Yin Jiao: "..."

Yin Jiao shook his head and said, "My father entered the Hongmeng Realm for retreat 100 years ago, and he hasn't left the retreat yet."

Although this matter is not a secret, it is not known to everyone.

Xin Xijia immediately showed a disappointed look on his face when he heard the words, and said: "Yuanshi may kill Chaoge at any time, and now nowhere is safe, only the Hongmeng Realm can take refuge, Your Highness Yin, you can enter the Hongmeng Realm go?"

Yin Jiao was silent, shaking his head slowly.

At this moment, on the deer platform.

Princess Longji soared into the sky, looking from a distance, she could see the bloody light covering the southwest, the killing spirit rushed into the air, and the southeast was not calm.

"There is a problem in the cave of Kunlun Mountain, and the four evil spirits appeared. Not only the four evil spirits, but also some unspeakable strange monsters. Are these strange beasts from the mountains and seas?" Princess Longji murmured.

She is dressed in a blue Taoist robe, wearing an ebony Taoist hairpin on her head, her fairy sleeves fluttering, and she rides the wind and clouds.

There are a few girls beside him, some are wearing Taoist robes with a fairy air, some are wearing luxurious clothes with a noble air, and some are wearing red armor with a heroic appearance.

It was the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, Jiang Qian, Deng Chanyu and others.

They left the Hongmeng Realm a long time ago and came to Dashang. They never expected that Honghuang would undergo great changes.

When they were about to return to the Hongmeng Realm, the Hongmeng Realm suddenly couldn't be opened. After thinking about it for a while, the girls knew that this was a critical period for the transformation of the Hongmeng Realm, and no one would be allowed to enter the Hongmeng Realm.

When this period passes, the Hongmeng Realm will completely change into a great world like a prehistoric one.

After discussion, the girls decided to stay in Dashang and fight against the enemy together.

"Look, the sky is filled with red light. It seems that the mountains and seas have already reached Chuanyun Pass." The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit said, pointing to the distance.

All the girls nodded one after another, with serious expressions on their faces.

"Kong Xuan has already gone to Chuanyunguan. With his current cultivation base, he is enough to suppress one side, but the mountains and seas are floods after all. Even if Lei Ze is seriously injured, there are many Hunyuan strongmen. Kong Xuan may not be able to resist it alone." I just hope that the king will leave the customs as soon as possible." Deng Chanyu said softly.


Through the cloud pass.

Standing on the gate, Kong Xuan saw a wave of beasts approaching from a distance, and a terrifying aura rushed towards his face.

Just facing this aura, General Guanzhong felt numb and weak, trembling all over.

Kong Xuan took a deep breath, and released the breath of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, covering the entire Cloud Piercing Pass.

At the same time, he took a step forward, and the five-color divine light loomed behind him, and the coercion poured out overwhelmingly, fighting against the fierce aura emanating from the beast tide.

In the midst of the beast tide, the Taotie with the body of a bull and the face of a man looked at the not tall figure of Chuanyunguan, and said, "This person is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his strength should not be underestimated, but eating him is also a great merit." .”

"Hmph, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, can you eat it?" the gigantic Zhuwu sneered, his tail was one foot and eight feet, shaking slightly behind him.

Taotie laughed wildly: "There is nothing I can't eat, you just showed me!"

Amidst the laughter, Taotie soared into the sky, flew towards Kong Xuan, and said with a grinning grin: "That Hunyuan Immortal, come up to kill him!"

Kong Xuan narrowed his eyes and said, "One of the four evil spirits, Taotie. Good time!"

With the spear in hand, Kong Xuan stepped forward and stabbed Taotie.

Taotie opened his mouth to inhale, and suddenly the wind covered the sun, a strong suction came, and the golden light on Kong Xuan's body was also affected by it, and the warriors in Chuanyun pass were sucked up by the strong wind, and flew towards Taotie's huge mouth.

Kong Xuan shouted angrily, and the five-color divine light behind him shone, fighting against Taotie.

At the same time, Chaos, who had no eyes, no mouth, no nose and no ears, shook his body and strode out. The mountains and rivers were shattered, the space was torn apart, and the entire Cloud Piercing Pass was split into two parts.

Qiongqi flew into the sky, and directly ate people in Guanzhong.This ferocious beast looks like a tiger, but it has two wings. The wings are flapping, and the wind is strong. There are almost no immortals who can join him.

Although Wuwu hadn't made a move yet, most of Chuanyun Pass had been destroyed.

Kong Xuan was frightened and angry, and the five-colored light behind him flicked suddenly, covering Taotie in it, and then he was trapped in the light, and flew towards Qiongqi.


Haotian and a group of gods looked at this scene through the sky mirror, their faces were solemn.

The cultivation base of the four evil spirits has reached the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and even stepped into the ranks of high-level.

Every evil has the power to destroy the world. Now that the four evils are coming out together, even a saint in the world will not be able to deal with them.

But Kong Xuan was able to forcibly suppress a murderer, which is really rare.

"Your Majesty, do you want to send troops to support Da Shang?" Taibai Jinxing asked below.

Haotian shook his head lightly, and said, "I don't have much available in Heaven."

If the conferring of the gods goes well, the Heavenly Court will have 360 ​​five righteous gods, and they will become the number one force in the prehistoric world.

However, because Zishou set up the Immortal Terrace to snatch souls, the gods conferred by the heavens are all crooked, and occasionally there are some powerful ones, but they are no more than Daluo Jinxian.

Facing such powerful four evil spirits, the heavenly court is to send them off.

At the beginning, you were the one who wanted to be a fairy, and you were the one who made a fairy, and now you want my help, you are thinking about shit... Haotian said in his heart.

He looked into the mirror, and saw that although Kong Xuan had surrounded Taotie with five-color divine light, he had lost the upper hand in the fight against Qiongqi.

And with Zhu Wu's attack, the huge tail was thrown out suddenly, Kong Xuan was also defeated directly, and fled away.

Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian wanted to escape, but few people in the world could catch him.

However, once Kong Xuan left, Chuanyun Pass fell directly.

"Your Majesty, there are eggs under the nest, we can't stand by and watch." Taiyi Tianzun said with a slightly dark face.

He was originally a real person who explained and taught Taiyi. At that time, Zishou was sent to the list of gods in the Conferred God War.

Haotian shook his head and said: "How can I not understand the truth of dead lips and cold teeth, who of you is willing to lead the army to fight against the four evils?"

All the immortals are silent.

Taiyi Tianzun didn't speak up either.

Haotian snorted lightly, and said: "I begged to see Daozu three times, but it's a pity that Daozu didn't want to see me. I'm tired, let's retreat!"


Kong Xuan was wrapped in Taotie and flew all the way towards Tongguan, his inner thoughts were ups and downs, the four murderers were powerful, he was able to win the first murderer, and he could even suppress it with five-color divine light, the second murderer could only be a tie, if the third murderer He can only be defeated without a doubt, but if the four evils come together, he can only escape.

"The emperor retreats, there is no one in the heavenly court, and Zixiao Palace does not make a move. Who else can resist the mountains and seas?" Kong Xuan thought to himself.

Just when he was about to reach Tongguan, a burst of golden light hit the ground in front of him, and then turned into little golden lights that burst out in all directions.

In the golden light, an old man in white slowly appeared.

The old man had a childlike face and hefa, holding a jade ruyi in his hand, and said calmly: "Are you Kong Xuan? Very good, the Taoist ordered me to destroy the Southwest. In the Southwest, you, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, are very famous. If I meet you today, I will let you go." It's up to you."

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