped out! The demon master was suppressed by a powerful enemy! He lost his vitality."

"Great changes in the East China Sea! Yun Zhongzi went to the Biyou Palace in the East China Sea, and was crucified to death with the Qingping sword by the leader of Tongtian Cult! The leader of Tongtian Cult wants to reset the world and wipe out all living beings!"

"Three days ago, West Kunlun changed dramatically. Strange beasts sprang out from the cave, and they seemed to be moved by someone. Now they have stepped into Sishui Pass, flattened Qinglong, Jiameng, entered Jiepai Pass, and faced the beasts in the cave through Yunyun Pass! Kong Xuan We have gone to Chuanyunguan to resist the beast!"

"Lingshan has undergone drastic changes! Buddhism has encountered a powerful enemy, and the Tathagata passed away!"


One piece of news was more frightening than the other one. Yin Jiao's face was gloomy and his upper body trembled slightly when he saw the last one.

The mountains and seas came too fast. Although Honghuang had already made preparations, by the time Yin Jiao reacted, more than half of the prehistoric saints had been wiped out.

"This time is different from that of the Peacock Great Desolation. The mountains and seas and the Great Desolation did not send thunder to destroy the world, but let the strong first suppress or kill the saints and Hunyuan in the Great Desolation, and then destroy the Great Desolation..." Beside, Su The concubine said: "Blood Sea, Biyou Palace, Buddhism, these forces are not saints sitting in the town, they have Hunyuan, and they are the ones who destroyed the mountains and seas first."

Yin Jiao said: "The great merchants also have sages and Hunyuan, so their next target is us? But the biggest force in Honghuang is actually Zixiao Palace. Why didn't you hear the news that Shanhaihonghuang attacked Zixiao Palace?"

Concubine Su thought for a while and said: "After all, Zixiao Palace has Taoist ancestors sitting in the town, and the number of Hunyuan is the largest, so it is not so easy to deal with. If the Taoist master does not show up, those strong people may not be able to hurt Hongjun. According to this momentum, the mountains and the seas are flooded. The next one to be wiped out is Da Shang."

Yin Jiao thinks about it too, Hongjun is the manifestation of the way of heaven, although he is the way of heaven, the way of heaven is not him, but in the prehistoric world, he is the strongest combat power, even if it is a nine-rank saint, it is difficult to beat Hongjun to good.

If Shanhai Honghuang wanted to deal with Zixiao Palace, he had to use the Dao Level.

And the last time Lei Ze, a Dao-level powerhouse, was hit hard by a mysterious woman in Da Luotian, now Shanhai Honghuang wants to come up with another Dao-level, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Even if you want to invite Dao level, you have to have a god more powerful than Lei Ze.

Most likely, the Daoist made the move himself.

"Father has been in seclusion more than 100 years ago, isn't there no sign of leaving the seclusion now?" Yin Jiao muttered to himself.

"Report! Emperor Ziwei, a Taoist nun from outside came to visit, claiming to be an old friend of the emperor."

Yin Jiao was slightly taken aback, did any of his friends belong to Taoist nuns?

"please come in."

Soon, a girl in black passed through the Meridian Gate and came outside the Nine Halls, and said with a smile, "Your Highness Yin, do you still recognize my concubine?"

Yin Jiao was taken aback for a moment, looking at the girl in black, feeling familiar, but couldn't remember who it was.

"Did you forget me after only a few hundred years? His Royal Highness Yin is really ruthless. It's useless for me to treat you like this in the past..." The girl in black said quietly: "My surname is Xin, and my first name is Xi. Do you remember? My Highness Yin ?”

Yin Jiao was stunned for a while, thinking hard, and finally realized: "It's you?"

This person was Xin Xi, whom she had a relationship with hundreds of years ago. At that time, she claimed to be a Taoist in Zixiao Palace, and her Taoism was mediocre. Later, she disappeared for no reason, and Yin Jiao did not look for her.

To Yin Jiao, Xin Xi was just a woman he had slept with in his long immortal life, and he had long forgotten about it.

The girl in black looked at Yin Jiao with a smile. Hundreds of years ago, she obtained the body of a Hunyuan man, and used illusion to change the image of the body to trick Yin Jiao into having sex.

Until now, Yin Jiao probably doesn't know that he has become a shit-stirring stick.

Later, Xinshijia cultivated a physical body by herself, and had already abandoned the male body, so she no longer needed to use illusions to change her image.

Concubine Su stared at Xin Xijia indifferently, and said, "You are not from the prehistoric world!"

Yin Jiao's face changed slightly, he stared at Xin Xijia vigilantly, and said coldly, "Who are you? Why did you deceive me back then!"

Xin Xijia sighed slightly and said: "I am indeed not from Honghuang, I am actually a puppet in the hands of your father Di Xin. Back then, I only lied to you and my identity. Besides, Your Highness Yin, Did I lie to you about anything else?"

The most I can do is lie to you to have sex with Hongjun's good corpse, it's okay.Xinshijia thought inwardly.

Yin Jiao's expression softened slightly. After all, he was a woman with whom he had a romantic relationship. He said, "What are you doing here?"

Xin Xijia took a deep breath, and said straight to the point: "I met another primordial Yuanshi Tianzun, he wants to kill all saints, Hunyuan, Tathagata, Xu Fengyin has been killed by him, and now he is chasing Kill me! Your Highness Yin, I have come to ask you for help."

Yin Jiao: ...

Are you sure you didn't come to seek my life?

Yuanshi Tianzun chased and killed you, so you let him kill you, why did you come to me?

Seeing that Yin Jiao's face became ugly, Xin Xijia said, "Even without me, Yuanshi Tianzun would still kill Da Shang. Your Highness Yin, go and ask your father to come out."


Visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, I met a brat who insisted on setting off firecrackers, one box after another, which made me numb.ah!How can I bear such a heavy burden at my age?

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